From: (Cdn-Firearms Digest) To: Subject: Cdn-Firearms Digest V16 #762 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: normal Cdn-Firearms Digest Friday, May 1 2015 Volume 16 : Number 762 In this issue: Dropping Food Packages to Refugees Without Parachutes Re: "The public is also reminded to be vigilant about their ... Petition Update: High River Judicial Inquiry Judge overstates extent of "sexualized culture" in Canada German police foil Islamist attack ahead of Frankfurt cycle race "self-guiding sniper bullet proving successful" "Retired generals say kids are too fat to fight"-cbs re: the role and function of DART Re: TSTAR: Canada set to take another step back on gun ... A stunning turnabout for Alberta's Prentice Heidi Rathjen: the free ride continues Rebel Roundup: Should Omar Khadr be given the Order of ... Re: Dropping Food Packages to Refugees Without Parachutes Top court turfs N.S. bid for gun-crime minimum terms ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2015 22:07:30 -0700 From: "Jim Pook" Subject: Dropping Food Packages to Refugees Without Parachutes Dropping Food Packages to Refugees Without Parachutes (1991-93) Science, 2 April 1993, page 27. San Francisco Chronicle, 23 March 1993, front page). During the first months of the attack on Afghanistan in the fall of 2001, there were daily news reports about how the U.S. was dropping millions of food packages to the Afghan refugees who could not be safely reached by relief agencies on the ground. Bill Wattenburg was the one who first did the experiments (1991) that proved that our military could and should drop food packages to refugees from high altitude without parachutes when the refugees are in hostile areas. This is now standard operating procedure for the U.S. military. In 1991, Bill Wattenburg was the first person to demonstrate that small food packages can be safely dropped by cargo planes at high altitude, as is now being done to fed the refugees in Afghanistan. (see "Dropping food packages to refugees without using parachutes," Science, 2 April 1993, page 27. Also San Francisco Chronicle, 23 March 1993, front page). This eliminates the great expense of parachutes and the danger to our flight crews when they must fly at low altitude to drop large food pallets by parachute over hostile areas. But relief officials and the U.S. military would not try his idea for several years -- until a fortunate sequence of events took place. Bill Wattenburg was asked by the U.S. Government in April 1991 to be the U.S. scientific advisor to the Kuwaiti Government and help them put out the 500 oil well fires in Kuwait. In the course of this effort, he received daily reports on the continuing conflict in northern Iraq and saw films of the Kurdish refugees in northern Iraq being machine gunned by Iraqi soldiers when the refugees flocked to the large food pallets that U.S forces were dropping by parachute in remote areas. Wattenburg insisted that small food packages could be dropped from high altitude without the packages breaking up when they hit the ground. (See San Francisco Chronicle article above.) He proved that air resistance would limit the dropping velocity to the same limiting velocity no matter how high the altitude of the airplane. Dropping individual packages from high altitude would also scatter the food over larger areas so that refugees would not be easy targets for hostile soldiers who could target parachutes as they dropped. Records show that he did his first experiments at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in May 1991 by dropping supermarket food packages from a small plane flying at 5000 ft. altitude (Granola Bars, cereal boxes, and plastic wrapped items of all sorts). Relief officials would not try his idea in northern Iraq. But he pestered the Pentagon for the next two years. In 1993, our military began dropping food by parachute on large pallets to refugees in the war in Bosnia. Again, our cargo planes had to fly dangerously low over hostile territory. Hostile forces were targeting the refugees on the ground when they flocked to the food pallets, or the hostile forces would simply take the food. Bill Wattenburg told Dr. Jane Hull in the White House National Security Office about his experiments and how well they worked. She immediately called the Joint Chiefs of Staff's Office in the Pentagon (see Science article above). The Joint Chiefs of Staff ordered the Air Force to try Wattenburg's idea as soon as possible over Bosnia by dropping thousands of regular military "Meals Ready to Eat" (MRE's) packages from high altitude without parachutes