Cdn-Firearms Digest Sunday, July 31 2011 Volume 14 : Number 594 In this issue: Endemic regulatory corner cutting - Moscow riverboat deaths - Putin ‘Flashrobberies’ by youths a new challenge for Chen and Harper Re: Firearm Registration Declaration of independents *NFR* RE: Man stopped at border carrying 166 firearms Shooters take aim at rifle competition Re: Somali men who died violently in Northern Alberta 2006 - 2011 Re: Firearm Registration Re: Tracking firearms [and endless other things] RE: Somali men who died violently in Northern Alberta 2006 - 2011 Re: Somali men who died violently in Northern Alberta 2006 - 2011 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 31 Jul 2011 10:51:36 -0400 From: Lee Jasper Subject: Endemic regulatory corner cutting - Moscow riverboat deaths - Putin [You heard it from an expert - that great social democrat, Vladimir Putin. The Ruskies didn't learn from Canada's Walkerton. There's no report of whether the Skipper was licenced and riverboat registered]. Deadly Moscow riverboat collision THOMAS GROVE, Reuters First posted: Sunday, July 31, 2011 6:42:25 EDT AM > MOSCOW - At least seven people died on Sunday when a riverboat collided with a barge and sank in the Moscow River, Interfax reported, citing an Emergencies Ministry spokesman. The private boat carrying 16 people sank after colliding with the river barge at around 1 a.m.. Russian media quoted passengers as saying the boat had been rented for a birthday celebration. A string of transport disasters ahead of parliamentary elections in December and presidential polls in March has led President Dmitry Medvedev and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin to condemn the state of the country's infrastructure and endemic regulatory corner cutting. Survivors wrapped in brown blankets huddled on the river's grassy bank watching Emergencies Ministry boats and divers searching for victims. "We managed to save seven people. According to preliminary data of the Investigative Committee, there were 16 people on the ship. The fate of two is still unclear," the ministry spokesman said. Russia 24 quoted witnesses as saying the riverboat was moving erratically on a 200 meter-wide bend in the river before it collided with the barge in southwest Moscow, near Luzhniki Stadium, the site of the 1980 Summer Olympics. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 31 Jul 2011 11:47:01 -0400 From: Lee Jasper Subject: ‘Flashrobberies’ by youths a new challenge for Chen and Harper [Contrary to the Art Hanger head-busting Cons, methinks former London Chief Murray Faulkner had the most efficacious response, 'Tall nicely to 'em' and de-escalate and defuse the situation; certainly saves on hospital treatment and prison costs]. ‘Flashrobberies’ by youths troubling 25 DOUG HEMPSTEAD, QMI Agency First posted: Sunday, July 31, 2011 1:50:13 EDT AM > OTTAWA - The "flashrob" at a convenience store this month was the first of its kind in Ottawa -- but not the most recent. Ottawa Police are investigating a second that happened July 23 at the Independent Grocer. Det. Shane Henderson doesn't think the two are related. Meanwhile, an Ottawa security expert suspects the pair of robberies may just be a warm-up for something bigger. Robert Gater of Gater Investigations was surprised to hear of the initial July 16 theft when about 40 youths looted the Quickie convenience store. "They're big in the States," Gater said. "Usually at Gap stores and places like that." He said in most cases 10-15 people come in, grab arm-loads of merchandise and quickly leave -- scattering as they go, making it more difficult to pick them out of nearby shopping crowds. "It's all about shock and awe," he said. "Before you get a chance to respond, they're already out. It's not common in Canada and I've never heard of it happening in Ottawa before." What troubles Gater is the choice of store robbed in Ottawa. The more than three-dozen thieves only made off with about $800 worth of merchandise. "It doesn't matter if you steal a can of Coke and a Maxim magazine, or an handful of jeans the penalty is the same. I don't see the appeal of hitting the Quickie, except that this might be a trial run for something bigger. They might just be perfecting their technique to take it up a notch or two." Henderson disagrees. "I don't think that's the case," he said. But, Gater said he wouldn't be surprised if another so-called flashrob takes place "real soon." The crime gets its name from the term "flash mob" -- a victimless type of show, usually organized online through websites like Facebook where people are solicited to show up at a certain place at a certain time. Then the group, often the complete strangers, will break into song or dance in an effort to surprise passersby. One of the most recent flashrobs happened Monday afternoon in the Georgetown neighbourhood of Washington, D.C., when a group of men and women robbed a Victoria's Secret lingerie store. Police confirmed later that the crime was organized on Facebook and Twitter. The terrified Quickie