From: (Cdn-Firearms Digest) To: Subject: Cdn-Firearms Digest V16 #604 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: normal Cdn-Firearms Digest Tuesday, January 13 2015 Volume 16 : Number 604 In this issue: 'Third Ottawa man arrested in terror probe" Resistance isn't futile. Question orders. David Harris - on the cost of monitoring potential jihadis ... BATFE Flouts the Constitution The Police Threat Is Too High - Paul Craig Roberts Punishing Muslims for Paris killings is the same as ... Ottawa 'closely monitoring' as video repeats ISIS calls for ... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 15:44:04 -0600 From: Larry James Fillo Subject: 'Third Ottawa man arrested in terror probe" Third Ottawa man arrested in terror probe By Corey Larocque, Ottawa Sun First posted: Monday, January 12, 2015 01:10 PM CST | Updated: Monday, January 12, 2015 02:07 PM CST (QMI Agency/CARMINE MARINELLI) RCMP have arrested a third Ottawa man in a terror probe that surfaced with the arrest of two brothers on Friday. The RCMP Integrated National Security Enforcement Team (INSET) on Monday arrested and charged Suliman Mohamed, 21, from Ottawa with participating in the activity of a terrorist group and conspiracy to participate in a terrorist activity. RCMP say this arrest is linked to the arrests of Ottawa twin brothers Ashton and Carlos Larmond, both 24, made on Friday. Ottawa Police and the OPP also participated in the Mohamed investigation. “These recent arrests underscore the reality that there are individuals in Ontario and in Canada who have become radicalized to a violent ideology, and who are willing to act upon it,” said RCMP chief Supt. Jennifer Strachan, the Mounties' criminal operations officer for Ontario. “Thanks to the ongoing collaborative efforts of our INSET partners, we are in a better position to target these threats and protect the Canadian public.” Ashton Carleton Larmond was charged with facilitating terrorist activity, participation in the activity of a terrorist group, and instructing to carry out activity for a terrorist group. His brother Carlos Larmond was arrested Friday at the Pierre-Elliott Trudeau International Airport in Montreal as he was preparing to leave the country. The RCMP allege he was preparing to fly overseas to take part in terrorist activity abroad. The RCMP have not publicly said what kind of activity the Larmonds are alleged to have been planning, what group they were alleged to support or what country the believe Carlos Larmond was headed to. The RCMP report, issued Monday, did not say what kind of activity they believe Mohamed was involved in or what group he's alleged to have participated in. The Larmond brothers grew up in Overbrook, attended Rideau High School and one of the twins was seen at the Assalam mosque on St. Laurent Blvd., approximately two years ago.​ The brothers appeared in court during the weekend and their lawyer, Joseph Addelman, said both plan to 'vigorous' defend themselves against the charges. Anyone with information on terrorism or related suspicious activities is asked to call the National Security Information Network at 1-800-420-5805, or police in their communities. =========================================================== The number of planned attacks that are disrupted or prevented have gone under the radar for security reasons for years in Western countries. It produced a sense of complacency and denial. The sheer number has increased and formal charges are laid more often, again across Western countries. This may be the "new normal" for sometime. All these prosecutions and investigations are expensive. A short jail sentence won't deter a dedicated jihadi as we just saw in France. Preventing them leaving for jihad, may just leave them here to do jihad directly. As we saw in October here. Figuring out tactics to serve a strategy has still to be worked out. Preventing "radicalization" isn't a police task as much as it is a political and a cultural one. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 14:30:50 -0800 From: "Clive Edwards" <> Subject: Resistance isn't futile. Question orders. This article opens with a discussion about economics students asking to be taught the truth, or at least more than just obvious lies. In the comments section is a quote that applies to "official stories" generally: Economics ISN'T that hard to figure out; John Kenneth Galbraith writing in 'Money: Whence it came, where it went' (1975). "The study of money, above all other fields in economics, is one in which complexity is used to disguise truth or to evade truth, not to reveal it. The process by which banks create money is so simple the mind is repelled." The article closes with mention of other "official lies" that are meeting with resistance from those less stupid than their public education would indicate. The gun control meme in the US has all but failed and as a result, many "solutions" no longer seem relevant. When it comes to global warming, we were supposed to be trading carbon credits by now, but that