Cdn-Firearms Digest Wednesday, April 6 2011 Volume 14 : Number 360 In this issue: Tories bring out the big guns for coveted riding of Ajax-Pickering HOW TO ANSWER THE MAGAZINE BAN PUSHERS Licencing v registration Drunk Mountie fired gun at hotel ceiling Re: Afghanistan was Burning Koran. Re: Give Harper a majority? Re: London kicked out of Harper rally at centre of political storm Re: OFAH Supports Prime Minister's Call for Creation of ... Burning Koran Re: Give Harper a majority? Local candidates examine gun registry after PM resurrects it ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 06 Apr 2011 01:35:27 -0400 From: Lee Jasper Subject: Tories bring out the big guns for coveted riding of Ajax-Pickering [I hope everyone's aware that if *one* gun owner is caught pulling some hair-brained stunt, it could well serve to pop Harp's balloon which I believe has suffered some sizable chinks. Add the gun sighting of the Ottawa MPs signs, the take-over of PC MP Stirling's riding by the 'Back Off Gov't' group, , , there's a lot of anger about all sorts of beefs, bordering on the irrational, out there] Tories bring out the big guns for coveted riding of Ajax-Pickering Apr 05 2011 Tonda MacCharles Ottawa Bureau > AJAX—It is meant as a show of force, a flexing of political muscle in the once-strong Liberal fortress of Greater Toronto. Conservative Leader Stephen Harper returns to rally about a thousand partisan supporters Wednesday night in Ajax-Pickering. He is expected to talk up his government’s measures to boost legal immigration with an eye on spotlighting aspiring Conservative candidates, and promoting one star’s chances of an upset victory. Already, three cabinet ministers marched through in the first 10 days of the campaign to promote rookie Conservative Chris Alexander. Alexander, 42, is an Oxford-educated former diplomat. He served as Canadian ambassador and the UN’s deputy special representative in Afghanistan, and is now running hard against Mark Holland, the incumbent Liberal MP and public safety critic. Both the Liberals and the Conservatives eyed the blond, blue-eyed Alexander to run. Alexander says he spoke to the Liberals on Afghanistan when he returned in 2009, but only as a political courtesy. “I knew where I fit.” Clarkson says it’s a sign the Canadian political centre has shifted under Harper. “The fact they recruited Chris Alexander is a sign they are doing really well among the young urban elite.” [RE: The external pro gun campaign]: Officials point to a with anti-registry commentary > as music and lyrics that lend a “scary” overtone: “You can run on for a long time, sooner or later, gonna cut you down.” [The video offers some pretty wild stats from the bit I could watch]. Holland shrugs it off, and insists votes here come down to the local ground game, and on that, he believes he has an advantage. Born and raised in Pickering, Holland has worked the suburban single-family homes and high-rise apartment buildings for nine campaigns in 15 years — races for seats on the school board, the municipal and regional council, for the Liberal nomination, and for the federal seat that he’s held since 2004. Comments: phatfarm73 Mark Holland needs to go. He is a silver spoon baby turned career politician he has never had to work a real job. He is happy to disarm law abiding citizens but is strongly against putting convicted criminals behind bars and he will censor anyone who disagrees with him. cobalt545 Holland needs to go. He doesn't support his constituents. He supports his party and their agenda to take away the rights and freedoms of Canadians. He has more interest in protecting Tamil Tigers and criminals than Canadian citizens. Typical for the liberals. pongping69 Turf that lying sack of s%!^ Bye Bye SkidMark! [I wonder if the CFO is checking these folk out under 'continuous eligibility screening]? ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 05 Apr 2011 23:36:43 -0600 From: Joe Gingrich Subject: HOW TO ANSWER THE MAGAZINE BAN PUSHERS ALERT FROM JEWS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF FIREARMS OWNERSHIP America's Aggressive Civil Rights Organization April 5th, 2011 JPFO ALERT: HOW TO ANSWER THE MAGAZINE BAN PUSHERS Staunch pro-gun writer Alan Korwin has come up with a very handy and effective "talking points" list. If confronted by the hysteria driven rhetoric of magazine bans, especially based upon the Arizona lunacy of Jared Loughner, we highly recommend you have Alan's rebuttals close at hand. For instance: "People who want to restrict magazines are on a roll, using the Tucson assassinations for momentum. They want any kind of gun bans they can get, regardless of crime fighting, public safety, logic or reason. They are emotionally compromised." "Attacking the right to an uninfringed magazine because of one assassin is a political game, not a meaningful solution to homicidal rampages." "The proper response to the recognition that people can go berserk and cause mayhem is to foster a culture of marksmanship." Read more here - Please print out this article and pass it around to gun shops, shooting ranges, and at gun shows. We all need to wield pointed and effective responses to the gun grabbers' hysterical blathering and phony hand wringing. If we remain silent they will win. (HTML alert here - ) The JPFO Liberty Crew Protecting you by creating solutions to destroy "gun control" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JPFO's new "Triple Play" DVD - JPFO Freedom Music - enjoy the "I Will Live Free" CD - sale price $17.76 - Be sure you have seen the JPFO Genocide Chart - The JPFO Store - - films, books and more. