Cdn-Firearms Digest Thursday, September 23 2010 Volume 14 : Number 087 In this issue: NATIONAL POST: Registry vote leaves police image wounded by Lorne Toronto Police Chief Blair no stranger to leftwing politics - 2005 Former cop Tried to Take 3 Kids and Guns on Trip for 'Leverage' Gun registry stays put It's not possible for firearms owners to get a fair trial Mental health offices closing [Excerpt] Re: Don't forget gun wimps [Newswire] CANADIAN POLICE ASSOCIATION READY TO WORK WITH ALL ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, September 23, 2010 8:47 am From: "Dennis & Hazel Young" Subject: NATIONAL POST: Registry vote leaves police image wounded by Lorne NATIONAL POST - SEPTEMBER 23, 2010 Lorne Gunter: Registry vote leaves police image wounded By Lorne Gunter September 23, 2010 – 6:57 am “Police chiefs and police officers have lost my respect, totally.” That’s what one reader told me immediately after the three opposition parties ganged up Wednesday to preserve the federal gun registry. She was far from alone. For weeks now I have been receiving scores of emails along the lines of the one above. People who before the registry would have been the most diehard supporters of the police, now see themselves as the victims of a smear campaign, especially by the chiefs. It would be difficult to overestimate the damage the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police(CACP) have done to the delicate police-community web with their aggressive, political, one-sided push to maintain the registry. To do their jobs properly and maintain the support of the citizenry, chiefs have to appear to be above the political din, fair and objective, treating all citizens the same. Yet in the gun registry debate, the country’s police chiefs – and especially Bill Blair, Toronto’s chief and the president of the CACP – were anything but neutral. They took sides, and like any other lobby group used facts selectively to advance their favoured outcome. More troubling still, Chief Blair was openly contemptuous of any gun owners opposed to the registry, implying that anyone who wanted the registry ended was naïve and indirectly assisting gun crime. He often sounded as partisan as any Liberal or NDP MP. Once the House of Commons had voted to keep the federal firearms database, he rushed to the cameras and microphones and fairly beamed with self-satisfaction. Those of you who are genuinely worried that a dismantling of the registry would have lead to more violence in your communities should think about that – about the effects that will follow from having police take a side. I am not for a second suggesting that gun owners are about to rampage now that they have failed to get their way. Far from it. From the start, the greatest affront of the registry has been the way it presumes lawful gun owners are criminals, while doing nothing to stop real criminals. Those gun owners who have been prepared to go through the dozens of hours it takes to get a license and register their guns in Canada have, by their actions, already established their devotion to law and order. Rather, I am talking about the damage chiefs and frontline officers’ associations have done to respect for the rule of law. If we were to control crime in Canada through police patrols alone, we would need many times more officers – five times more or perhaps 10 or 20 times. But we don’t need to be a police state because ordinary citizens are prepared to cooperate with authorities and support them in their duties. But that cooperation is based on two-way respect: respect of the police by the citizenry, sure, but just as certainly respect of the citizenry by police. Throughout the life of the registry, but particularly during the last couple of months, police brass have signalled to gun owners that they have little respect for them, that they start from the presumption that all owners are guilty until they can prove themselves innocent. And even then they need to be watched, regulated, registered and suspected. Shortly after the vote, Chief Blair sent out a gloating email to supporters saying that now that the chiefs’ side had won, “we are in a much better position to reach out to our opponents and attempt to resolve many of the issues which they have brought forward.” Fat chance. After having dumped on gun owners from a great height and used the same moves as lobbyists and politicians to secure their desired ends, gun owners are not going to be in any mood to work with police. And that’s what I mean by the damage police have done with their actions and tactics. Police have to have the cooperation of the ordinary Canadians if their “thin blue line” is going to hold back the real criminals. The chiefs in particular have shown nothing but contempt for gun owners, they should not be too surprised, then, if owners return contempt for contempt. Having actively opposed owners and insulted their intelligence, Chief Blair now thinks they will make nice with him and his colleagues. Why? Because all good citizens should respect authority figures? Well, not any more. Chief Blair has strained our social fabric and in the process made policing in Canada much harder. He has no one but himself to blame. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Sep 2010 08:05:55 -0700 From: "Jim Pook" Subject: Toronto Police Chief Blair no stranger to leftwing politics - 2005 Toronto Police Chief Blair no stranger to leftwing politics by Judi McLeod Saturday, April 16, 2005 Rookie Toronto Police Chief Bill Blair is no stranger to leftwing politics. It seems that Blair long ago paid his dues to the leftwing force that always covets control of local policing. With 28 years of experience, Blair was appointed Toronto's new police chief by a Toronto Police Services Board that even the mainline media calls "dysfunctional". He may not be aware nor even care, but Bill Blair and Canada Free Press go back a long way--all the way to the dismal days when the fractious Susan Eng was chair of the Toronto Police Services Board. In those days, CFP was a monthly community newspaper known as Our Toronto. Our Toronto, later renamed Toronto Free Press focused on the level of Canadian politics that the public remains the most apathetic about, municipal politics. OT was openly pro-police. Fans and detractors alike nicknamed it the "Our Cops Are Tops newspaper", because of its regular feature of the same name. The feature was our constant reminder to the public that without the thin blue line there is only anarchy. These were the days when cop-bashing councillors like Jack Layton, Olivia Chow and Pam McConnell were constantly making headlines in their unrelenting criticism of police. The trio was the darling of the left-leaning mainline media, and remains so to the present day. These were the chapters when tax lawyer Susan Eng, whose original claim to fame was refusing to swear allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, took over the chair of the board. Eng's disdain for Police Chief Bill McCormack, who defended his ranks against the politicians, was legendary. In that era, Mayor David Miller was still an obscure councillor. Although always a staunch socialist Coun. Miller took a back seat to the likes of the more media savvy Jack Layton. In the face of the sometimes-rampant anti-cop sentiment, Our Toronto took its job to heart. Suspecting that Layton and Chow were behind the appointment of Susan Eng, we once dispatched a pony tailed university student to a community meeting where Layton was waxing passionately about the need to bring on Eng, and later sent the tape to police headquarters. OT was not so welcome at City Hall, where some councilors had staff waiting to discard distributed copies. But copies were welcome at all police stations in the city. Over the years, we made many contacts and friends among the force's rank and file. One day in 1994, orders came down from on high. Tipsters told us that Susan Eng had ordered the papers out of police stations. The name of the officer who followed the orders to rid the rank and file of copies of Our Toronto? Bill Blair. To us, Blair was a PC PC, a politically correct police constable. We politically incorrect guys would have had little in common with him. Some of Blair's colleagues told us they rated him as a "self-serving kind of person with unbridled ambition". At the end of the day, police hierarchy fought the move and OT was once again accepted at police stations throughout the city. For the City of Toronto, criticism of police is a season that never ends, and that's the way it will always be as long as the left controls City Hall. Jack Layton went on to be the leader of the federal New Democrat Party. (We weren't the only ones who celebrated his move to Ottawa). Still a municipal councillor, Layton's wife Olivia Chow made it all the way to a seat on the Toronto Police Services Board. Present for the June 2000 Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP) Queen's Park protest that saw police officers doused with paint and some of their mounts hobbled by marbles, Chow resigned her seat on the board shortly after the protest, but claimed her voluntary resignation had nothing to do with the violent protest. David Miller is now Toronto mayor. Coun. Pam McConnell is an outspoken member of a Toronto Police Services Board and was elated in announcing the appointment of Blair as new police chief. Our Toronto is now Canada Free Press. Although we still cover the cellar of politics, municipal government, the lion's share of our reporting is dedicated to the international level reporting on things like the United Nations oil-for-food scandal. Now that Blair is chief he's destined to learn the lesson of so many others who went before him: politics and policing don't mix. Meanwhile, something prevents Toronto's new police chief from turfing us out of circulating Toronto police stations. It's called the World Wide Internet. ________________________________________ Canada Free Press founding editor Most recent by Judi McLeod is an award-winning journalist with 30 years experience in the print media. Her work has appeared on, Drudge Report,, Glenn Beck. Judi can be reached at: Jim Pook Vancouver Island-North ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Sep 2010 11:11:28 -0400 From: Lee Jasper Subject: Former cop Tried to Take 3 Kids and Guns on Trip for 'Leverage' [Enhanced PAL screening and CFO's continuous screening via FIP may have nipped this in the bud]. 