hasn't happened. Instead, the dialectic has expanded and warmists argue to their great frustration about whether global warming exists rather than how to pay for its damages. The War on Drugs is winding down, partially because the nonsensical elements on which it was founded were impossible to sustain, in our view. Violence was supposed to be an inevitable outcome of the War on Drugs, but under the Obama administration, the BATF was caught shipping massive amounts of weaponry to Mexico. That's just one example of how the manipulation was exposed. The directed history underlying so many of these memes has been called into question in the 21st century. It's no wonder the conversation is shifting. Of course, there are limits to what can be easily discussed in this day and age where "telling the truth is a courageous act." Eventually, the elasticity of the "new" conversation shall run into barriers that are not easily surmountable. At this point social tension will ratchet up, as people see for themselves that the Western sociopolitical and economic conversation is in fact highly controlled even though it gives evidences otherwise. 45clive ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 16:41:47 -0600 From: Larry James Fillo Subject: David Harris - on the cost of monitoring potential jihadis ... ...-sunnews It takes 20-30 government agents to effectively monitor a single jihadi? Yikes, and he doesn't mention how long it takes to train them either. Or the shortage of staff and expense of screening immigrants in large numbers. More analysis in 11 minutes than you can get anywhere, and stuff the government can't admit to publicly. David Harris has a wry sense of humour, too. ===================================================================== I preferred the old days of yore, when spycraft involved James Bond, hot cars and hotter women! It was cool to defend the West against totalitarian monsters. I do like the Walter PPK,* and will never forgive it being "prohibited" for peaceful citizens to legally acquire and possess. (that includes the PPK/S and PP, and I'll stop before this gets to be a very long post) ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 19:46:31 -0600 From: "Joe Gingrich" Subject: BATFE Flouts the Constitution ATF is not authorized by the U.S. Constitution to make rulings or regulations pertaining to the right of private citizens to keep and bear arms Following last week's article by Kurt Hofmann concerning BATFE making up (even) more "rules", we offer this article sent to us by Don Cline. He looks particularly at the issue of background checks in considerable depth, and BATFE's broad over-stepping of the bounds in many ways. By Don Cline. January 10th, 2015 "It is time we recognize that the ATF is not authorized by the U.S. Constitution to make rulings or regulations pertaining to the right of private citizens to keep and bear arms. Monograph follows" - Here is an important argument against “background checks” as a precondition to receiving (or being denied) “government permission” to exercise a right. I’ve been posting this argument on every discussion board I can find, and I hope you will all forward it to your lists and either keep it on hand for when you encounter some doofus advocating background checks, or point me toward said doofus so I can present my argument to him (or her) directly. First, it is not beyond the pale to consider background checks not only the death of our right to keep and bear arms, it is also the death of our Bill of Rights. I’ll show you why. Second, do you know the difference between a “right” and a “privilege”? A right is something the citizen may exercise without government knowledge, consent, interference, or oversight. It is beyond the lawful reach of government at any level. A privilege, on the other hand, is something the citizen may do if government permits it, and if government permits it, government may revoke the permission at any time of its choosing, for any reason or no reason, and the citizen has nothing to say about it. (Nothing binding, anyway.) Anyone who tells you different is trying to sell you something. We have a Constitutional Bill of Rights. It’s not a bill of privileges, and it is not a bill of suggestions. Any claim that the Bill of Rights only restrains the federal government, or only applies to the States if the Supreme Court says so, is a – pardon my vernacular – a crock of crap. This kind of suggestion is borne of subversions introduced into our legal system before the ink was dry on the U.S. Constitution, and it is time we put a stop to them. Some of those subversions were introduced “innocently” (in a sense) because, while our founders were brilliant men, the people around them were used to a feudal structure and not a liberty structure – they didn’t know how to deal with it, and they made mistakes because liberty scared them. But truthfully, many, if not nearly all, were intentional subversions and actual insurrections against our Constitution and Bill of Rights because … well, the