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2011 23:00:37 -0700 (PDT) From: enigma1 Subject: Licencing v registration Les says; Licencing......NO Registration ..YES Me thinks that our old mentor might have his mords mixed. Registration allows the state to know only which and how many firearms are supposedly in a given gun cabinet. Whereas, licencing ensures that the individual has been trained, screened and is qualified to the appropriate level to possess any non-restricted firearm therein. The most important reform of the Act would be to issue lifetime licenses so that 'Old Codgers' with limited memory capacity would not have to face the prospect of any legal consequence for being absent-minded regarding their renewal date. It's a modest but reasonable compromise that would meet the baseline requirements of public safety while removing the onerous consequences imposed on an ageing membership. Who really cares how many Cooeys or Winchesters 'Old Uncle Bob' has at home? Knowing that he or his nephews are competent, knowledgeable and safety conscious owners is what really matters to society at large. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 06 Apr 2011 12:45:04 -0400 From: Subject: Drunk Mountie fired gun at hotel ceiling Another example of the two law system resulting from the firearms legislation. Jim Hill Drunk Mountie fired gun at hotel ceiling RCMP constable given absolute discharge after incident at defence ministers conference By Gary Dimmock, Ottawa Citizen April 6, 2011 When senior Mounties handpicked the security detail for the 2008 Conference of Defence Ministers of Americas at the Banff Springs Hotel, they never thought it would be one of their own officers starting trouble, let alone a drunken constable firing his service pistol into the ceiling of a hotel room. The security detail had a big job on their hands at the conference, which was hosted by Defence Minister Peter MacKay and attended by U.S. Defence Secretary Robert Gates, but its only serious call came from within after some RCMP officers set out for a night on the town. Just before his evening shift on Sept. 5, 2008, Const. Andy Yung and his colleagues were told by their team commander that they were no longer needed and granted the night off. The unexpected free night had them going out for dinner in the hotel dining room. The wine flowed fast and Yung was drunk by the end of it. But it didn't stop there, with some of the Mounties, including Yung, hitting a nightclub. Back in his hotel room, before turning in for the night, Yung made a call to his ex-girlfriend that left him in tears. Moments later, he fired a single round into the ceiling above, with the bullet passing through into an unoccupied floor. The officer admitted the allegations at a November disciplinary hearing held in Ottawa. The disgraced constable also admitted using the country's national police databank without authorization to keep tabs on his ex-girlfriend. "The board finds that the disgraceful conduct, which has been proven, brings discredit on the force." The board reprimanded the constable and docked him five days' pay. The RCMP board, presided over by top officers, said an aggravating factor included "the embarrassment for the force through the involvement of another police service." Yung quietly pleaded guilty in criminal court last year and was given an absolute discharge, which means he was spared a criminal record and not issued a firearms prohibition. It was Yung himself who called 911, reporting he "accidentally fired" his service pistol and identifying himself. By the time his fellow Mounties came for him, he had already handcuffed himself "so as to not present himself as a threat," according to the disciplinary board. The Mounties never did find the bullet's final resting place, but were thankful that it went into an unoccupied floor. The Conference of Defence Ministers of the Americas is a venue to address emerging threats such as organized crime and terrorism. Copyright (c) The Ottawa Citizen Read more: ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 6 Apr 2011 19:34:27 +1200 From: "David M" Subject: Re: Afghanistan was Burning Koran. >> Subject: Qur'an protests spread to Afghanistan's turbulent east > >> Instead of suggesting that >> he be deposited into a frenzied crowd of illiterate, dogmatic, >> misogynistic savages, perhaps you ( Lee) should prefer to take to task >> those very individuals who beheaded a female UN worker and slaughtered, >> in the name of Allah, fifteen of her