911 Caller: Bryan Masche Tried to Take 3 Kids and Guns on Trip for 'Leverage' By Marc Schneider Posted Sep 22nd 2010 11:45AM >|netscape|dl2|sec1_lnk1|172497 Bryan Masche "There's an issue going on right now." That's how Bryan Masche's father-in-law began a 911 call to Camp Verde, Arizona, police earlier this month after the 'Raising Sextuplets' star began loading three of his screaming children and "some guns" into a van during a dispute with his wife. PopEater has acquired audio from the phone call from the Sept. 11 incident. Hear the First Call: Jenny Masche's father told the dispatcher that Bryan was "loading up three of the kids right now and it's kind of like leverage," he said, adding, "He's in one of those frames of mind. I'm a little apprehensive." When asked whether Masche had become physically violent with Jenny, the father-in-law, whose name has not been released, said no, but that "she doesn't want him to leave because if he takes three and then he files [for separation or divorce] or whatever happens, then she's got three kids here and three kids there and then all of a sudden it becomes a bargaining tool. And they should be with her mother." At this point, the argument between Bryan and Jenny Masche, whose show airs on WE, had not accelerated enough for the caller to ask for police assistance at the home, but there were signs thing were getting unstable. "It's okay right now," he said. "[Bryan] just loaded some guns into the back of his van and he's had eight years of being a cop, according to him." A short time later, the father-in-law called back and asked the dispatcher to send an officer to his house. He said Bryan stole Jenny's cell phone and described the scene: "He's started to load one of [the children]. He took her out of bed. He's got her in the back of the van." Hear the Second Call: The two men then begin arguing and the audio becomes muffled and, at times, inaudible. In the background, you hear the sound of one or more of the children, ages 3, crying loudly. "This is the attitude, this is the reason I do not want you in the car with the kids," he said. When police arrived, Masche resisted arrest, claiming he "didn't do anything," according to the official police report. Bryan grew belligerent and refused to be subdued. "Bryan locked and held his arms in front of his body in a manner to prevent them from behind secured," the report says. He was threatened with a Taser but "complied prior" to its deployment. Masche was eventually loaded in a police car and later pleaded not guilty to three counts of domestic violence involving disorderly conduct and threats and a single count of resisting arrest. He is out on $3,500 bond and is due back in court Oct. 7 for a pretrial conference. Back in 2009, Bryan and Jenny admitted that raising six young children was difficult and caused a lot of tension between them. "We have totally brutal fights," Jenny told PEOPLE. The couple were a "work in progress" and hoped to resolve their marital problems. "When you understand that there's no way out of marriage, that forces you to work on your marriage. If we're going to be stuck with each other for the next 80 years, we better make it good," Bryan added. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Sep 2010 09:14:50 -0600 From: Joe Gingrich Subject: Gun registry stays put Gun registry stays put Controversial long-gun database survives close vote By Janice Tibbetts, Postmedia News September 23, 2010 Prime Minister Stephen Harper said Wednesday night his government will continue to fight until the federal long-gun registry is abolished, refusing to budge after the database survived a critical vote. "The people of the regions of this country are never going to accept being treated like criminals and we will continue our efforts until this registry is finally abolished," Harper said outside the House of Commons. "After 15 years, opposition to the long-gun registry is stronger in this country than it has ever been." By a 153-151 margin, MPs voted to preserve the 15-year-old registry, with the three opposition parties joining forces to defeat a bid by Tory backbencher Candice Hoeppner to scrap the databank. Six New Democrats broke with their party and joined the government vote, but it was not enough to defeat a motion to kill Hoeppner's bill. It was a visibly emotional vote for some opposition MPs who withdrew their earlier support for Hoeppner's bill, including Yukon Liberal Larry Bagnell, a long-standing registry opponent, who wiped his eyes