Cdn-Firearms Digest Monday, January 16 2012 Volume 14 : Number 886 In this issue: Re: pissin' & moanin' The true believer FBI: Gangs behind up to 80% of U.S. crime CBC - Massive Toronto police corruption trial begins LETTER: CONFISCATED FIREARMS letter to national post (just sent) re: Chairborne Commandos hypocrite exposed Re: VOICE OF THE OUTDOORS by Murray Martin LETTER: Gun registry data unreliable RE: Solomon Friedman discusses the RCMP's attempt to Mid-east war or Iranian collapse or both on the horizon "Toronto police corruption trial" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 15 Jan 2012 23:20:52 -0700 (MST) From: Jim Szpajcher Subject: Re: pissin' & moanin' Phil - Jan 15, 2012 07:58:13 PM, wrote: "Do I approve of the urinating on Taliban cadavers? absolutely! WHIZZZ! splat! WHY? Having viewed the beheading of Nick Berg, on the internet, I have NO SYMPATHY Taliban or Muslim Extremists. The beheading left me physically ill, nauseous, distressed." You are certainly free to have any opinion that you like, and I know that there are many in the world who agree with you. I would make one comment though: If the killing of one man in a war makes you physically ill, nauseous, distressed, then you need to think through what you are advocating, when it comes to mis-treatment of someone on the other side. Our side is not the only culture that gets enraged at mistreatment. Matthew Alexander, one of the interrogators who interviewed and broke hundreds of foreign fighters in Iraq, is on the record as stating that American mistreatment of Iraqis led to the deaths of more Americans than died in 9/11. When you promote dehumanizing someone in a conflict, you become dehumanized yourself. Showing respect is not the same as showing weakness. Just sayin'. Jim Szpajcher St. Paul, Alberta ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2012 01:17:48 -0600 From: "Joe Gingrich" Subject: The true believer The true believer by Patrick J. Buchanan 01/13/2012 Last May, Ron Paul? filed his financial disclosure form, and the Wall Street Journal enlisted financial analyst William Bernstein? to scrutinize his investments. "Paul's portfolio isn't merely different," said an astonished Journal, "it's shockingly different." Twenty-one percent of his $2.4 to $5.5 million was in real estate, 14 percent in cash. He owns no bonds. Only 0.1 percent is invested in stocks, and Paul bought these "short," betting the price will plunge. Every other nickel is sunk into gold and silver mining companies. Bernstein "had never seen such an extreme bet on economic catastrophe," said the Journal. "This portfolio," said Bernstein, "is a half step away from a cellar-full of canned goods and 9-millimeter rounds." "You can say this for Ron Paul," conceded the Journal. "In investing as in politics, (Paul) has the courage of his convictions." Indeed, he does. Paul's investments mirror his belief that the empire of debt is coming down and Western governments will never repay -- in dollars of the same value -- what they have borrowed. And here we come to the reason Paul ran a strong third in Iowa and a clear second in New Hampshire. He is a conviction politician and, like Barry Goldwater? and George McGovern?, the candidate of a cause. Aware it is unlikely he will ever be president, the 76-year-old soldiers on in the belief that this cause will one day triumph in a party where he was, not long ago, seen as an odd duck, but a party where today he speaks for a national constituency. It is easy to understand why the young are attracted to him. There is a consistency here no other candidate can match. Republicans may deplore the GOP Great Society of Bush 43. Paul stood almost alone in voting against every Bush measure. By two-to-one, Americans now believe the Iraq War was a mistake. Paul, alone among the candidates, opposed the war. And because his campaign is about a cause larger than himself, it is a safe bet he will not quit this race until the last caucuses have met and the last primary has been held. Prediction: Paul will go into the Tampa, Fla., convention with more delegates than any other candidate save the nominee of the party. There is a gnawing fear in the GOP that Paul will quit the party when the primaries are over and run as a third-party candidate on the Libertarian or some other line in the November election. Not going to happen. Such a decision would sunder the movement Paul has pulled together, bring about his own and his party's certain defeat in November, and re-elect Barack Obama?. Paul would become a pariah in his party, while his son, Sen. Rand Paul, who would be forced to endorse his father over the GOP nominee, would be ruined as a future Republican leader. Why would Dr. Paul do this, when the future inside the GOP looks bright not only for him but for his son? The