co-workers for their perceived >> slight. - ------------- I don't think anyone who has not travelled and spent time in Afghanistan pre the Russian invasion can fully appreciate the enormity of the tragedy that has befallen the country and its once friendly and hospitable people. I spent months in Afghanistan in 1969, 1972 and 1975 and remember those times as some of the happiest of my twenties. Everywhere I went, and I went everywhere except Nuristan which was off limits to foreigners, I was treated with friendliness, curiosity and hospitality. When I visited the great mosques of Herat and Mazar-i-Sharif I was shown around as an honoured guest even though I was only a gawping twenty-something. Today they would cut my head off. The mental illness masquerading as a "religion of peace" should not blind people to the fact that Afghanistan has a long and rich history and the country itself is one of the most ruggedly beautiful on Earth. I wish I could have hope that the madness gripping the people there would soon pass but I don't expect to live to see sanity return. To finish here is a quote from the renowned author Bruce Chetwin which he wrote just after the Russians rolled in in 1980 - thankfully he did not live to see the current state of affairs. I have done and seen everything he mentions and I weep for what is gone. DM - --------- ".........that will not bring back the things we loved: the high, clear days and the blue icecaps on the mountains; the lines of white poplars fluttering in the wind, and the long white prayer flags; the fields of asphodels that followed the tulips; or the fat tailed sheep brindling the hills above Chackcharan and the ram with a tail so big they had to strap it to a cart. We shall not lie on our backs at the Red Castle and watch the vultures wheeling over the valley where they killed Ghengis. We will not read Babur's memoirs in his garden at Istalif and see the blind man smelling his way around the rose bushes. Or sit in the Peace of Islam with the beggars of Gazar Gagh. We will not stand on the Buddha's head at Bamiyan, upright in his niche like a whale in dry dock. We will not sleep in the nomad's tent or scale the Minaret of Djam. And we shall lose the tastes, the hot, coarse, bitter bread; the green tea flavoured with cardomoms; the grapes we cooled in the snow melt; and the nuts we munched for altitude sickness. Nor shall we get back the smell of the beanfields; the sweet, resinous smell of deodar wood burning , or the whiff of a snow leopard at 14,000 feet. Never. Never. Never." Bruce Chatwin August 1980 ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 6 Apr 2011 08:21:07 -0400 From: "mred" Subject: Re: Give Harper a majority? "The Tory Leader said he doesnt find rural Canadian opposed to gun control in general. Theres not a general opposition to the idea that a gun owner should get a license, ... that there should be restrictions on certain types of powerful weapons, he said. What people dont accept is going out and registering millions and millions and millions of long guns when you already have all this other information. ed/on - ----- Original Message ----- From: "Dennis & Hazel Young" To: "Mike Ackermann" Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2011 2:13 PM Subject: Give Harper a majority? > The sad thing is Dr. Mike is that they aren't promising to do anything > beyond getting rid of the longgun registry and Harper and every one of his > MPs now support licensing - not the FAC - LICENSING!!! > > Dennis > > ------------------------------ > Cdn-Firearms Digest Tuesday, April 5 2011 Volume 14 : Number > 356 > ------------------------------ > > Date: Tue, 05 Apr 2011 09:04:43 -0300 > From: "M.J. Ackermann, MD" > Subject: Re: Cdn-Firearms Digest V14 #354 > > On 05/04/11 02:01, Cdn-Firearms Digest Jim Pook wrote: >> Give Harper a majority, and if by the end of the first term, he has >> not fixed the C-68 to a major degree, then I will help in throwing him >> out too. Until the Conservatives have a MAJORITY, they will be unable >> to pass anything meaningful for us gun owners. > > Agreed 100% > > - -- > M.J. Ackermann, MD (Mike) > Rural Family Physician, > Sherbrooke, NS > > > > "Hope for the best, but be prepared for the worst". ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 6 Apr 2011 08:26:04 -0400 From: "mred" Subject: Re: London kicked out of Harper rally at centre of political storm After this Harper will be lucky to get another minority government and we`ll be 280 million dollars poorer..........ed/on - ----- Original Message ----- From: "Lee Jasper" To: "Canadian Firearms Digest" Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2011 9:23 PM Subject: London kicked out of Harper rally at centre of political storm > London teen at centre of political storm > > By PATRICK MALONEY The London Free Press > >> > > Londoner Awish Aslam has gone from being a typical university student > interested in politics to a cautionary tale about democratic freedom, > virtually overnight. > > Since The London Free Press reported about Aslam and a friend being > kicked