Cdn-Firearms Digest Wednesday, January 25 2012 Volume 14 : Number 902 In this issue: "The Elephant in the Room" making a promise were you ? Red Spotlights to Mark 'Precrime' Suspects? LA Military Exercises Mitt vs. Newt: The gloves come off Canada could face native 'uprising' How many guns - and how many owners? Fwd: Fw: Mother With a Gun ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2012 11:29:56 -0600 From: Edward Hudson Subject: "The Elephant in the Room" Re: "The Elephant in the room" On 24-Jan-12, at 6:53 AM, Dennis R. Young wrote: > NATIONAL POST - JANUARY 23, 2012 > More guns in Canada now, but fewer owners: RCMP > By Jeff Davis, Postmedia News > fewer-owners-rcmp/ > > Canadians own more than half a million more firearms than they did > in 2006, > >>> > Bernardo estimates there are 330,000 expired firearms licences in > Canada, > which he said is mostly people who have had enough of the registry. > "Most of > them consciously opted out, and said, 'I'm not going to do this > anymore,'" > he said. "This is the government's elephant in the room that no one > wants to > talk about." Canadian Shooting Sports Association executive director Tony Bernardo correctly points to the "elephant in the room". More and more gun owners are beginning to awaken to the realization that meekly submitting to the licencing mandate of the Firearms Act does not protect either them or their firearms from continual, constant harassment from the Government & its police forces. Mr. Harper's Bill C-19 "to scrap the registry" will not stop the unrelenting assault on responsible gun owners. To protect ourselves we must tell Mr. Harper to withdraw Bill C-19 and introduce a bill that will specifically recognize our historic Canadian Right to "have arms for their defense." Mr. Harper's Government must decriminalize the mere ownership of firearms by repealing the licencing mandate of the Firearms Act & removing sections 91(1), 92(1) & 117.03 from the Criminal Code. Edward B. Hudson DVM, MS Secretary Canadian Unlicensed Firearms Owners Association Association canadienne des propriétaires d'armes san permis 402 Skeena Crt. Saskatoon Saskatchewan S7K 4H2 (306) 242-2379 (306) 230-8929 ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2012 11:09:33 -0800 From: Len Miller Subject: making a promise were you ? A CKNW news item . . another shooting . not gang related ? gasp . . choke . . another shooting from the 'Bozone' ? When is 'NW going to recognize that 'gun control' is NOT gun control. That it's the law-abiding who are victimized by politicians and police chief Blair . . Toronto who, in a push, . . swooped on the seniors who's LICENCES expired and bull dozed them out of their firearms . . then bugled how he got those guns 'off the street' None of those guns were ' on the street ' . . Chief . . Please, accede, to RCMP Keith Thompson . . and resign . . Well, Bill, your radio comments this morning when you said you would feature guns never developed did it?? Just WHAT is your position on the crime guys who are NEVER charged with 'crimes' like those pursued by CACP and Chief Blair ?? Gee, my driver's licence has expired . Will the 'Car Police' kick my doors in and seize all my licenced, registered, and insured cars?? Not on your 'bippy' . . Quote: they register cars, don't they?? If it saves one life . . Ah, me . . Len Miller from Vancouver where gun control has just got someone shot . . ( no my DL is still OK . . ) ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2012 13:11:58 -0600 From: "Joe Gingrich" Subject: Red Spotlights to Mark 'Precrime' Suspects? What about the right to the presumption of innocence? Yours in Tyranny, Joe Gingrich White Fox Red Spotlights to Mark 'Precrime' Suspects East Orange, New Jersey to beam suspects of future criminal activity with flashy, hi-tech police surveillance equipment Aaron Dykes January 23, 2012 In a glowing review of the rising prevalence of high-tech big brother surveillance gadgets in police force use, the Associated Press reports that East Orange, New Jersey plans to cut crime by highlighting suspects with a red-beamed spotlight- before any crime is committed- a "pre-crime" deterrent to be mounted on nearby street lights or other fixtures. According to the report, police officers monitor hundreds of video feeds from across the city and opt to brand would-be criminals with a red glow if they believe they are about to engage in a crime, such as a street corner mugging. "Whereas London has talking cameras, we're about to deploy light projecting cameras, better known as light-based intervention systems." said William Robinson, Police Chief for East Orange. He added, "The message to criminals is, we're observing you, the police are recording you, and the police are responding." As Robinson mentioned, other "pre-crime" measures have been deployed both in the UK and United States, as well as other countries. Talking cameras in the UK bark orders at 'anti-social' offenders, while the Homeland Stasi here has partnered with Intellistreets to release "smart" street lights capable of saving energy while monitoring & recording citizens, as well as displaying government-mandated emergency alerts on digital banners. Now "pre-crime" spotlights