clerk refused to file a report on the robbery, but Henderson is the lead in the ongoing investigation. "Right now we're trying to identify the individuals involved," he said. Anyone with information on the identity of any of the individuals can call Ottawa Police at 613-236-1222 ext. 5166. - -- Mob of 40 teens ransack store 192 JAMIE LONG, QMI Agency First posted: Saturday, July 30, 2011 1:45:28 EDT AM ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 31 Jul 2011 12:35:10 -0400 From: "mred" Subject: Re: Firearm Registration As far as Im concerned they can stuff the registry where the sun doesnt shine .It is nothing more than a con game for the RFC so they can claim they did something.?as "promised?" Well Harper "promised" to remove ALL of C-68 didnt he ? any less than that is an outright lie. As long as the other onerous parts of C-68 remain we will still be second/third class citizen /subjects , not even worthy of the protections given child molesters. If the CPC had any honourable intentions they wouldnt have waited this long to eliminate C-68 They didnt NEED a majority . All they needed was a raft of OIC`s. Gun ownership in Canada will always remain as a partner to kiddy-diddlers. Thats our place and better get used to it ed/on - ----- Original Message ----- From: To: Sent: Sunday, July 31, 2011 2:39 AM Subject: Firearm Registration > Jessica McDonald of the Public Safety Department states that if and when > the Conservatives end the long gun Registry, the Ruger Mini-14 will still > be required to be registered. > > The Ruger Mini-14 is a common long gun praised by farmers as being > excellent for predator control and by target shooters all over North > America. > > If I can read between the lines correctly, this would indicate that the > Harperites are going to throw Cukier et al a bone in exchange for dumping > the long gun registry by making the ubiquitous Mini-14 ---- the symbol of > female slaughter, in her mind ---restricted. > > Oh, my God. > > Peter ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 31 Jul 2011 11:01:04 -0600 From: "Joe Gingrich" Subject: Declaration of independents *NFR* Declaration of independents A generation that has grown up with the Internet "has essentially been raised libertarian." By George Will August 1, 2011 August is upon us, beaches beckon and Michele Bachmann has set the self-improvement bar high. She recently told The Wall Street Journal, "When I go on vacation and I lay on the beach, I bring von Mises." The congresswoman may be the first person ever to dribble sun lotion on the section of Ludwig von Mises's "Human Action" wherein the Austrian economist (1881-1973) discussed "the formal and aprioristic character of praxeology." Autodidacts less exacting than Bachmann should spill sand on the pages of "The Declaration of Independents: How Libertarian Politics Can Fix What's Wrong With America" by Nick Gillespie and Matt Welch (Buy it at a 44% discount by clicking here.). These incurably upbeat journalists with Reason magazine believe that not even government, try as it will, can prevent onrushing social improvement. "Confirmation bias" is the propensity to believe news that confirms our beliefs. Gillespie and Welch say that "existence bias" disposes us to believe that things that exist always will. The authors say that the most ossified, sclerotic sectors of American life - politics and government - are about to be blown up by new capabilities, especially the Internet, and the public's wholesome impatience that is encouraged by them. "Think of any customer experience that has made you wince or kick the cat. What jumps to mind? Waiting in multiple lines at the Department of Motor Vehicles. Observing the bureaucratic sloth and lowest-common-denominator performance of public schools, especially in big cities. Getting ritually humiliated going through airport security. Trying desperately to understand your doctor bills. Navigating the permitting process at your local city hall. Wasting a day at home while the gas man fails to show up. Whatever you come up with, chances are good that the culprit is either a direct government monopoly (as in the providers of K-12 education) or a heavily regulated industry or utility where the government is the largest player (as in health care)." Since 1970, per pupil real, inflation-adjusted spending has doubled and the teacher-pupil ratio has declined substantially. But math and reading scores are essentially unchanged, so we are spending much more to achieve the same results. America has the shortest school year in the industrial world, an academic calendar - speaking of nostalgia - suited to an America when children were needed on the farms and ranches in the late spring and early autumn. "No other industry," Gillespie and Welch write, "still adheres to a calendar based on 19th-century agricultural cycles - even agriculture has given up that schedule." In the 1950s, A&P supermarkets (remember them? You probably don't) had a 75 percent market share. What used to be the General Motors Building