course Ron Paul will likely take, then, is this. Commit to this nomination battle all the way to Tampa, contest every primary and caucus, amass a maximum of delegates. If Jon Huntsman, Rick Perry?, Rick Santorum? and Newt Gingrich? lose in South Carolina, they will lose in Florida, and begin to peel off and drop out, for none is a cause candidate and each will soon come to realize that his presidential aspirations are done for now if not for good. Their departure will leave the Republican contest a Romney-Paul race, giving Paul half a year on the campaign trail to increase his visibility, enlarge his following, grow his mailing lists and broaden his donor base. In return for a commitment to campaign for the ticket, Paul should demand a prime-time speaking slot at the convention and use the speech to emulate Barry Goldwater in 1960 when he admonished conservatives at the convention to "grow up," so that "we can take this party back." Assuming the nominee is Mitt Romney?, should he win in the fall and Paul has campaigned for him, Paul will not only have a friend in the White House, but be a respected figure in the party with a constituency all his own. Most important to Paul are the issues he has campaigned on: a new transparency and accountability for the Federal Reserve, a downsizing of the American empire, and an end to U.S. interventions in foreign quarrels and wars that are none of our business. Whether Paul goes home to Texas when his last term in Congress is over in January 2013, or whether he remains in Washington in a policy institute to advance the causes he believes in, his views will be sought out by the major media on all the issues he cares about. Moreover, his fears of a coming collapse, manifest in his portfolio, could come to pass, making of Ron Paul a prophet in his own time. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, January 16, 2012 8:53 am From: "Dennis R. Young" Subject: FBI: Gangs behind up to 80% of U.S. crime 13 American Gangs That Are Keeping The FBI Up At Night Eric Goldschein and Luke McKenna | Jan. 15, 2012, 7:01 AM More than 1.4 million Americans are wearing the colors of more than 33,000 gangs across the country, according to a report by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Based on evidence from federal, state, local, and tribal law enforcement, the FBI says gangs commit 48% of violent crime, and are only becoming more dangerous. Some even source weapons from the military. While many of these groups are regional and only loosely organized, many gangs are expanding their ranks and establishing themselves at international levels. Read more: - ------------------------------ The FBI Reports Military Gang Members Are Funneling Heavy Weapons To The Streets Robert Johnson | Dec. 16, 2011, 9:32 AM The FBI released its gang assessment in October saying that of the 1.4 million gang members in the U.S., many are in the American military. Read more: - ----------------------------------- USA TODAY - JANUARY 29, 2012 FBI: Burgeoning gangs behind up to 80% of U.S. crime By Kevin Johnson, USA TODAY Criminal gangs in the USA have swelled to an estimated 1 million members responsible for up to 80% of crimes in communities across the nation, according to a gang threat assessment compiled by federal officials. The major findings in a report by the Justice Department's National Gang Intelligence Center, which has not been publicly released, conclude gangs are the "primary retail-level distributors of most illicit drugs" and several are "capable" of competing with major U.S.-based Mexican drug-trafficking organizations. Read more: ------------------------------ Date: Mon, January 16, 2012 9:05 am From: "Dennis R. Young" Subject: CBC - Massive Toronto police corruption trial begins CBC - Massive Toronto police corruption trial begins 5 officers face jury in case that stretches back to the 1990s By Dave Seglins, CBC News Posted: Last Updated: Jan 16, 2012 7:56 AM ET Comments: 58 Five former Toronto police drug squad officers who were accused of beating and robbing suspects of drugs and large sums of money will go on trial Monday, accused of a conspiracy in which they allegedly falsified official police records to cover their tracks. Read more: ------------------------------ Date: Mon, January 16, 2012 9:21 am From: "Dennis R. Young" Subject: LETTER: CONFISCATED FIREARMS EDMONTON SUN - JANUARY 16, 2012 LETTER: CONFISCATED FIREARMS Re: "Lilley: Where's the outrage?"