that bathe surveillance targets in a criminally-branded red color will help complete the circle of preemptive suspicion. But that's just one flashy feature in a rash of new high-tech solutions provided to the crime-ridden city under federal grant money. In East Orange, and probably a locale near you, too, everyone is a "pre-crime" suspect until proven innocent. The video goes on to brag that officer squad cars also scan the license plates of every single vehicle they pass, checking them against a variety of lists- from terrorist monitor lists, to unpaid parking tickets, warrants and more. Officers can then pull over vehicles that match watch lists, even if the driver has committed no violations to draw attention from the patrol vehicle. Further, cameras tied into police video monitor stations can also be accessed from squad cars; officers can zoom in on nearby locations to determine if a situation is underway, or if a suspect can be identified. The red light is intended to help track a would-be criminal once surveillance is already underway. A spokesperson for the ACLU noted a worrisome climate of monitoring and spying on political groups, anti-abortion activists and more. Meanwhile, the MIAC Missouri law enforcement memo, as well as similar documents released from the Department of Homeland Security, have made clear that returning veterans and supporters of third party political candidates and many other groups are note only considered "domestic extremists," but have been put on law enforcement watch lists as well as anti-terrorism databases. It has further been revealed that numerous non-violent political groups and grassroots campaigns have been labeled as "terrorists" and monitored by regional Fusion Centers. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2012 13:31:54 -0600 From: "Joe Gingrich" Subject: LA Military Exercises–53697 LA Military Exercises Posted by David Perez KFI News Tuesday, January 24, 2012 LOS ANGELES (CNS) - Joint military training exercises will be held evenings in downtown Los Angeles through Thursday, according to the Los Angeles Police Department. The LAPD will be providing support for the exercises, which will also be held in other portions of the greater Los Angeles area, police said. Training sites ``have been carefully selected to ensure the event does not negatively impact the citizens of Los Angeles and their daily routine,'' a department official said. The training, which a department official said would involve helicopters, has been coordinated with local authorities and owners of the training sites, police said. Police said safety precautions have been taken to prevent risk to the general public and military personnel involved. The exercises are closed to the public, police said. The exercises are designed to ensure the military's ability to operate in urban environments, prepare forces for upcoming overseas deployments, and meet mandatory training certification requirements, police said. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2012 13:57:16 -0600 From: "Joe Gingrich" Subject: Mitt vs. Newt: The gloves come off Mitt vs. Newt: The gloves come off by Patrick J. Buchanan 01/24/2012 Newt Gingrich's surge to success in South Carolina has surely brought joy to the Obama White House. For his 12-point victory ensures the fight for the GOP nomination will not end soon and will get nastier. Indeed, it already has. Whether Newt or Mitt Romney emerges victorious, the candidate who comes out of the Republican convention will be bruised and bloodied. Consider, first, Newt. According to a Fox News poll, 56 percent of the American people have an unfavorable opinion of the former speaker. Only 27 percent hold a favorable opinion. By two to one, the nation has a negative view of Newt. And as Newt has been a national figure for two decades, to reverse the impression he has left on the country would require an immense volume of positive media, free and bought. And Newt is getting neither. Now, in Florida, Romney has decided to tear the scab off, and 24 hours after his South Carolina defeat, he is busy at it. Newt, said Mitt, "was a leader for four years as speaker of the House. ... And at the end of four years ... he was a failed leader, and he had to resign in disgrace. ... He was investigated (by) an ethics panel and had to make a payment associated with that, and then ... 88 percent of his (fellow) Republicans voted to reprimand Speaker Gingrich." "What's (Newt) been doing for 15 years?" Mitt asked. "He's been working as a lobbyist ... and selling influence around Washington." Mitt did not bring up Newt's three wives and the tawdry tale told by second wife Marianne to ABC. Yet the super PACs of the Democratic Party will make sure the women of America know how Newt treated his first two wives, should he become the nominee. Yet Mitt has his own problems, after his worst week in South Carolina. By going negative on Newt, he will drive Newt's negatives higher. But attack politics polarizes a party and drives up the negatives of the attacker, as well. The Eagle Scout image of Mitt will suffer -- both from what Newt is doing to him and from what he feels he must do to Newt. Rep. Dick Gephardt decided he had