by just kicking them out the back of a cargo plane flying at 5,000 feet. Quaker Oats Company quickly contributed 100,000 sealed granola bars to go along with the MRE's. The procedure was an instant success for all. As Bill predicted, most of the packages dropped without parachutes were unbroken and the food was scattered over a wide area so that all refugees had an equal chance of picking up the food. The kids in particular were most successful (as one would expect in any Easter Egg hunt). The Pentagon soon announced that this would be the new military standard operating procedure for dropping food to refugees over hostile areas. (Of course, a Pentagon spokesperson soon suggested to the press that the military had been thinking about this idea for many years.) Thousands of starving refugees can be thankful that Bill Wattenburg took the time to test one of his seemingly silly ideas one afternoon from a light plane at 5000 ft. over a farmer's field near Livermore. --------------------------------------- Jim Pook Richmond My MP - Alice Wong, MP Minister of State for Seniors ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 1 May 2015 02:13:42 -0400 From: Kindanyume Subject: Re: "The public is also reminded to be vigilant about their ... ...own ... sadly not a shock Larry I've been told by police to do exactly that sort of BS after defending myself and others via violence since they were unavailable. I told the officer in question to f*** off I will always defend myself and others to the best of my ability and if he has a problem with such.. tough shit. On Tue, Apr 28, 2015 at 1:45 PM, Larry James Fillo wrote: >" > > > Saskatoon Police Service > "Honour - Spirit - Vision" > > NEWS RELEASE > > > Date: April 28, 2015 10:10 Release Number: 2015-0267 > Released by: Alyson Edwards Occurrence Number: > Subject: Suspicious Activity - Reports from the Public > > The Saskatoon Police Service encourages members of the public to report > suspicious activity in their neighbourhoods. > > > ========================================================================= > > Over the number of hunting seasons, I've wandered afield, alone, armed > and on the trail of wild game, I've never felt worried about being > mugged. > > Isn't it always ironic, those who are trained in hand to hand combat, > carry steel batons, pepper spray, and a pistol, advise the citizenry, > who pay their salary, to cower like a mouse in the shadow of a hawk, > or a pigeon. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, May 1, 2015 9:17 am From: "Dennis Young" Subject: Petition Update: High River Judicial Inquiry From: Dennis R Young Sent: May-01-15 8:15 AM To: Subject: Update on "Premier of Alberta: Call a judicial inquiry into the High River Forced Entries" PETITION UPDATE Dennis R Young just posted an update on the petition you signed, Premier of Alberta: Call a judicial inquiry into the High River Forced Entries. THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT AND YOUR GREAT COMMENTS May 1, 2015 — I encourage everyone to read the reasons why supporters are signing this petition. Comments by a resident of High River and another by a police officer are worth taking your time to read. Thanks for taking a stand to protect our rights and freedoms. Dennis ------------------------- The person (or organization) who started this petition is not affiliated with did not create this petition and is not responsible for the petition content. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 1 May 2015 09:38:24 -0600 From: Edward Hudson Subject: Judge overstates extent of "sexualized culture" in Canada Judge overstates extent of ‘sexualized culture’ in Canada Former Supreme Court justice Marie Deschamps has handed in an 87-page report that concludes there is a ‘sexualized culture' in the Canadian Forces. Question: “Have I internalized it all or am particularly resolute - in other words, a freak who wouldn’t recognize a highly sexualized culture if it bit me in the arse.” - Ed. BY CHRISTIE BLATCHFORD, NATIONAL POST MAY 1, 2015 At first blush it's a withering report - there's a "sexualized culture" within the Canadian Forces that is so pervasive it's "conducive to more serious incidents of sexual harassment and assault" and so hostile to women that victims rarely bother to report or complain. That's the picture in an 87-page report written by former Supreme Court of Canada judge Marie Deschamps, who was asked last summer by retiring Chief of the Defence Staff Tom Lawson to examine the scope of the problem. The report, called External Review into Sexual Misconduct and Sexual Harassment