then covered his face as hecklers on the government benches yelled "shame." Newfoundland Liberal Scott Simms garnered a standing ovation from his caucus mates. He backed down on his strong opposition to the registry after his father committed suicide with a rifle earlier this year. A motion to kill Hoeppner's bill won support from 75 Liberals, 48 Bloc Quebecois, and 30 New Democrats. Two Independent MPs, including ousted Tory Helena Guergis, sided with the 143 Conservatives. There are 305 members of Parliament, but the Commons Speaker, Liberal Peter Milliken, only votes to break a tie. Hoeppner, a first-term MP from Manitoba, said that it would be futile for the government to bring forward another bill to kill the registry unless it can secure a majority government in the next election. "My message everywhere I go is if you want the registry scrapped you need to vote for a Conservative member of Parliament," Hoeppner said. "We're going to keep going. This isn't the end ,this is only the beginning." She urged Canadians to punish MPs who changed sides by voting them out next election. In Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Party government house leader Dan D'Autremont chose to bash provincial NDP Leader Dwain Lingenfelter for failing to convince the federal NDP to kill the registry. He also slammed Wascana MP Ralph Goodale, the sole Liberal MP from the province, for supporting the registry. "We will carry on with what we have been doing already," D'Autremont told reporters, "We will not be prosecuting people under the federal gun registry. If that happens in Saskatchewan, it will have to be done by the federal Justice Department and I guess the thing we can do now, that we have to do now, is wait for the next federal election and perhaps that will make a determination." Opposition critics have said there is no incentive for the Conservatives to proceed with another bill in this Parliament because their opposition to the registry draws significant financial donations and gives the party a campaign issue. © Copyright (c) The StarPhoenix ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Sep 2010 09:27:02 -0600 From: Joe Gingrich Subject: It's not possible for firearms owners to get a fair trial It's not possible for firearms owners to get a fair trial Letters to the Editor By Joe Gingrich, Nipawin Canadian firearm owners have felt the wrath of many organizations over the last 30 years. Such organizations as the Canadian Professional Police Association, the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police, some health associations, some women'sgroups, the Coalition for Gun Control, major political parties and the Canadian Bar Association (CBA) have all unfairly shifted the blame of gun violence and the criminal misuse of firearms upon innocent, responsible Canadians who own firearms. These groups all have their own agendas for being involved in a large conspiracy to disarm Canadian gun owners under the guise of public safety. Usually one conspirator will make up a lie and have their co-conspirators disseminate it to the public as factual. There exists a cleverly crafted 38-year collusion within the Canadian Bar Association and among its allies against one group of freedom-loving conscientious Canadians: the Canadian firearms community. There has been long-held unsubstantiated feelings within the firearms community that the scales of the Canadian justice system were weighing against it. However, there was no tangible evidence that widespread legal unfairness was actively propagated towards them from within the justice system until May 26, 2010. It was then that the CBA presented their three page Letter to Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, "Re: Bill C-391 - Repeal of Long-Gun Registry" to Garry Breitkreuz, M.P., Chair, Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security. The surprise is that the CBA volunteered this information exposing themselves as to the extent and duration of their conspiracy against the Canadian firearms community. This "legal" organization has been allowed to unfurl anti-gun propaganda and support discriminatory laws upon a distinct group of five million blameless Canadian gun owners for decades. Canadian gun law violations are primarily tried by a judge, only a few with judge and jury. Since 1972 the CBA has been anti-gun. Two thirds of the lawyers in Canada (7) are members of the CBA; some are forced to join the organization by regulatory law. Therefore, possibly as many as 2/3 or more of the Canadian judges on the bench are anti-gun and severely prejudiced against members of one specific minority group, the Canadian firearms community. When a lawyer is appointed as a judge they must "rescind" their ties to the CBA. Does that mean Canadian judges, former lawyers and law students, whose open minds have been scarred for decades by the CBA's antigun activities are now to become "impartial" judges? Do you believe they will recant their well-etched prejudices