to take down Howard Dean, who was riding high in Iowa in 2004. Gephardt ended up taking both of them down. John Kerry evaded the bloodletting, won the caucuses and cruised to the nomination. Mitt has suffered, too, from the malicious portrayal of his days at Bain Capital by Gingrich and Rick Perry, who portrayed Bain as a vulture sitting on a tree limb, looking for sick companies to swoop down on, pick the carcass clean and leave a skeleton. Romney's revelations last week that he pays only 15 percent of his income in federal taxes, that he has investments in the Caymans, that the $375,000 he earned in speaking fees did not amount to much and that he enjoys firing people -- even if it was insurance companies -- all feed into the caricature of a country-club Republican with nothing in common with people who live from paycheck to paycheck. Wealth is not necessarily an impediment to political success. FDR, a Hudson Valley aristocrat, and JFK were men of wealth who did less to earn their money than Mitt did to earn his. But they carried it more easily. When JFK was being attacked because his father, who amassed his pile in stocks and liquor, had poured huge sums into the West Virginia primary on his son's behalf, Sen. Kennedy joked about it, telling the Gridiron Club that his father had sent him a telegram just before the primary: "Don't buy a single vote more than is necessary. I'll be damned if I'll pay for a landslide." It is hard to recall a primary season that got this ugly this early. Words like dishonest, liar and corrupt, and phrases like serial hypocrite have come not just from independent and unaccountable super PACs but from the paid media of the campaigns and the candidates themselves. The primary season that much resembles this one is 1964. Then, Gov. Nelson Rockefeller, icon of the Eastern liberal establishment that had imposed nominees Wendell Willkie, Tom Dewey (twice) and Dwight Eisenhower on the party, lost the California primary and the nomination to Barry Goldwater. Speaking to that divided convention, Rockefeller was booed and jeered from the balconies when he called on the delegates to condemn the John Birch Society equally with the Ku Klux Klan and Communist Party. The party never came together that fall. Goldwater suffered a defeat unequaled since Alf Landon carried two states in 1936. The ideological divide between Romney and Newt is not nearly so great as that between Goldwater and Rockefeller, but the personal animosity is certainly approaching that. With the Tea Party recoiling from Romney and rallying to Newt, and regular Republicans coalescing around Mitt, with dozens of primaries and caucuses ahead, Tampa just might end up looking like the Cow Palace in '64. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2012 14:22:09 -0600 From: "Joe Gingrich" Subject: Canada could face native 'uprising' Canada could face native 'uprising' By Peter O'Neil, Postmedia News January 24, 2012 Canada could face an Arab Spring-style "uprising" if Prime Minister Stephen Harper doesn't give a clear indication in his meeting with aboriginal leaders Tuesday that he's prepared to take their concerns seriously, a B.C. native leader warned Monday. "We must do better. The honour of the Crown and the very integrity of Canada as a nation is at stake," said Stewart Phillip, grand chief of the Union of B.C. Indian Chiefs, in a news release issued by the Assembly of First Nations' B.C. wing. "Otherwise, an aboriginal uprising is inevitable." An estimated 400 chiefs from across Canada, including 47 from British Columbia and 22 from Alberta, have gathered here for their first face-to-face meeting with Harper since the Conservatives formed government in 2006. Harper was to meet with a select group of chiefs late Monday afternoon, then meet again until lunchtime Tuesday before departing for Davos, Switzerland, to take part in the World Economic Forum gathering of global political and business elites. Some participants are optimistic in advance of their meeting with Harper, who won accolades for his residential schools apology and endorsement of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. But others remain skeptical. George Stanley, the AFN's regional chief in Alberta, said he suspects Harper is simply trying to get a "photo op" to prove he consulted with aboriginal Canadians. "That is a very tainted picture in my eyes," he said. The meeting comes in the wake of national and even international interest in the plight of Canada's aboriginal population following reports of Third World-style poverty at the northern Ontario community of Attawapiskat. "The gathering provides the prime minister with an opportunity to demonstrate that he is a true Canadian" by making substantial commitments on education, health, governance and land claims, said Jody Wilson-Raybould, the AFN's regional chief in B.C. "The world is watching." Phillip cited the handful of violent confrontations involving aboriginal groups starting with the 1990 Oka crisis in Quebec, which included the shooting death of a Quebec police officer and the non-lethal showdown between Canadian soldiers and armed Mohawks. Phillip said aboriginals from across Canada engaged during Oka in various