concept of citizen sovereignty over government is an abomination to certain very powerful people. It sticks in their craw. It is a direct attack on their core philosophy, and their core philosophy is that they are the rightful masters of humankind, and they intend to govern. They are narcissists, and they cannot abide the fact that ordinary people have the right and the capability to say “Up yours!” and make it stick with force of arms if necessary. Background checks: Do you know of any other right that that requires a citizen to undergo a compelled interrogation under penalty of perjury as a precondition to receiving (or being denied) permission to exercise it? Or a compelled search of his private papers and effects on government databases? Look at the Bill of rights: Is there any right listed there that requires government permission to exercise? Look at the U.S. Constitution: Is there any Article, Section, or Clause that authorizes government to issue or deny permission to exercise any of the Rights listed in the Bill of Rights? Specifics: Fourth Amendment: “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.” The purchase of a firearm is not probable cause of criminal conduct and the purchaser is a person. By what authority does the federal government compel an interrogation under penalty of perjury as a precondition to issuing or denying permission it does not have the authority to issue or deny? Important: Are you willing to waive your guaranteed right above against warrantless search and seizure in exchange for government permission to exercise a right government has no authority to require? Fifth Amendment in pertinent part: “No person shall … be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; …” Compelling an interrogation under penalty of perjury – that’s a threat of criminal sanction – and a search as a precondition to issuing or denying permission to purchase a firearm is not due process and the purchaser is a person. Are you willing to give up your guaranteed right above to be secure from being deprived of your life, liberty, or property without due process in exchange for government permission to exercise a right government has no authority to require? Tenth Amendment: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” Can you cite any Article, Section, or Clause of the U.S. Constitution authorizing the federal government to even license firearm dealers? How about any authority to violate the Fourth or Fifth Amendment as a precondition to allowing a citizen to exercise a fundamental Constitutionally-guaranteed right? Putting a finer Constitutional point on it, where is the authority delegated to the federal government to even take notice of a private citizen’s purchase of a firearm? Or to oversee, monitor, database, infringe upon the right, or interfere with the purchase or sale in any way? Second Amendment in pertinent part:* “… (T)he right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” (Period. Full-stop. End of story.) Subversive Constitutional insurrectionist Michael Bloomberg and a couple of his wealthy cronies like Bill Gates spent close to 10 million dollars suckering the citizens of Washington State into passing a voter initiative requiring that every transfer of a firearm, even a temporary one for purposes of inspection or training at a range, be preconditioned by a background check conducted through a firearm dealer. Does a State have the lawful power to violate the Fourth, Fifth, and Tenth Amendments, and impose an a priori restraint on the Second, just because a bunch of voter said so? (Hint: Read the prohibition clause of the Tenth Amendment.) No, States are prohibited that authority, and the voting majority doesn’t have the authority to overcome that prohibition. We do not live in a democracy, folks, we live in a Constitutional Republic in which no one, private citizens or government functionaries, have the lawful power to deprive anyone of their fundamental guaranteed rights.** Bloomberg and his cronies now have their sights set on Nevada, and Arizona, and Maine. Their success in Washington and in those other States will determine whether they destroy our Bill of Rights in the rest of the country or not. In conclusion, let me point out that background checks have never prevented the criminal misuse of firearms in the history of the planet, and they were never intended to. The backers of the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1993 knew background checks would never accomplish that stated goal, but they knew it would eventually accomplish something very dear to their hearts: Rendering the Fourth, Fifth, Tenth, and ultimately the Second, Amendments irrelevant. If you have any desire to see America be restored to a nation founded and perpetuated on principles of personal liberty under the rule of law, do not, ever, vote for any law compelling a background check as a precondition to exercising any right, and let’s mount an effort to repeal the unconstitutional Brady handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1993, and