near Central Park South has an Apple store where the automobile showroom once was. When Kodak loses customers, it withers. But when government fails, it expands even faster. This is, Gillespie and Welch say, because "politics is a lagging indicator of change," a sector of top-down traditions increasingly out of step with today's "bottom-up business and culture" of: "You want soy with that decaf mocha frappuccino?" A generation that has grown up with the Internet "has essentially been raised libertarian," swimming in markets, which are choices among competing alternatives. And the left weeps. Preaching what has been called nostalgianomics, liberals mourn the passing of the days when there was one phone company, three car companies, three television networks, and an airline cartel, and big labor and big business were cozy with big government. The America of one universally known list of Top 40 records is as gone as records. When the Census offered people the choice of checking the "multiracial" category, Maxine Waters, then chairing the Congressional Black Caucus, was indignant: "Letting individuals opt out of the current categories just blurs everything." This is the voice of reactionary liberalism: No blurring, no changes, no escape from old categories, spin the world back to the 1950s. "Declaration of Independents" is suitable reading for this summer of debt-ceiling debate, which has been a proxy for a bigger debate, which is about nothing less than this: What should be the nature of the American regime? America is moving in the libertarians' direction not because they have won an argument but because government and the sectors it dominates have made themselves ludicrous. This has, however, opened minds to the libertarians' argument. The essence of which is the common-sensical principle that before government interferes with the freedom of the individual and of individuals making consensual transactions in markets, it ought to have a defensible reason for doing so. It usually does not. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 31 Jul 2011 17:54:42 +0000 From: Trigger Mortis Subject: RE: Man stopped at border carrying 166 firearms To get to trust, you must overcome fear. The whole gun control issue is based on fear, IMHO. Some people use it to further their agenda, like Wendy. Some people are just consumed by it and will not listen to any logical argument. Alan Harper SI VIS PACEM, PARA BELLUM > From: > To: > Subject: Re: Man stopped at border carrying 166 firearms > Date: Sat, 30 Jul 2011 18:11:46 -0700 > > Sure they scored a crook but the key action here is that they DO NOT > TRUST EVEN LEGAL REGISTERED GUN OWNERS....... > > You just mention guns and they see a threat to their government's > {pony boys/brokers/etc) gang. > > They simply don't trust any other gun owner=2C other than their > personal gangbangers > > Those "166 firearms/mags" are just a prime example of what Can/LEOs > know about guns....right......they do tend to exaggerate a bit don't > they...... > > Maybe they should be issued "firearms" just like those "166 > firearms" to see just to see what THEY think about those "166 firearms" > and their ballistic effects. > > Bob > > ------original message------ > > On Fri, 29 Jul 2011 13:55:18 -0600 (CST), you wrote: > >|>------------------------------ >|> >|>Date: Fri, July 29, 2011 8:34 am >|>From: "Dennis & Hazel Young" >|>Subject: Man stopped at border carrying 166 firearms >|> >|>NOTE: Be sure to check out the picture of the "166 firearms". >|> >|>THE VANCOUVER SUN - JULY 29, 2011 >|>Man stopped at border carrying 166 firearms >|>By Matthew Robinson, The Vancouver Sun July 28, 2011 >|> >|> >|>A United States resident crossing into Canada has found out a broken >|>rifle is not just a broken rifle when it's accompanied by 166 other >|>undeclared and prohibited firearm parts. Brian Joseph Maack was >|>charged with smuggling and possession of prohibited devices after a >|>July 18 vehicle search at the Pacific Highway border crossing produced >|>151 high capacity ammunition magazines, a silencer and 14 other various >|>parts of weapons. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, July 31, 2011 12:34 pm From: "Dennis & Hazel Young" Subject: Shooters take aim at rifle competition TERRACE STANDARD - JULY 31, 2011 Shooters take aim at rifle competition There were seventeen sharp shooters this year at the 2011 Service Rifle Competition out at the Terrace Rod and Gun club July 23. Registration took place at 8 a.m. and was followed by safety meetings and rifle reviews, with shooting taking off at 9:20 a.m., and continuing on until 6 p.m. There were 16 vintage shooters and one modern shooter at the event. Event organizer Richard Kean said the Terrace Rod and Gun Club offers what most service rifle matches do, such as the use of snap, rapid and deliberate type matches while using prone, kneeling and standing positions. Every shooter also took a turn manning military rifle butts, constructed in 1943, which are re-enforced concrete bunkers with earth packed