out of a London rally for Stephen Harper because of her Facebook > profile picture - in which she's posing with Liberal Leader Michael > Ignatieff - the ordeal of the 19-year-old University of Western Ontario > student has created headlines nationwide and trained a negative > spotlight on the Conservative campaign. > ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 6 Apr 2011 08:31:26 -0400 From: "mred" Subject: Re: OFAH Supports Prime Minister's Call for Creation of ... The OFHA is about as twofaced as a Lieberal In 1997 before the FAC was promoted I wrote a letter to them decrying the use of FAC`s and what it would lead to ? I never got a response from them either so they have never recieved another membership renewal from me since. They are Lieberals in sheeps clothing ed/on - ----- Original Message ----- From: "Dennis & Hazel Young" To: "Firearms Digest" Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2011 12:07 PM Subject: OFAH Supports Prime Minister's Call for Creation of ... > ... National Panel on Fish and Wildlife > > ONTARIO FEDERATION OF ANGLERS AND HUNTERS - RELEASE - APRIL 5, 2011 > OFAH Supports Prime Minister's Call for Creation of National Panel on Fish > and Wildlife > Conservation would be well served by advisory body at federal level > > > > The Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters (OFAH), one of the largest > nonprofit, charitable conservation-based organizations in Canada, is > pleased > to hear Prime Minister Stephen Harper commit to the creation of a new > national panel to advise the federal government on fish, wildlife and > conservation issues. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 6 Apr 2011 06:43:11 -0600 From: Rocky7 Subject: Burning Koran >> The Afghans need to bend on this one. If they can't "get it" >> that all people here are entitled to peaceably express any >> opinion - or don't want to "get it" and there's any violence >> directed toward our troops, I say bring them home. If Al Q >> tries to establish a base in Afghanistan again, there are >> other ways to deal with it. > > And in breaking news, millions of Afghans did not participate in those > riots, but carried on farming, driving taxis, selling their wares, > going to school, broadcasting television programmes, baking bread, and > struggling to rebuild their country just like people all over the planet. What's your point? You also said, in another reply: "Allah is most likely quite offended by the misuse of his name." Who is "Allah"? Sweeping generalizations and constructing straw men might make one feel like they have the moral high ground, but I believe neither of the original comments to which you responded had denounced the Afghan people. Both were referring to Tally Ban and/or militant Muslims. In my case, I was also referring to liberal apologists on this side of the world. So, when and if you next answer, please explain why we need to apologize because some over here exercised their RIGHT to freedom of expression. It seems to me like we are presented with the choice of apologizing to or requiring the Afghan people to bend. If that is the choice we are given, you already know my decision. On the other hand, if it is not - as you say - the "Afghan people" who are offended to the point of violence over Pastor Jones' actions and must be calmed down, just who the hell are Coalition leaders now thinking of apologizing to? The Tally Ban? What is the value of a Right to Freedom of Expression/Free Speech that does not include the right to be offensive to somebody? On a side note, since you profess some personal experience, I'd like to know what you think about widespread protests by hundreds of thousands of Muslims around the world over something like me saying: "Moehamhead" and yet there is never a protest about some Imam sending a child with Down's Syndrome to explode her nice, colourful vest packed with C4 in a crowd of strangers who are "selling their wares". I'm not talking about the beheadings here, just the protests. How come such a despicable act (and there are thousands of other examples) never seems to incite any Muslim violence anywhere in the world? Does that sort of thing not bother the Muslim community although they must know it is being incited by Islamic religious leaders? ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 6 Apr 2011 06:30:36 -0700 (PDT) From: Vladyslav Strashko Subject: Re: Give Harper a majority? Some times half of the cookie is better than no cookie. However, in this case you have half of the cookie vs. another cookie will be taken from you. - --- On Wed, 4/6/11, Dennis & Hazel Young wrote: From: Dennis & Hazel Young Subject: Give Harper a majority? To: "Mike Ackermann" Date: Wednesday, April 6, 2011, 8:29 AM The sad thing is Dr. Mike is that they aren't promising to do anything beyond getting rid of the long gun registry and Harper and every one of his MPs now support licensing - not the FAC - LICENSING!!! Dennis Date: Tue, 05 Apr 2011 09:04:43 -0300 From: "M.J. Ackermann, MD" Subject: Re: Cdn-Firearms Digest V14 #354 On 05/04/11 02:01, Cdn-Firearms