in the Canadian Armed Forces, was released in Ottawa Thursday. Lawson's request came in the wake of sensational allegations in Maclean's magazine and its Quebec sister publication, L'actualite, documenting specific incidents of assault and the military's failure to do anything much about them. In fact, Deschamps' report mirrors the magazines' findings and tone, though it lacks the real names and details that gave the news stories such punch. Confidentiality and anonymity are the imprimatur of this report. The former judge's language is inflammatory: Unnamed cadets at the two Canadian military colleges described sexual harassment as a "passage oblige," almost a mandatory experience, and said sexual assault was "an ever-present risk"; within the lower ranks, unnamed women said they are routinely exposed to "swear words and highly degrading expressions"; experiences with sexual harassment and assault "begin as early as basic training"; unnamed leaders such as senior noncommissioned officers, or NCOs, turn a blind eye to misconduct; some of those charged with investigating it, unnamed military police, don't even know what constitutes consent to sex and infecting it all, a climate where such behaviour is tolerated, or ignored or sanctioned with a wink-wink, nudge-nudge. And though Deschamps grudgingly acknowledges that unnamed higher-ranked women "seemingly do not suffer as much from the sexualized environment" and that some particularly "resolute" victims had been able to confront the perpetrators, she dismisses them as the exception. She actually concludes, of such non-complainers, "this is largely because members appear to internalize the prevailing sexualized culture as they move up through the organization." Deschamps makes 10 recommendations, probably the most critical the establishment of an outside-thechain-of-command agency, with the temporary acronym of CASAH (Centre for Accountability for Sexual Assault and Harassment), which would be responsible for receiving all reports of inappropriate sexual conduct, training, victim support and research. That only makes sense in the small, intimate world of the CF, particularly on bases or when troops are deployed. That soldiers sometimes not only work together but also often live side-by-side makes it more important that victims have a safe place, outside of the hierarchy, to report. But another recommendation would see soldiers allowed to report harassment or assault to the CASAH "without the obligation to trigger a formal complaint process" - a probable recipe for the very sort of mess that saw two Liberal members of Parliament recently suspended, their names and careers in tatters, after two NDP MPs made serious informal allegations against them, but declined to file complaints. The former judge, who retired from the high court in 2012, held town hall meetings at military bases across Canada, did telephone interviews, accepted written statements and organized focus groups, and in total heard from 700 individuals. That's a significant number from across the ranks and I accept that the military, like most civilian institutions from the House of Commons on down, likely has its share of the handsy, sexist and worse, and that the women who came forward to Maclean's and L'actualite suffered. But that's a fraction of the 100,000 regular, reserve and civilian members of the CF, and in Deschamps' florid broad brush strokes, I didn't even recognize the organization I think I know pretty well. I've spent an extended amount of time with Canadian soldiers in three very different ways. Once, I was the lone woman and lone reporter on a Royal Canadian Regiment re-enactment of the regiment's trip to the Yukon in the late 1800s (we travelled by river raft to Dawson City). In the first summer of the war in the former Yugoslavia, when Canadian troops, the Van Doos, were tasked with opening up the Sarajevo airport for humanitarian aid. I was there for several weeks. And finally, in 2006-07, I made four trips, mostly with the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry but also with the other two regular infantry regiments and countless reservists, as an embedded journalist with troops in Kandahar. I certainly heard plenty of profanity and raw language (engaged in it too, often the worst offender) but in none of those places was there a simmering highly sexualized culture, let alone one that was dangerous to women. The tensions were those that I consider normal in fraught environments, or in places where men outnumber women (such as the sports world, where once I worked). Now, that I was never once