demonstrations of solidarity across Canada, including a roadblock near Penticton, B.C., in which participants had a single "two-handed" cellphone. "You needed two hands to hold it" due to its weight and size, Phillip explained. He predicted a largely peaceful uprising along the lines of the U.S. Civil Rights movement of the 1960s, but through using social media. "In today's world that response will be more instantaneous," he said. Wilson-Raybould said chiefs have a range of views - ranging from angry to optimistic - and she said she's holding out hope the Harper-First Nations summit will lead to substantial progress. She said Harper could take an important step by agreeing to meet at least once a year with chiefs to assess progress. The B.C. chiefs are also asking the government to accelerate the stalled comprehensive treaty process, work with the B.C. government to improve resource revenue-sharing, agree that aboriginal "consent" is needed on "major industrial developments" - an apparent reference to the $5.5-billion Northern Gateway pipeline from the Alberta oilsands to the B.C. coast - and "revisit" the $5.1-billion Kelowna Accord for First Nations that was killed when Harper took office in 2006. The federal government tried to set the stage for the discussions Monday by announcing 18 agreements with First Nations across Canada, including eight in B.C. and two in Alberta, that have signed agreements under the First Nations Land Management Act. That legislation, enacted in 1999, allows reserves to opt out of land-related sections of the Indian Act to have greater control over their land and natural resources. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, January 24, 2012 2:59 pm From: "Dennis R. Young" Subject: How many guns - and how many owners? OTTAWA CITIZEN - JANUARY 24, 2012 How many guns - and how many owners? Canadians own more than half a million more firearms than they did in 2006, according to the 2010 annual report from the RCMP's Canadian Firearms Program. But as Jeff Davis reports, those figures don't even begin to tell the whole story By Jeff Davis, Ottawa Citizen January 24, 2012 Federal firearms data shows that while the number of registered gun owners in Canada is dropping, the arsenal of each is getting bigger and bigger. But many gun owners - and a Tory MP - say the government's estimates are off the mark, and that there may be twice as many firearms, and firearms owners, in Canada as the RCMP says. They say many Canadian gun owners are "going underground," due to fears they will face increased police scrutiny and the seizure of their weapons. In 2006, there were a total of 7,102,466 firearms registered in Canada. By 2010, this number had grown to 7,646,699, an increase of 544,233, or over 100,000 per year. However, between 2006 and 2010, the number of licensed gun owners has dropped from 1,908,011 to 1,848,000. This represents a decrease of 60,011, or about 12,000 per year for five years. As such, each registered gun owner in Canada had an average of 4.14 guns in 2010, up from 3.72 guns per registered owner in 2006. Many Canadians, however, say that there are many more guns and gun owners in Canada than the RCMP says. Garry Breitkreuz is the Tory MP who drafted the legislation to repeal the longgun registry currently before the House. He said his own independent research - gleaned from comparing Canada's firearms import and export data - has shown there are between 16.5 and 21 million guns in Canada. He said the dwindling number of registered firearms owners is perhaps due to a decline in interest in hunting among younger Canadians. "There is a slow decline in the number of people hunting," he said. "The registry has discouraged people from getting involved." Canadian Shooting Sports Association executive director Tony Bernardo agreed the RCMP's estimates on the number of guns in Canada is way off. "There are still seven, eight, nine, 10 million guns out there that are not in (the) system, and never were in the system," he said. Allister Muir, a spokesman for the Canadian Unlicensed Firearms Owners Association, said he has never held a firearms licence, but owns seven guns. Muir said he thinks there are between 3.3 and four million firearms owners in Canada - registered or otherwise - and between 14 and 21 million guns. He said he has never been charged by the RCMP, despite his best efforts at provocation, such as a cross-country tour to protest the gun registry. Due in part to weak incentives to register, he said, millions of gun owners have simply chosen not to inform the government of their arsenals. Reached at his home in Stellarton, N.S., Muir said that in 1995 when the long-gun registry came into force, many gun owners simply chose not to opt in. Muir said he thinks there are around two million Canadians who, like himself, have chosen not to register. "The original belief was that this registration was about confiscation, and that was the driving force," he said. Muir said there are now more than 300,000 firearms licences that have lapsed and were not renewed. The licences are supposed to be renewed every five years. He said he thinks the risk of being slapped with a trumped up criminal firearms charge is much