do away with government licensing of gun dealers and background checks. Then we can repeal the unconstitutional Gun Control Act of 1968 that made the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (and now Explosives) the most powerful gun control tyrants in the history of the planet. *I did not quote the preamble to the Second Amendment, which says “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, …” because the founders and the Supreme Court have both made it clear that while the preamble gives the reason for the right, the operative clause I quoted is not in any way limited by the preamble. The people have the right to keep and bear arms. (We also have a right to a Constitutional militia of the people, but that is a different, though closely-related, issue.) **States do have, under the Police Power, the authority to regulate the use of arms, i.e., where, when, under what safety rules, etc., but the Second Amendment prohibits exercise of any State power to infringe or interfere in any way with the right to keep and bear arms. Comments and discussion is welcome, and if you know of a website or individual or media outlet who needs this information, feel free to pass it on to them without alteration, and attributed to me as follows: You cannot arm slaves and expect them to remain slaves. Nor can you disarm a free people and expect them to remain free. --Donald L. Cline -------------------------------------------------------------- Yours in Freedom, The Liberty Crew at JPFO Protecting you by creating solutions to destroy "gun control" 12500 NE 10th Pl | Bellevue | WA 98005 | (800) 486-6963 ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 18:07:34 -0800 From: "Clive Edwards" <> Subject: The Police Threat Is Too High - Paul Craig Roberts The reason I am linking this article from the Daily Bell rather than directly from PCR's own website is the quality of the readers' comments. 45clive The hypocrisy of American police is beginning to bother even law and order conservatives. The New York Police Department is rivaling the black community in Ferguson in keeping alive the murders of their community members. We are constantly reminded of how dangerous it is to be a police officer. A total of 50 police officers were reportedly killed last year in the "line of duty," but the police themselves managed to kill 1,029 Americans during the same time period, most of whom were unarmed and innocent of wrongdoings. In other words, any encounter between the public and the police is more than 20 times more dangerous for the public than for the police. That should raise questions about the absence of restraint on the ability of police to use deadly force as a first resort. Yet authorities and white communities invariably defend police violence against the public. If Americans had half-decent educations, Americans would know that power comes from precedent. The police, like the executive branch, have now established themselves above the law. The laws that apply to the public do not apply to police, US presidents, presidential appointees, NSA and CIA. The URL below provides two short videos of Montana police officer Grant Morrison shooting to death in separate incidents two unarmed drivers pulled over by Morrison in routine traffic stops. In both cases, Morrison's first actions are to scream obscenities and pull the trigger. Morrison comes across as completely crazed. It is inexplicable that Montana permits an armed lunatic to roam the streets pulling over cars. You try doing that. Clearly the police are privileged and, thereby, unaccountable. Watch here: According to news reports, during eight years of what is called the Iraq War more US citizens were murdered by the police than US soldiers were killed in the war. In other words, US police are a greater threat to Americans than enemy forces are to US soldiers who have invaded a foreign country. The other day I heard a NY police commissioner on NPR defend the NY police violence against Eric Garner that resulted in Garner's death. The police commissioner said that Garner more or less brought on his own death by not quickly cooperating with police orders. When asked if selling single cigarettes out of a pack was a sufficiently dangerous act to justify police use of prohibited choke holds, the commissioner said Garner's single cigarette sales were depriving NY City of hundreds of millions of dollars in tax revenues that could be used for more and better schools and hospitals. I was surprised to learn that selling "loosies" was a billion dollar business. Somehow that seems about as hard to believe as everything else authorities tell us. Other countries manage to have police forces that do not indiscriminately gun down their citizens. Yet most Americans will support the police until it happens to them, but keep in mind that every time you get in your car you have placed yourself in far greater danger from police than you face from terrorists. This article contributed courtesy of ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 