alarmed or offended may mean only that I am beyond offence, or as Deschamps would say, that I have internalized it all or am particularly resolute - in other words, a freak who wouldn't recognize a highly sexualized culture if it bit me in the arse. But the military she describes is so completely contrary to my own experience that I feel compelled to say so. I found NCOs to be generally good leaders, some superb. Most officers I got to know - a handful of majors and one particularly stellar lieutenant-colonel - are ridiculously well-educated, sophisticated and modern thinkers. At the Royal Military College in Kingston, Ont., where I've been a couple of times, I found the smartest and most engaged students, women and men, in the country; I really struggle to accept that they all would just blithely tolerate sexual harassment as a right of passage. I've also adopted a reserve regiment, and have spent a fair bit of time in their collective company, even at the sort of booze-fuelled events Deschamps so dislikes. The report is likely to cause what is now the usual shock/horror/outrage, as did the CBC's internal report into its own handling of the Jian Ghomeshi scandal, as did the unfolding of the anonymous allegations against the two Liberal MPs. The judge refers to both those stories in her introduction. It's in the third sentence of that intro that she writes, "The problem of sexual misconduct in society at large cannot be overstated." Actually, it's often overstated, and that's just what she's done here, again. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 1 May 2015 10:46:38 -0600 From: Larry James Fillo Subject: German police foil Islamist attack ahead of Frankfurt cycle race Thu Apr 30, 2015 11:39pm IST Related: World German police foil Islamist attack ahead of Frankfurt cycle race FRANKFURT | By Peter Maushagen (Reuters) - German police said on Thursday they had thwarted a planned Islamist attack, detaining a couple with suspected Salafist militant links, and cancelled a Frankfurt May Day cycle race after they had been seen along the route. Public prosecutor Albrecht Schreiber said a search of their home had turned up an automatic assault weapon, 100 rounds of live ammunition, chemicals commonly used in preparing home-made bombs and a canister full of petrol. "Investigations by the police indicate that we have been able to prevent a terrorist attack," Peter Beuth, the interior minister of Hesse, told reporters. "This incident shows that we must all remain very alert." The 35-year-old man had dual Turkish-German citizenship and a criminal record, said Hesse police chief Stefan Mueller. His wife was Turkish and two young children found in their home by police were being cared for by social services. Police decided to detain the man after he was seen buying large amounts of chemicals which can be used to make explosives - using a false name. He was also seen along the route of Frankfurt's May 1 cycle race, which attracts thousands of participants and spectators every year. Police later announced they had cancelled the May Day cycle race as a precaution. BOSTON MARATHON Asked if he suspected the pair had been preparing an attack similar to the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing which killed three people and injured more than 260 spectators, Mueller said: "Clearly since the Boston Marathon these security concerns have been part of the considerations of how to deal with that (danger) before every marathon race in Germany - and that is also valid for cycle races." German newspaper Die Welt identified the couple by their first names and initial - Halil and Senay D. - and said they had links to the Salafist scene in Frankfurt and to the al Qaeda network. It did not identify the source for its report. Salafists advocate a puritanical form of Islam and Germany's BfV domestic intelligence agency says their numbers are rising, as is the number of potential recruits for Islamic State. The BfV estimates that 450 people from Germany have travelled to Syria and Iraq to join radical jihadist forces. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 1 May 2015 10:58:05 -0600 From: Larry James Fillo Subject: "self-guiding sniper bullet proving successful" ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 1 May 2015 11:03:02 -0600 From: Larry James Fillo Subject: "Retired generals say kids are too fat to fight"-cbs ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 01 May 2015 10:25:12 -0700 From: Subject: re: the role and function of DART All good stuff and like I said - I'm sure the people of Nepal will be grateful and appreciative. The not too subtle point I was making re: the North Vancouver disaster study report was that none of the DART capabilities are likely to be applicable if the event of a major earthquake hitting the lower mainland of BC. With no roads or infrastructure, no airport, no bridges, massive destruction on an unprecedented scale, etc., etc., I'm trying to imagine the response that could be effective. Not to minimize the destruction and tragedy of Nepal, but the impact of such a quake on a modern Canadian city would be the stuff of a disaster movie. The scope of such a quake will likely affect the entire west coast, so no help could be expected from west coast US cities in the Pacific Northwest right down to southern California. In the central interior and points north, we joke about the "Zombie Apocalypse" as survivors make their way north in search of the necessities of life. At least those who can travel by any means. It is expected that law & order will be non-existent, the police having their hands full and the PPCLI isolated on Vancouver Island. This a scenario that no one wants to address for a host of reasons, not the least being the horrendous cost of even the basic provisions for such an event. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 1 May 2015 13:23:06 -0400 From: Kindanyume Subject: Re: TSTAR: Canada set to take another step back on gun ... ...control "Heidi Rathjen has been an advocate for gun control since witnessing the 1989 massacre of 14 women at l’École Polytechnique," Witnessing? She was not even within a MILE of the incident.. she's as much a witness / survivor of that as I am and I was many more miles away! Her usual load of BS.. and the star actually published that crap.. /facepalm Oh and not.. no comments section available of course On Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 1:30 PM, Dennis Young wrote: > > By Heidi Rathjen > > Opinion / Commentary > Canada set to take another step back on gun control > Bill C-42, the Common Sense Firearms Licensing Act, could hardly have a > more ironic name. > By: Heidi Rathjen Published on Thu Apr 30 2015 > > > > > Last week the federal standing committee on public safety launched its > hearings into Bill C-42, the ironically named Common Sense Firearms > Licensing Act. The bill, which would loosen controls on possession > permits, assault weapons and the transportation of handguns, could hardly > be farther from common sense. Astoundingly, the committee is not > scheduled to hear a single witness representing police organizations, > or for that matter any public safety, crime prevention or legal experts, > all people in a unique position to comment on the likely consequences > of the proposed legislation. Instead, the hearings consist of only four > hours of testimony from nine witnesses: two private groups defending > gun control versus seven defending pro-gun interests. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 1 May 2015 11:37:35 -0600 From: "Joe Gingrich" Subject: A stunning turnabout for Alberta's Prentice "Jim Prentice doesn't have the chops. Who knew?" Prentice is a Gun-grabber too, just like deceitful anti-gun Harper. A stunning turnabout for Alberta's Prentice By Michael Den Tandt, The Starphoenix May 1, 2015 So, Jim Prentice doesn't have the chops. Who knew? And what a pity for his supporters that this should be revealed now, in such stark fashion, with Alberta's election five days away. The aggregate of recent surveys, as tracked by threehundredeight. com, has Rachel Notley's New Democrats bolting into the home stretch with 38.7 per cent support. Prentice's governing Tories are 10 points back at 28.7 per cent. Wildrose, led by Brian Jean, runs a close third at 25.1 per cent. These numbers, should they hold through Tuesday, could see the NDP with a comfortable minority or even a razorthin majority. It is, in a word, odd. Revolutionary would also do.------ ----For a man often mentioned as a possible future prime minister, it's a stunning turnabout. Because of the history this election can't be called, polls notwithstanding. But that an NDP-led government in Alberta is even possible is truly remarkable. Tuesday, maybe, we go through the looking glass. Odd, is what it is. Revolutionary would also do. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 1 May 2015 12:43:45 -0700 From: j davies Subject: Heidi Rathjen: the free ride continues Correcting some obvious errors: Was; > Heidi Rathjen has been an advocate for gun control since witnessing the > 1989 massacre of 14 women at lcole Polytechnique, where she was an > engineering student. Shes a spokesperson for PolyRemembers. Truthful, corrected version; Heidi Rathjen has successfully spun her alleged witnessing of the 1989 massacre of 14 women at lcole Polytechnique into a highly paid career in the liberal anti-male emotion industry. Sure beats working for a living. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, May 1, 2015 1:50 pm From: "Amanda Achtman" Subject: Rebel Roundup: Should Omar Khadr be given the Order of ... ...Canada? Dear Firearms, Below are three of our top stories from the past week. Did you see the latest crazy news from the media party? The Toronto Star thinks we should give terrorist Omar Khadr the Order of Canada. Ezra discusses the calm normalization of evil that's happening all over again. Next, Brian analyses Justin Trudeau's idea that new warnings about Muslim radicalization in Canada are merely "fear mongering", pointing out that Trudeau would rather kneel at the altar of multiculturalism than deal with the security realities of today. And finally, Marissa discusses euthanasia and expresses her fear that we're months away from euthanasia becoming de facto legalized across Canada, with no limits. What are we communicating through our laws about the lives of disabled, depressed, and elderly Canadians? Join the conversation in the comments sections under the videos. Have a good weekend, Amanda Achtman Community Organizer -=-=- The Rebel - Canada -=-=- ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 1 May 2015 13:51:12 -0700 From: Mark L Horstead Subject: Re: Dropping Food Packages to Refugees Without Parachutes - -------------------------------------------- On Fri, 5/1/15, Jim Pook wrote: > Subject: Dropping Food Packages to Refugees Without Parachutes > To: > Date: Friday, May 1, 2015, 1:07 AM > > Dropping Food Packages to Refugees Without Parachutes > (1991-93) Fascinating, although if "high altitude" means that, and not 5000 feet, then aim would be rather suspect without decent wind condition data over the drop zone. > "Meals Ready to Eat" (MRE's) Also known as "Meals Rejected by Everyone". They're not that bad, but I've never had to eat them for a long period. Our IMPs (Individual Meal Packs) are better. I am aware of refugees refusing to eat MREs. Something tailored to the sensitivities of the intended recipients, in Dayglo bags rather than the standard low-visibility brown and with labels in the local language, would be preferable. Dropping water in that manner would not work quite as well. Thunderstorms are forecast for the next few days, and monsoon season starts in June, but that will suck for a lot of people for some time to come. Mark ------------------------------ Date: Fri, May 1, 2015 5:06 pm From: "Dennis Young" Subject: Top court turfs N.S. bid for gun-crime minimum terms Top court turfs N.S. bid for gun-crime minimum terms PAUL McLEOD OTTAWA BUREAU - Last Updated May 1, 2015 - 9:49am EXCERPT: But the Nova Scotia case had a different angle that could have restored mandatory minimums in cases where the gun in question is loaded. In striking down mandatory minimums, the Supreme Court cited hypothetical situations wherein a person could be sentenced to prison for mistakenly storing an unloaded firearm improperly. The senior Crown counsel for the Nova Scotia Public Prosecution Service argued that under the MacDonald case, mandatory minimums could still be upheld specifically in cases involving loaded weapons. "(That element) hadn't really been dealt with head-on. . That was one thing we thought we had a little different to add to the mix," said Jennifer MacLellan. However, the Supreme Court declined to hear the appeal. The government will have to introduce new legislation if it wants to attempt to reinstate mandatory minimums on gun crimes. This is actually the second time the Supreme Court has been involved in the MacDonald case. MacDonald initially appealed his convictions all the way up to the top court by arguing police conducted an unreasonable search by pushing the door open. MacDonald lost his Supreme Court appeal and was ultimately resentenced to 18 months in jail, but his sentence was stayed. ------------------------------ End of Cdn-Firearms Digest V16 #762 *********************************** Submissions: Mailing List Commands: Moderator email: List owner: FAQ list: http://www.canfirearms/Skeeter/Faq/cfd-faq1.html Web Site: CFDigest Archives: To unsubscribe from _all_ the lists, put the next four lines in a message and unsubscribe cdn-firearms-digest unsubscribe cdn-firearms-chat unsubscribe cdn-firearms end (To subscribe, use "subscribe" instead of "unsubscribe".)