in front of them. Participants use these butts to take shelter behind while changing up targets for shooters between rounds. Shooters wear a military helmet, safety equipment and a high-visibility vest while manning the rifle butts. "It is perfectly safe, and an experience so say the least," Kean said. Kean explains that service rifle matches require cardio and gym conditioning as it is physically difficult to move into various shooting positions and engage targets which are moving or may only appear for a few seconds. He compares service rifle shooting to the real-life situations of hunting. "Hunters often need to be moving quickly, change locations to source the best shooting angle, manage adrenaline and an elevated heart rate, control laboured breathing and figure out the numerous computations running through the hunter's mind prior to pulling off that one shot," Kean explained. Kean said he was seriously impressed with one shooter, Jordy Mandur of Terrace, who despite using a vintage service rifle with a limited magazine capacity and being on crutches, managed to place fifth in the competition. "He turned a lot of heads and his determination impresses me very much," Kean said. The top three in the vintage category were Troy Hansen from Terrace in the number one spot, Mark Ciemniak from Kitimat in second and Dace Helps from Telkwa placing third. The modern shooter event went to the only contestant, Al Lencucha from Kitimat. Kean urges people to keep the Terrace Rod and Gun Club Service Rifle event on their radar for next year. He expects the competition to take place on the same date and would like to see more local shooters at next year's event. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 31 Jul 2011 15:15:31 -0400 From: "mred" Subject: Re: Somali men who died violently in Northern Alberta 2006 - 2011 Sounds to me like they're taking care of business on their own ? ed/on > EDMONTON JOURNAL - JULY 31, 2011 > Somali men who died violently in Northern Alberta 2006 - 2011 > BY COMPILED BY MARIAM IBRAHIM > > > 2006 > > Omar Mohamad Abdalla, 19, was shot to death on Feb. 12 at his apartment > building at 10835 115th St. A cousin said Abdalla had moved to Edmonton > from > Ottawa to find work five months before he was killed. Abdalla arrived in > Canada from Somalia when he was about 10 years old. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 31 Jul 2011 14:14:12 -0600 From: Subject: Re: Firearm Registration At 11:39 PM 30/07/2011 -0700, you wrote: > >Jessica McDonald of the Public Safety Department states that if and when >the Conservatives end the long gun Registry, the Ruger Mini-14 will still >be required to be registered. > >The Ruger Mini-14 is a common long gun praised by farmers as being >excellent for predator control and by target shooters all over North >America. > >If I can read between the lines correctly, this would indicate that the >Harperites are going to throw Cukier et al a bone in exchange for dumping >the long gun registry by making the ubiquitous Mini-14 ---- the symbol of >female slaughter, in her mind ---restricted. > >Oh, my God. > >Peter This could backfire as all those folks who use the Ruger Mini-14 to hunt with will simply apply for A.T.T.s to continue to hunt with them. The activity was safe and legal last year, those same people should be safe and legal next year in spite of any restricted status. The other issue is that the firearms license is enough and folks should not need an Authorization To transport for any rifle. The law can take freedom away or can be used to allow legal and safe activities. So far there is only one owner of a mini-14 in Canada who used it for a murder. No one lese has, therefore these folks should be able to continue to possess and use these guns as they did before. The other issue is that there is nothing about the Ruger Mini-14 that modifiies moral values, and instigates criminal behaviour. To place restrictions on its use in order to change human behaviour is insane. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 31 Jul 2011 16:50:09 -0400 From: Lee Jasper Subject: Re: Tracking firearms [and endless other things] [Subtitled the beauty of Google] Good update by Dennis: > THE MONTREAL GAZETTE - JULY 30, 2011 Tracking guns - with or without > the registry By MAX HARROLD, The Gazette > > > There are ways to track firearms with or without the federal > long-gun registry, which is expected to be scrapped this fall: > > TRACKING GUNS Toronto Police Chief William Blair, the current > president of Canadian Association of Police Chiefs, wrote federal > Public Safety Minister Vic Toews on May 19 with a few ideas: I have stated before, I deplore the half-truths which spew out of the PMO, Minister Toew's Office, etc. Fundamental to a DEMOCRACY is that citizens must have accurate and dependable information upon which they can make their wishes and aspirations known to their political representatives. I find just as deplorable, the half-truths, repeated ad nauseam by gun activists who should know better, foisted