21:16:32 -0800 From: "Frederick Hoenisch" Subject: Punishing Muslims for Paris killings is the same as ... ...punishing gun owners for l'ecole Polytechnique After listening to today's interview on The Current (CBC Radio) "After Charlie Hebdo shooting, Muslims seek safe space to talk extremism" I felt a need to write the following: Hello Anna Maria, Listening to your guests: Sheema, Sana, and Sumayya speak about the challenges that Muslims are facing, especially after the recent killings in Paris, made me reflect on another tragic event which penalised - and still does to this day - myself and a large group of others who had nothing to do with a deplorable incident which occurred 25 years ago on the opposite side of the country from where I live. That would be the l'ecole Polytechnique murders of 14 women. Since then, as one of over a million Canadian gun owners, I've had knee-jerk legislation thrown at me which would subject me to 4 years in prison if I chose not to comply. I've had friends and family members suggest that I shouldn't talk about my hobby because 'it might offend someone.' And because "I'm a threat", I have to fill out licensing renewal forms every 5 years and get my spouse to sign them. If she didn't - I'd lose my license and all the associated property without any compensation. Whether implicit or subtle, the parallels that between these tragic events that punish innocent people cannot be ignored. If we love our freedom - we need to recognise these wrongs and demand it to stop. Best regards, Fred in Victoria. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 23:33:07 -0600 From: Larry James Fillo Subject: Ottawa 'closely monitoring' as video repeats ISIS calls for ... ... Canada attacks The latest from Stewart Bell =================================================================== Ottawa 'closely monitoring' as video repeats ISIS calls for Canada attacks Stewart Bell | January 11, 2015 | Last Updated: Jan 12 1:52 PM ET While the 9-minute video was a compilation of earlier threats made by ISIS, and was not an official ISIS release, it specifically named Canada and, coming after the Paris attacks and the killings of Canadian Forces members, police were taking no chances. Security agencies were "closely monitoring" the situation after a video repeating calls by ISIS to kill Canadian civilians, police and members of the military was posted on the Internet, Public Safety Minister Steven Blaney said on Sunday. Paris terror attacks highlight problem of how to deal with returning jihadists Ahmad Waseem's return to Windsor, Ont., in 2013 posed a problem for Canadian national security authorities. As a suspected jihadist fighter, with a battle wound to prove it, was he a threat to Canadians? How should they handle him? The 26-year-old solved the problem himself when he disappeared only to resurface in Syria where he remains, occasionally posting selfies and jihadist propaganda on social media under several aliases, most recently Muthanna Al Kanadi. The video showed footage of the attack on Parliament Hill as well as last week's killings in Paris, and quoted from a statement issued last September by ISIS spokesman Abu Muhammad Al Adnani calling for terrorist attacks in the West. While the 9-minute video was a compilation of earlier threats made by ISIS, and was not an official ISIS release, it specifically named Canada and, coming after the Paris attacks and the killings of Canadian Forces members, police were taking no chances. "Given the recent terror attacks in France and in Canada, this new threat should be taken seriously," the RCMP said in a message sent to members on Saturday after the video appeared on a Twitter account that has since been suspended. "Because members of law enforcement are clearly mentioned by ISIS as priority targets, it is critical that you exercise a heightened level of caution and vigilance when carrying out your duties," Deputy Commissioner Mike Cabana wrote. The video surfaced a day after the RCMP arrested twin brothers from Ottawa on multiple counts of terrorism =97 one of whom was stopped as he was allegedly about to board a flight to Frankfurt, raising flags he may have been heading for Syria. Carlos Larmond, 24, was ticketed to transit through Germany to India but authorities suspected the second leg of his trip may have been a ruse. Frankfurt is a popular travel hub for Western extremists on their way to Syria and Iraq via Turkey. Arrested Friday at Montreal's Trudeau airport, he has been charged with two terrorism-related counts: participation in the activity of a terrorist group and attempting to leave Canada to participate in terrorist activity abroad. His twin brother Ashton Carleton Larmond was arrested in Ottawa and has been charged with facilitating terrorist activity, participation in the activity of a terrorist group and instructing to carry out activity for a terrorist group. "Canada will not be intimidated and stands firm against terrorists who would threaten our peace, freedom and democracy," Mr. Blaney