Digest=A0 Jim Pook wrote: > Give Harper a majority, and if by the end of the first term, he has > not fixed the C-68 to a major degree, then I will help in throwing him > out too. Until the Conservatives have a MAJORITY, they will be unable > to pass anything meaningful for us gun owners. Agreed 100% - - -- M.J. Ackermann, MD (Mike) Rural Family Physician, Sherbrooke, NS "Hope for the best, but be prepared for the worst". ------------------------------ Date: Wed, April 6, 2011 7:50 am From: "Dennis & Hazel Young" Subject: Local candidates examine gun registry after PM resurrects it THE GUELPH MERCURY - APRIL 6, 2011 Local candidates examine gun registry after PM resurrects it as campaign issue GUELPH - Only a small group of Wellington County residents view the long gun registry as a key issue in the federal election campaign, according to Michael Chong. "The most important issue for rural residents is the economy. But that doesn't mean you can't talk about other things during the campaign," said Chong, the Conservative MP for Wellington-Halton Hills. He made the comment in a phone interview, a day after Prime Minister Stephen Harper stumped on eliminating the gun registry in Wainfleet, Ont., near Welland. "The elimination is a strongly held concern for specific group of people," Chong said. "It is an issue, but for a smaller group of people." For those who care about the issue, many are passionate about abolishing the registry. "The long gun registry doesn't serve purpose other than to consume money and effort," Guelph Rod and Gun Club president Frank McFarquhar said. Auditor-General Sheila Fraser found in 2005 the gun registry had cost $1 billion in its first 10 years. Chong said Monday the program costs Canadians $65 million annually. His Wellington-Halton Hills Liberal challenger Barry Peters said the cost is $4 million annually. And Guelph Liberal incumbent Frank Valeriote said the programs costs $2 million per year. The program is run by the RCMP. "I'm going to rely on the very people who manage the program before I rely on the exaggeration of numbers by a party held in contempt of parliament," Valeriote said. Harper promises his party will scrap the registry if the Conservatives are elected to a majority government May 2. "I fully support elimination of the long gun registry," Chong said. "It's not an effective use of scarce use of public resources." McFarquhar agreed. "Why waste money when money is always an issue?" he said. "It's not helping anyone." Peters and Valeriote disagree. They said police check the registry thousands of times each day. Guelph Police Chief Rob Davis has spoken in favour of the registry's utility and in support of retaining it. Attempts Tuesday to obtain comment from Davis for this story weren't successful. "It's a gun-tracking system not a gun control system. It's to keep front-line workers and police and paramedics aware of how many are in a household. It's not designed to hurt the farmers or hunters," Valeriote said. Before entering a residence, first responders can check the registry to determine whether a resident has registered a long gun. "Right. That means it's a good guy's gun. It's not a bad guy's gun. Bad guys don't register guns," McFarquhar said. "The long gun registry isn't looking to take away rights but enhance public safety," Peters said. "Those are two separate issues." Chong pointed out the long gun registry didn't stop James Roszko from killing four RCMP officers in Mayerthorpe, Alta., in 2005. And it didn't stop Kimveer Gill from going on a rampage at Montreal's Dawson College, where he shot 20 people, killing one, in 2006. Closer to home, OPP officer Vu Pham was shot and killed last year in Seaforth, Ont., about an hour north of London. "I think the real problem we have in Canada is handguns in urban Canada. The long gun registry targets the wrong type of guns," Chong said. Still, Valeriote defended the Liberal legislation that became law in 2001. "Red lights don't always stop accidents from happening, but they reduce the number of accidents," Valeriote said. "If the long gun registry saves one life, it's worth the expense." McFaquhar said the way to deal with "the real criminals, the gang bangers and drug dealers" is through prosecution and incarceration. "The only gun laws that affect criminals are penalties," he said. "Arrest the criminal element and prosecute them fully rather than plea bargain." Guelph NDP candidate Bobbi Stewart said she supports the registry but is open to tweaking it. "We have to be respectful to each other," she said. "But let's work with what we have." ------------------------------ End of Cdn-Firearms Digest V14 #360 *********************************** Submissions: Mailing List Commands: Moderator's email: List owner: FAQ list: http://www.canfirearms/Skeeter/Faq/cfd-faq1.html Web Site: CFDigest Archives: To unsubscribe from _all_ the lists, put the next four lines in a message and unsubscribe cdn-firearms-digest unsubscribe cdn-firearms-chat unsubscribe cdn-firearms end (To subscribe, use "subscribe" instead of "unsubscribe".)