higher for registered owners, so many shooters choose to keep a lower profile. "And a lot of people are simply going underground right at this point," he said. "It's getting harder and harder to determine whether this is an issue of lower ownership or hidden ownership." Bernardo estimates there are 330,000 expired firearms licences in Canada, which he said is mostly people who have had enough of the registry. "Most of them consciously opted out, and said, 'I'm not going to do this anymore,'" he said. "This is the government's elephant in the room that no one wants to talk about." NOTE: This story also appeared in the following: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2012 16:56:04 -0800 From: Todd Birch Subject: Fwd: Fw: Mother With a Gun She and her baby are alive, and their would-be killer is dead, because she was armed. Sarah Dawn McKinley and child. If the National Rifle Association had an award for Mother of the Year, it might already have a winner. When two men began to break into her home on New Year’s Eve, Sarah Dawn McKinley of Blanchard, Okla., popped a bottle into her crying three-month-old baby’s mouth and reached for her guns. According to her account and that of police, she defended herself and her child in terrifying circumstances. To say McKinley was in the middle of nowhere would exaggerate the centrality of her location in a sparsely populated area about 25 miles outside of Oklahoma City. To say her home was vulnerable would exaggerate the security of a trailer with no alarm system or safe rooms. To say she was on her own would probably exaggerate her sense of connectedness, by herself, tending to her infant, after her husband had died of lung cancer on Christmas Day. This is the stuff of nightmares. But McKinley never lost her cool. We know because, after shoving the couch in front of her door, she called 911 from her cell phone. The recording of the call should be put in a time capsule to capture the odd juxtaposition in 21st-century America of hardscrabble common sense on the one hand and a polite solicitousness toward the authorities on the other. “I’m here by myself with my infant baby, can I please get a dispatcher out here immediately?” she asked. Note the instinctive civility of the “please.” The answer was basically “no.” With three deputies covering 12,000 square miles, no one could get to her soon. McKinley stayed on the line an incredible 21 minutes. Then, she got to the crux of the matter. “I’ve got two guns in my hand,” she told the operator. “Is it OK to shoot him if he comes in the door?” This would seem a superfluous question if you believe your safety is at risk at the hands of someone forcibly entering your home. But not all states have the same “castle doctrine” as Oklahoma that gives homeowners an unambiguous right to shoot unlawful intruders. And not all jurisdictions are rational about firearms. Visiting New York City from Tennessee, where she has a gun permit, Meredith Graves brought a pistol in her purse to the 9/11 Memorial. When she saw a sign saying “No Guns Allowed,” she innocently asked guards where she could check her pistol. This query prompted her arrest on — yes — suspicion of carrying a loaded weapon. She could face jail time, in what promises to be the most pointless trial of the century. Back in Oklahoma, the 911 operator was cagey, if unmistakable: “I can’t tell you that you can do that, but you do what you have to do to protect your baby.” That’s all the permission McKinley needed. The confrontation ended badly for Justin Martin, a 24-year-old who McKinley says had been harassing her. Police found him dead of a single gunshot wound, armed with a knife. His accomplice told police that they both were high on prescription painkillers and thought they could find medications used by McKinley’s late husband. McKinley says she is sorry about Martin’s death, but would do it again. As Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. wrote in a case nearly a century ago, “detached reflection cannot be demanded in the presence of an uplifted knife.” Instances of self-defense are the anecdotes that gun controllers never want to hear. The NRA keeps a running list of them on its website: attempted armed robberies, home invasions, and other attacks rebuffed every month by the would-be victims. Surely, Sarah McKinley’s assailants thought the young, slender, widowed mother was an easy mark. Her shotgun meant they were wrong. Who would have it any other way? Otherwise, the intruder has the knife and she has nothing except a cellphone and the wan hope that someone armed with a gun makes it to her in time. /― Rich Lowry is the editor of /National Review/. He can be reached via e-mail: © 2012 by King Features Syndicate/ ------------------------------ End of Cdn-Firearms Digest V14 #902 *********************************** Submissions: Mailing List Commands: Moderator's email: List owner: FAQ list: http://www.canfirearms/Skeeter/Faq/cfd-faq1.html Web Site: CFDigest Archives: To unsubscribe from _all_ the lists, put the next four lines in a message and unsubscribe cdn-firearms-digest unsubscribe cdn-firearms-chat unsubscribe cdn-firearms end (To subscribe, use "subscribe" instead of "unsubscribe".)