March 10, 1994
Breitkreuz Re-Opens Gun Control Debate
May 12, 1994
Breitkreuz Calls Gun Control Laws Bizarre
June 23, 1994
Media Bias on Gun Control Issue
September 21, 1994
Criminal Use of Guns Ignored in Liberal Sentencing Bill
November 8, 1994
Registration of Firearms and Cars not the Same
Breitkreuz asks the Province to Challenge Gun Control Laws
November 18, 1994
Gun Registration Never Worked in Australia and won't Work here
November 21, 1994
Breitkreuz challenges Rock to Debate on Gun Control
December 8, 1994
Rock Says, "We Govern by What is Right!"
Breitkreuz says, "Right for whom?"
January 9, 1995
Project Gun Runner Proves Firearms Registration does not Work
January 25, 1995
Gun Control will Result in More Crime, More Injuries and More
February 8, 1995
What is Killing Canadian Men and Women
Mortality Statistics Show Liberals have their Priorities Wrong
February 14, 1995
Rock Kept his Word - Law Abiding Gun Owners are to be treated
as Criminals
February 27, 1995
Rock's Bill Supports that only Police and Military should have
March 2, 1995
Breitkreuz asks voters to take his "Gen Control Test" and then
March 14, 1995
Cops and Crooks Agree: Gun Control Does Not Control Crime
March 17, 1995
151 Leaks Reported in Police Computers used to Register Guns
March 21, 1995
Anti-Gun Bill Will Force Thousands into Unemployment Lines
March 23, 1995
City Police in Saskatoon Overwhelmingly Oppose Gun Control Bill
March 28, 1995
Rock's Gun Control Bill Invades Areas of Provincial Jurisdiction
March 30, 1995
Justice Minister is trying to Influence Alberta Court Case
April 3, 1995
Made in Ottawa Criminals get Stiffer Penalties than Real
April 5, 1995
Rights of Law Abiding Gun Owners Mauled by Liberal Bullying
April 20, 1995
Liberals Ignore Auditor General's Recommendations on Gun Control
April 25, 1995
Alan Rock can't Explain Where 8 or 9 Million Guns Went
April 27, 1995
Alan Rock Resorts to Snake-Oil Salesman Tactics to Sell Flawed
Gun Control Bill
May 1, 1995
Drug Dealers have more Rights than Law Abiding Gun Owners
May 2, 1995
If only Gun Registration was the Same as Registering a Car
May 8, 1995
New Brunswick Liberals Week-Kneed for not Opposing Gun Control
May 9, 1995
"Rock hasn't done his Homework," says former teacher Garry
May 18, 1995
Reform Gives Voice to Over a Million Quebecers
The Views of Quebec gun owners have been "bloc-ed" by their
own MPs
May 19 1995
Justice Committee Must Unite Canadians in Fight Against Violent
May 30, 1995
Insurance Companies say, "Gun Owners not an Identifiable Risk
May 31, 1995
On Behalf of 9,144 Canadians, Breitkreuz presented 373 petitions
Opposed to Bill C-68
June 7, 1995
True Costs of Gun Control Unknown of Hidden by Government
June 9, 1995
Sunset Clause Would Automatically Repeal Ineffective Gun
Control Laws
June 14, 1995
Rock Fudges Another Question on the Real Costs of Gun Control
June 15, 1995
Liberals' Anti-Democracy Actions Prove Canada Needs Direct
Democracy Act
June 19, 1995
Things I would have said if the Liberals Hadn't Invoked Closure
June 20, 1995
Things I would have said if the Liberals Hadn't Invoked
Closure (2)
August 3, 1995
Environics Poll Shows Increasing Opposition to Bill C-68
August 22, 1995
91% of Serving RCMP Officers Opposed to Registration of Guns
August 28, 1995
Bill C-68 is Dead!
If Rock has any doubt he should conduct a national survey of
police officers
September 26, 1995
"Liberal-Tory, same old Story" - Liberals stack Senate to try
and pass Bill c-68
September 28, 1995
Breitkreuz Bill - Sunset Law to Repeal Useless Gun Control
October 24, 1995
Bill C-68 - Ontario Provincial Police AssociationJust Says "No!"
October 24, 1995
Senate Urged to Consider Data on Defensive uses of Guns in
Their Review
November 8, 1995
Police Magazine Editorials Question Logic of Gun Registration
November 15, 1995
5,900 more Police Officers or Gun Registration? You Decide
November 20, 1995
Gun Registration Estimated to Cost Municipalities Over Half a
Billion a Year
November 22, 1995
Passage of Anti-Gun BIll Proves the Need for an Elected Senate
December 6, 1995
Passage of Anti-Gun BIll Proves the Need for an Elected Senate
January 19, 1996
Now the Gun Bill is Law, Everyone's Rights are Threatened
January 22, 1996
"Saskatchewan's Culture is as Unique as Quebec's" says Breitkreuz
February 9, 1996
Liberals Refuse to Release Results of Gun Control Evaluation
May 17, 1996
RCMP Don't Know if the Handgun Registration System has Solved
One Crime
May 29, 1996
Breitkreuz Bill Would Stregthen Property in Federal Law
August 27, 1996
Why is Government Taking Mounties off the Highways and Back
into the Office
September 9, 1996
Liberal Firearms Bureaucracy Grows to 107 to Implement Flawed
Gun Laws
September 19, 1996
Breitkreuz Finds Way for Saskatchewan to Raise Millions for
Health Care
October 1, 1996
Provincial Constitutional Challenge of Bill C-68 Could Save
Taxpayers Millions
October 3, 1996
Just What was Said
Is this Misrepresentation a Preview of Next Years Liberal
Election Strategy
October 16, 1996
Liberal Evaluation of Gun Control Does not Address Cost
October 30, 1996
What's Killing Canadians?