(Jan. 13) Brian Lilley is right on the money when he says "it's time for Toews and the rest of the Harper government to wake up and fix this mess." Confiscating legally owned property without compensation is the kind of thing you see in banana republics. I have a simple solution that will quickly end this stupidity. Take compensation directly out of the RCMP budget. Problem solved. BRIAN STEWART EDITOR'S COMMENT (FISCAL PENALTIES OFTEN WORK.) - ----------------------------- OTTAWA SUN - JANUARY 16, 2012 LETTER: CONFISCATED FIREARMS Re: "Lilley: Where's the outrage?", Jan. 13, Brian Lilley is right on the money when he says "it's time for Toews and the rest of the Harper government to wake up and fix this mess". Confiscating legally owned property without compensation is the kind of thing you see in Banana Republics. I have a simple solution that will quickly end this stupidity. Take compensation directly out of the RCMP budget, problem solved. Brian Stewart Orleans Editor's Comment (Take it from the gun registry budget!) - --------------------------- TORONTO SUN - JANUARY 13, 2012 Bureaucrats gunning for rifle owners It's time for the Harper government to wake up and fix this mess BY BRIAN LILLEY, PARLIAMENTARY BUREAU ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2012 11:12:15 -0500 (EST) From: Rob Sciuk Subject: letter to national post (just sent) 'Reclassified' guns ... (fwd) Letter writer and many-titled assistant commissioner Pierre Perron barks for his masters when he posits that bull-pup stocks are prohibited "because it reduces the overall length of the firearm such that a substantial part of the reloading mechanism or the magazine well is located behind the trigger of the firearm". This is a good definition of a bull-pup stock, but not a rationale, and is akin to stating that bull-pup stocks are prohibited because they are bull-pup stocks. The CFC has historically had problems rationalizing the bull-pup stock, initially stating that it would "increase the cyclic firing rate of the weapon". Of course that was blatantly wrong, and yet, the CFC persists in its hatred for the dreaded bull-pup stock -- a mere piece of furniture which might be fitted to any firearm, too dangrerous to entrust to the most scrupulously vetted, investigated and paper-mired of all Canadians, the law abiding firearm owners. In the case of the G22, a bull-pup stock does reduce the overall length of the firearm, but not beyond the dimensions described in the regulations for a non-restricted firearm, and so one might be lead to believe that the true rationale for the ban is the military appearance that a bull-pup stock affords a firearm. Of course, the Firearms Act has never been about substance, nor indeed the public safety. As hard as those with a stake in firearms mis-regulation might try, it is very hard to rationalize this kind of utter nonsense. Sincerely, Robert S. Sciuk ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2012 08:44:07 -0800 From: Todd Birch Subject: re: Chairborne Commandos Peter I have responded to your latest with a personal email. I refuse to dignify it with a public response, subjecting members of the forum to further discourse on the topic. I think we all know where we stand on various matters, as is our manner of discussing them. One of the gifts of being a cancer survivor is the adjustment of one's priorities and life values. I got a glimpse of my mortality and I'm comfortable with the view. Life threatening situations have a way of getting one's attention as does nothing else, and yes, I appreciate that I am not alone in that regard. Things that once mattered a lot now matter not one whit. My personal and world views got a lot smaller, more clearly focused. My previous low tolerance level for dipshitz, radical ranters, political pundits, whiners, complainers, etc. is now at '0'. While liberating for me, it can be disconcerting for others who still cling to and treasure favoured illusions and dreams of changing the world. I am accepting of what I cannot change, changing that which I can within my very limited power to do so. I seek neither peer approbation or sympathy and I brook no unsolicited advice or opinion, however well intentioned. Makes me difficult to deal with for some, but I regard that as their problem. I know where I've been, I know where I am, I'm enjoying the journey ..... I can't ask for more. I leave it to others to create a "Brave New World'', righting the wrongs and ills of the world. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2012 14:39:02 -0500 From: TONY KATZ Subject: hypocrite exposed Tony Katz ------------------------------ Date: Mon, January 16, 2012 12:05 pm From: Subject: Re: VOICE OF THE OUTDOORS by Murray Martin Thanks for your reply Jim. I have seen starter pistols laying around with no regards to safety. Having worked in enforcement I have also seen such starter pistols drilled out. I fought the proposal of the registry back Trudeau's days and being a weekly outdoors columnist for over 47 years( as well as working for one of the worlds largest firearm manufacturers).Most proposals at the very beginning of the registry were not connected to actual crime and placed restrictive laws on honest law abiding people and not the criminal. But there are safety factures involved in this starter pistol. Before judgement, have you seen this starter pistol in mention? It can be very easy to drill this particular starter pistol out to fire long rifle 22 ammo.The pistol in mention is made of far better material than most starter pistols. It looks exactly like a real handgun and is capable of a 2 minute alteration to become a real deadly hand gun. I suggest too many are single focused and not looking at single issues of which this starter pistol is. A safety issue here is that such starter pistols, strong enough to actually be drilled out and fully capable of firing a 22 cal bullet, should be on the restricted list. Then only qualified people could get such firearms. Have you actually seen this particular starter pistol? In this case I vote on the side of safety........and suggest this is an issue outside of the long gun registry. . This is two completely different issues. The starter pistol, made in Italy has been turned over to the RCMP Murray Martin ------------------------------ Date: Mon, January 16, 2012 2:01 pm From: "Dennis R. Young" Subject: LETTER: Gun registry data unreliable THE HILL TIMES ONLINE - JANUARY 16, 2012 LETTER: Gun registry data unreliable The federal Liberals and NDP are joining Quebec in demanding the salvage of gun registry data, yet history has shown this data to be outdated, unreliable, and potentially dangerous to Canada’s gun owners. Registry supporters have been unable to definitively link this information to a decades-long decline in gun deaths nor have police bureaucrats been able to cite any cases where the data was critical in preventing or solving a single crime. Conversely, we have seen proof that this data could very well be used by organized crime. RCMP computers and the registry itself have been breached and gang members have managed to obtain sensitive information through accomplices working within the government. This information has been used to target rival gang members and a member of the Montreal press. Who knows how many armed home invasions have been or will be committed against law-abiding gun owners because of this? It is rather ironic that the registry’s most vocal supporters come from the province with the highest levels of corruption—Quebec. Quebecers at large—not just Quebec’s gun owners—should be very, very worried. Barry Glasgow Woodlawn, Ont. - ------------------------- CANADA’S NATIONAL FIREARMS ASSOCIATION MEDIA RELEASE - 30 SEPTEMBER 2011 480 BREACHES OF NATIONAL POLICE COMPUTER SYSTEM, RCMP REPORT “Police computer system is putting Canadian gun owners at risk.” - ------------------------------------ ENGLISH TRANSLATION OF LAST PARAGRAPH BELOW: The first minister in Alberta took the opportunity to declare that it is not opposed to the transfer of data from the registry of firearms that Ottawa wants to destroy. The government of Stephen Harper said having taken this decision, in particular to meet the requests of Albertans, which ranged in this sense. "It is not information that we want to have, but I can respect the discussion and the position of the province of Quebec", stated Mrs. Redford. TVA Nouvelles - Première publication 11 janvier 2012 à 20h24 Les pires résultats en emploi en 30 ans Charest se veut rassurant Jean Charest s'est dit préoccupé par la situation de l'emploi, mais a néanmoins tenté de se faire rassurant, mercredi. Le premier ministre s'exprimait pour la première fois sur le fait que le Québec a perdu près de 70 000 emplois au cours des trois derniers mois de 2011. Ces données constituent les pires récoltées en 30 ans. «Le gouvernement est effectivement préoccupé par cette question. Je vous invite à une très grande prudence, parce que ce n'est pas une tendance qui s'est installée», a lancé le premier ministre, avant d'avancer que le taux de chômage au Québec en 2011 se situe en deça de ce qu'il était en 2010. «Les indicateurs de l'ensemble de l'économie québécoise sont positifs», a ajouté M. Charest, dont le gouvernement a fait de l'économie son principal cheval de bataille. Il estime d'ailleurs que le Plan Nord constitue un remède à cette situation. Ce mercredi, Jean Charest rencontrait la première ministre conservatrice albertaine, Alison Redford, avec laquelle il a convenu d'entreprendre des négociations en vue d'une entente de coopération économique entre les deux provinces. Registre des armes à feu La première ministre de l'Alberta en a profité pour déclarer qu'elle ne s'opposait pas au transfert des données du registre des armes à feu qu'Ottawa veut détruire. e gouvernement de Stephen Harper dit avoir pris cette décision notamment pour répondre aux demandes des Albertains, qui allaient en ce sens. «Il ne s'agit pas d'informations que nous voulons avoir, mais je peux respecter la discussion et la position de la province du Québec», a affirmé Mme Redford. Alison Redford et Jean Charest se rencontreront à nouveau dès dimanche, à Vancouver, lors du Conseil de la Confédération. Ils feront front commun au sujet de la péréquation, puisqu'ils jugent tous deux que le fédéral ne devrait pas s'y attaquer unilatéralement, sans consulter les provinces. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2012 15:05:09 -0500 From: TONY KATZ Subject: RE: Solomon Friedman discusses the RCMP's attempt to I would rather just give them the receiver and substitute some other 22 receiver that could be done with a little gunsmithing. Tony Katz > Date: Sat, 14 Jan 2012 05:19:50 -0700 > From: > To: > Subject: Re: Solomon Friedman discusses the RCMP's attempt to > > At , you wrote: >> >>... the AP-80 rifle >> >> Solomon Friedman's January 12, 2012 appearance on the Alberta talk >> radio program The Rutherford Show. >> >>½ZdS3DtLYE&featureplayer_embedded >> >> Solomon discussed gun control, the gun registry and specifically, the >> RCMP's>attempt to confiscate the AP-80, a .22 caliber rifle that bears >> some external resemblance to the AK-47, from law-abiding citizens. >> > > It is not an attempt. It has and is happening. > > The letter of notice was sent on December 20, 2011, to those who have > - safely and without criminal intent - held and used the AP80 as if it > were a non restricted firearm as per the registration certificate the > Canadian Firearms Centre issued. > Those owners have 30 days to surrender (or otherwise dispose) of these > firearms as their registration certificates have been revoked. > > The mistake is that these folks were in possession of these guns legally, > had a registration certificate issued, did not get the proper 12(5) > license and now are given the choice of either loosing their property or > facing criminal charges under section 92 (knowingly in possession of a > prohibited firearm) of the criminal code. On conviction they get at > minimum a criminal record and a maximum of ten years in jail. > > Keep in mind folks that there is no threat to anyone but the folks in > possession of these guns, no intimidation to anyone but the folks in > possession of these guns, no violence, no injury, no robbery, no rape, no > murder, and most importantly the only victim who looses anything is the > person threatened by the RCMP. > > If I were in possession of one of these firearms I would dismantle it, > heat the receiver until it melted or was cherry red, then turn on the > oxygen. That would turn the ``Gun ` part of the action to slag or ash, > then inform the RCMP the firearm was destroyed. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2012 15:05:05 -0600 From: Larry James Fillo Subject: Mid-east war or Iranian collapse or both on the horizon This tactic of sanctioning Iran's oil revenue is turning out to be more effective and sophisticated than I expected. It's designed to minimize Iran's temporary blockage of the Straits of Hormuz Will Iran's regime of fundamentalist Shia Islam collapse quickly due to a populist revolt from within? Will they launch rocket attacks(attempting their version of the Shia Apocalypse) against Israel and their Sunni Islam Arab neighbours, and even Europe? Thus causing NATO/ U.S./Arab (et al?) allies to take out Iran's military capacity, which should hasten the regime's fall. The Ayatollahs, with a 30plus year plan to see their minority status come to dominate the Muslim world, run the least rational, the least predictable of nation states in the region. If this erupts before the November 2012 U.S. presidential elections, and goes well and quickly, it will benefit Obama significantly. If it goes badly or appears to be dragging on it may be a liability. Clicking on the map in the linked article to enlarge it shows why the Sunni Arab OPEC members view this situation, as or more,urgently than does Israel. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2012 18:51:04 -0600 From: Larry James Fillo Subject: "Toronto police corruption trial" This police corruption trial in Toronto reads like a movie script. Another in the list of cases: "Power corrupts..." well it does some people. The evidence will be most interesting according to the article. ------------------------------ End of Cdn-Firearms Digest V14 #886 *********************************** Submissions: Mailing List Commands: Moderator's email: List owner: FAQ list: http://www.canfirearms/Skeeter/Faq/cfd-faq1.html Web Site: CFDigest Archives: To unsubscribe from _all_ the lists, put the next four lines in a message and unsubscribe cdn-firearms-digest unsubscribe cdn-firearms-chat unsubscribe cdn-firearms end (To subscribe, use "subscribe" instead of "unsubscribe".)