said in response to the latest pro-ISIS video. "While I cannot comment on operational matters, we will not hesitate to take all appropriate actions to counter any terrorist threat to Canada, its citizens and its interests around the world." The last ISIS video threat to Canada was made by John Maguire, a radicalized Ottawa Muslim convert who allegedly knew the Larmond brothers. It said that Canadians would be indiscriminately targeted and that Muslims were obliged to either join ISIS or "follow the example" of the attackers who struck in Ottawa and Quebec. "My clients intend to vigorously defend these allegations," the Larmonds" defence lawyer, Joseph Addelman, said Saturday outside the Ottawa courthouse where the brothers made their first appearances. "This is going to be a case where we are going to determine how much value the Canadian system truly places on freedom of expression, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion and these matters will be determined in court." Asked by a reporter where Carlos Larmond had intended to travel when he was arrested, Mr. Addelman said the Crown had not yet disclosed those details. The RCMP declined to comment on Mr. Larmond's suspected travel plans. She's done everything for them, and for them to turn around and [allegedly] do something like this, it's just awful "We're not revealing the cities or destinations where he was heading at this time," said Sgt. Richard Rollings, an RCMP spokesman. The RCMP press release said only that he was arrested "as he was intending to travel overseas for terrorist purposes." Police have been struggling to track more than 100 Canadians whom they suspect have adopted violent extremist beliefs and may attempt to travel abroad to engage in terrorism. Syria and Iraq are currently the top destinations. The threat is two-fold: that those who leave could return to conduct Paris-style attacks; and that those unable to leave could carry out simple but deadly acts of terrorism such as the October killings of Canadian Forces members. Since the murders in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu and Ottawa, Canadian counter-terrorism officials have ramped up their investigations, adding hundreds of officers to Integrated National Security Enforcement Teams across the country. "Through collaborative efforts with our partners, we were able to prevent these individuals from leaving Canada to engage in terrorist activity overseas," RCMP Assistant Commissioner James Malizia, officer in charge of federal policing operations, said in a statement. The charges against the hockey player twins relate to alleged terrorist activities that occurred since last August. The five-month investigation was conducted by the RCMP, Ottawa Police Service and Ontario Provincial Police. The Larmond twins were raised by their grandmother, Linda Brennan, in the Ottawa suburb of Vanier and attended Rideau High School. "She's done everything for them, and for them to turn around and [allegedly] do something like this, it's just awful," a neighbor told the Ottawa Citizen. "You'd never see them apart," said another neighbour. "If one's walking down the street, the other's not far behind." Nearly five years ago, the woman said she heard one of the brothers had a Muslim girlfriend and was looking to convert. "Whatever one does, the other does, too," she said. A former hockey teammate, who asked to be identified only as Doug, said Ashton Larmond had played on his team in the Minto Adult Hockey League. He recalled that while they waited for the Zamboni to finish clearing the ice in late 2013, a police officer had walked past, prompting Ashton to tell Doug that he was a newly converted Muslim and he was being watched by the RCMP. "They're all watching me because I'm a new Muslim and they think I'm doing stuff when I'm not doing stuff," Doug recalled Ashton telling him. "He said to me that he wasn't doing anything and that the RCMP was stupid," Doug said. The team soon grew to have difficulties with the young man. "He had a lot of anger on the ice. He would smash his stick on the board if he didn't get passed [the puck] when he wanted it. He was very vocal about things so we had some inner team fighting around him," Doug said. "He seemed like a pretty nice guy, to be honest." But as the season progressed, seemingly insignificant squabbles began to surface. One erupted into a larger dispute where Ashton claimed the team captain owed him $20. The team chose to kick him off the team. The Larmonds were scheduled to appear in court on Feb. 12. ------------------------------ End of Cdn-Firearms Digest V16 #604 *********************************** Submissions: Mailing List Commands: Moderator email: List owner: FAQ list: http://www.canfirearms/Skeeter/Faq/cfd-faq1.html Web Site: CFDigest Archives: To unsubscribe from _all_ the lists, put the next four lines in a message and unsubscribe cdn-firearms-digest unsubscribe cdn-firearms-chat unsubscribe cdn-firearms end (To subscribe, use "subscribe" instead of "unsubscribe".)