upon their gun owning fraternity. I'm not a fan of the LGR or the HGR!!! But, until Harper and company can explain why the LGR is useless crap, , but the HGR, sex offender registry, prohibition registry, various prov Land registries, registries for Holsteins, domain registries, cancer, garnishment registries, brides, weddings, honeymoons, babies, bone marrow donors, Corporate registries, Canadian immunization registry, National Do-Not-Call registry, Social Housing registries, Toys R Us Gift Registry, hospital wait times in Canada registry, Judges registry, Gang Member Public Registry, Bad tenants registry, Environmental Registry, Canada's national product registry, Canadian Legal Services Registry, Canadian Environmental Assessment Registry, Bone Marrow registries, Transport Canada Vessels Registry, the Roadblock Registry: USA & Canada, Nurses registries, Bike Registry Canada, registries for fertilizer, pesticides and insecticides, Registry of Stained Glass Windows in Canada (RSGC), Canadian divorce registries, orange Ford Mustang registry, Family Abuse Registry, registry of court judgments, etc. are useful, valid endeavors . . . I'd suggest the CPC are not being honest entirely. . There are numerous other registries, some of which I've had the good fortune to experience. You can bet the private sector registries among those above would be top drawer and the world would grind to a halt with their absence. Why doesn't some enterprising wag send this list of registries to Toews and ask him which registries he supports. Oh silly me, I forgot, the LGR is a WEDGE issue that keeps the juices revved and cheques flowing. Despite all the bile coming from the PMO plus from the two dim-bulb blondes about the uselessness of the LGR I found another registry good-news story. > Online donor registry clicks with thousands of Ontarians > > July 29, 2011 Barbara Turnbull LIVING REPORTER > > > > Six months after Ontario’s auditor general slammed the province’s > approach to organ and tissue donation, there has been one notable > success. The new online donor registration has had some 16,000 > sign-ups since it was launched on June 13. > > First, the success: The website has far surpassed the > expectations of Trillium Gift of Life, the agency responsible for > organ donation and transplantation. Since its June 13 launch to July > 24, there have been 16,666 new registrants. More than 4,000 Ontarians > used the website to make a change to their status and another 14,000 > went online to check to see if they are registered. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 31 Jul 2011 20:56:44 +0000 From: Trigger Mortis Subject: RE: Somali men who died violently in Northern Alberta 2006 - 2011 "He was known to police" ???????? What does that mean?? It seems to appear frequently. What does it mean?? Alan Harper SI VIS PACEM, PARA BELLUM > Subject: Somali men who died violently in Northern Alberta 2006 - 2011 > From: > Date: > To: > > EDMONTON JOURNAL - JULY 31, 2011 > Somali men who died violently in Northern Alberta 2006 - 2011 > BY COMPILED BY MARIAM IBRAHIM > > > 2006 > > Omar Mohamad Abdalla, 19, was shot to death on Feb. 12 at his apartment > building at 10835 115th St. A cousin said Abdalla had moved to Edmonton > from Ottawa to find work five months before he was killed. Abdalla > arrived in Canada from Somalia when he was about 10 years old. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 31 Jul 2011 17:44:33 -0400 From: "mred" Subject: Re: Somali men who died violently in Northern Alberta 2006 - 2011 It means one of two things : either he was reported as a miscreant OR? he reported someone else as the same , his name could still be on the books . ed/on - ----- Original Message ----- From: "Trigger Mortis" To: Sent: Sunday, July 31, 2011 4:56 PM Subject: RE: Somali men who died violently in Northern Alberta 2006 - 2011 > > "He was known to police" ???????? > What does that mean?? It seems to appear frequently. What does it mean?? > > Alan Harper > > SI VIS PACEM, PARA BELLUM > >> Subject: Somali men who died violently in Northern Alberta 2006 - 2011 >> From: >> Date: >> To: >> >> EDMONTON JOURNAL - JULY 31, 2011 >> Somali men who died violently in Northern Alberta 2006 - 2011 >> BY COMPILED BY MARIAM IBRAHIM >> >> >> 2006 >> >> Omar Mohamad Abdalla, 19, was shot to death on Feb. 12 at his apartment >> building at 10835 115th St. A cousin said Abdalla had moved to Edmonton >> from Ottawa to find work five months before he was killed. Abdalla >> arrived in Canada from Somalia when he was about 10 years old. ------------------------------ End of Cdn-Firearms Digest V14 #594 *********************************** Submissions: Mailing List Commands: Moderator's email: List owner: FAQ list: http://www.canfirearms/Skeeter/Faq/cfd-faq1.html Web Site: CFDigest Archives: To unsubscribe from _all_ the lists, put the next four lines in a message and unsubscribe cdn-firearms-digest unsubscribe cdn-firearms-chat unsubscribe cdn-firearms end (To subscribe, use "subscribe" instead of "unsubscribe".)