Breitkreuz Releases 1994 Mortality Statistics
November 4, 1996
National Crime Prevention Week - It'd the Family Stupid!
November 6, 1996
Americans and Mexicans have more Property Rights in Canada than
November 8, 1996
Reform Right to Oppose Firearms Registration
November 8, 1996
Allan Rock's Proposed Firearms Fees will kill Thousands of Jobs
November 28, 1996
Criminals are Stealing Guns from the Police - Liberals
December 3, 1996
Breitkreuz Bill would epeal Gun Laws that Can't Pass "Public
Safety Test"
December 10, 1996
Breitkreuz Introduces the Peoples Tax Form Act
December 18, 1996
Breitkreuz Urges Everyone to Fly a Red Ribbon on their Cars
Over the Holidays
January 6, 1997
Justice Minister Joins Prime Minister in Deceiving Canadians
February 4, 1997
Memorandum - To: Sub Committee Reviewing Firearms Act Regulations
February 14, 1997
Liberal Senator Carstairs' Social Re-engineering Projects Never
March 6, 1997
Letter to the Minister of Environment and Resources
Indian and Metis Hunting Rights in Saskatchewan
March 12, 1997
Number of Police at Lowest Level Since 1972
No Wonder Criminals are Laughing
March 18, 1997
Breitkreuz Introduces Charter of Duties and Responsibilities
April 8, 1997
Re: Catherine Ford Gun Control Column
The Ottawa Citizen
April 8, 1997
Re: Panel Discussion on Gun Control
Sunday Edition
April 25, 1997
Power Grab: Fundamental Principles of Democracy Being Violated
June 6, 1997
News Column
by: Jack Ramsay, M. P. for Crowfoot
June 25, 1997
The Federal Justice Minister Should have been First off the Mark
July 11, 1997
Appeal to Supreme Court Necessary in Burns and Rafay Cases
August 29, 1997
More Police on the Street will Improve Public Safety
If gun registration reduces crime, why are handgun homicides
October 14, 1997
The Future of Legislative Counsel and a Defence of M.P.'s rights
October 23, 1997
Speaker's Ruling sets House of Commons Back 400 Years
November 5, 1997
Breitkreuz Motion Adjourns Debate on CWB Bill
Poorly drafted ammendments are a concern for all partiesat Ag
November 7, 1997
Breitkreuz Fights Gun Registration Regs. with Common-Sense Bill
November 17, 1997
Liberal's Real Agenda on Gun Control revealed on Friday
November 27, 1997
Speaker's Rulings Deny M.P.s' Rights for 4th Time in a Row
December 3, 1997
Reform Justice Critics Walk out of Committee Meeting in
December 11, 1997
What are the Liberals Hiding at UN Firearms Workshops?
January 19, 1998
Cukier Evasive about UN Firearm Workshops
February 2, 1998
Axworthy Admits he Vetoed Pankiw
February 20, 1998
Liberals are killing thousands of jobs with laws and regulations
that make no sense
February 23, 1998
Re: Setting the record straight on Gun Control
The Ottawa Citizen
March 9, 1998
RCMP Commissionersays Justice Department Misrepresented
Statistics for Firearms and Violent Crime during Debate of
Bill C-68
April 2, 1998
RCMP Won't Swear Affidavit that Firearms Statistics Introduced
by the Justice Department in Alberta Court of Appeal are
April 7, 1998
Response to Ms. Suzanne LaPlante-Edward's letter in
The Montreal Gazette
April 23, 1998
Breitkreuz Requests Auditor General to Uncover Total Costs of C-68
April 28, 1998
Number of Firearms "Involved in Crimes" Still in Dispute
April 28, 1998
What will Bill C-68 cost Taxpayers?
April 30, 1998
Repeal C-68, The Firearms Act, Say 2,275 Petitioners to
May 5, 1998
Government Says Gun Registration No More Complex than Income
Tax System
May 8, 1998
Firearm Registration Postcard is already 8 1/2 by 14 and
Very Complex
Bill C-284
An Act to amend An Act for the Recognition and Protection of
Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and to amend the
Constitution Act, 1867
Bill C-357
An Act to provide for the expiry of gun control legislation that
is not proven effective within five years of coming into force
Reforms to the Young Offenders Act
Critique of Justice Department Evaluation (ED1996-1e)
A Statistical Analysis of the Impacts of the 1977 Firearms
Control Legislation
A Reform Government will Repeal Bill C-68
Petition for motion M300:
Canada should recognize the fundamental right of individuals to
pursue family life free from interference by the State.
Petition to add Property Rights to the Charter of Rights
Statement of Duties and Responsibilities of a Canadian Citizen