October 3, 1996 For Immediate Release


"Is this misrepresentation a preview of next year's Liberal election strategy?"

HANSARD--Tuesday, October 1, 1996


Mr. Bernie Collins (Souris-Moose Mountain, Lib.): Mr. Speaker, all Canadians understand and appreciate that law, order and respect for the individual are important components in a free and democratic society. I believe Canadians would react very strongly to anyone or anything that would threaten our quality of life which is based on, among other things, our respect for law and order. It is true that not all laws are popular with all Canadians.

However, by respecting these laws we guarantee order in our society. Anyone who intentionally encourages defiance or disrespect for these laws would be acting irresponsibly and should be denounced.

Last month the Reform member for Yorkton-Melville visited my riding of Souris-Moose Mountain in order to advise people not to respect Bill C-68. I find this action irresponsible and now wonder if the leader of the Reform Party agrees with the member that it is not necessary to respect the law. If not, he should say so.

HANSARD--Wednesday, October 2, 1996


Mr. Garry Breitkreuz (Yorkton-Melville, Ref.): Mr. Speaker, yesterday in the House the Liberal member for Souris-Moose Mountain made grossly inaccurate statements. He alleged that I was telling people in his riding to not respect the law. That is totally false. In fact it was the opposite.

The audience of over 200 was clearly told they should work to defeat the Liberal government so that Reform could repeal Bill C-68 and farmers and shooters would not have to register their guns.

The member did not come or even send representatives to this most important meeting in Moosomin. For over 200 farmers to show up at this meeting at harvest time shows how important an issue this is. They are frustrated with a government that does not listen and runs roughshod over the fundamental rights of people. Useless laws cause people to lose respect for the law.

Is this member telling his constituents to immediately run out and register their guns? Has he done an about face and decided that gun registration is a cost effective way of controlling crime?

I request that he immediately withdraw his statement. It is totally unacceptable for the member to blatantly misrepresent my words and Reform policy.