towards members of the firearms community acquired by their previous years of affiliation with the CBA? The CBA has intentionally and maliciously corrupted the wells of justice within Canada since 1972 to the extent that anyone charged with an offence from within the firearm community would be unable to receive a fair trial. What remedies are expected for this miscarriage of justice? The extent of bias within the Canadian justice system is widespread towards members of the Canadian firearms community. Therefore, all legal proceedings against members of the Canadian firearm community must be stayed on a national level. As part of the remedy, the Government of Canada and the provinces must apologize to the Canadian firearms community. These governments must return, in a timely fashion, all the seized property and/or just compensation for such property where it has been destroyed and/or defaced. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Sep 2010 11:35:50 -0400 From: Lee Jasper Subject: Mental health offices closing [Excerpt] [0.02% (Gardner) of the national police budget or $4 Mil from closing the long gun registry spread across Canada would be a 'drop in the bucket']. Mental health offices closing Schizophrenia By John Miner The London Free Press > Citing difficulties in raising money, the Schizophrenia Society of Ontario is closing offices in London, Chatham-Kent, Windsor and Kingston. “The economic climate certainly has impacted us,” said Mary Alberti, chief executive of the Schizophrenia Society of Ontario. “We’ve seen greater competition in marketplace as well with charities trying to raise money for their own health issues or other issues.” While the offices will be closed, Alberti said the society will continue to offer services to patients and families in the local communities. “The physical site offices are being closed but it doesn’t mean our programs are being shut down. That’s a very clear distinction,” she said. “Our literature, our information, our resources will still be in the hospitals and in these communities and we will be supporting people that way.” The society receives about 25% of its money from government grants and raises the rest. [Shame when we're spending $9 Bil to build prison cells to house people for 'crimes never reported']. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Sep 2010 09:01:47 -0700 (PDT) From: Bruce Mills Subject: Re: Don't forget gun wimps - --- On Thu, 9/23/10, Jim Pook wrote: > > > Don't forget gun wimps > Jim Pook > Vancouver Island-North Wooo hooo! Way to go, Jim! Kick ass and take names! Yours in TYRANNY! Bruce ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Sep 2010 09:39:34 -0700 (PDT) From: Bruce Mills Subject: [Newswire] CANADIAN POLICE ASSOCIATION READY TO WORK WITH ALL CANADIAN POLICE ASSOCIATION READY TO WORK WITH ALL STAKEHOLDERS TO ENSURE FIREARMS REGISTRY REMAINS EFFECTIVE OTTAWA, Sept. 22 /CNW Telbec/ - Parliament's decision to maintain the long gun portion of the Canadian Firearms Registry ensures that police from across Canada will continue to have access to a vital resource which enhances community and police officer safety, said Canadian Police Association President (CPA) Charles Momy, following today's vote in the House of Commons. "The simple fact is that registration provides valuable ownership information to police officers in the enforcement of firearm prohibition orders and in support of police investigations," said Mr. Momy. "The CPA support for the firearms registry as always been about keeping our communities safe." While today's vote is a positive step towards maintaining a valuable tool for front line police officers in the performance of their duties, the close result underscores the need for additional efforts from all stakeholders to improve the accountability, efficiency and effectiveness of the registry. "Clearly we have work ahead of us, but the CPA is ready to work with the government, and with our law enforcement colleagues to continually improve the registry itself," said Mr. Momy. "Regardless of today's vote, we know that all Parliamentarians take the safety of their communities seriously, and we're confident that by working together, we can address some of the real concerns that have been raised during this debate." The Canadian Police Association (CPA) is the national voice for 43,000 police personnel across Canada. Membership includes police personnel serving in 160 police services across Canada, from Canada's smallest towns and villages as well as those working in our largest municipal and provincial police services, and members of the RCMP, railway police, and first nations' police personnel. For further information: Michael Gendron, Government and Media Relations Officer, Office: 613-231-4168 ext. 229, Cellular: 613-299-6516, ------------------------------ End of Cdn-Firearms Digest V14 #87 ********************************** Submissions: Mailing List Commands: Moderator's email: List owner: FAQ list: http://www.canfirearms/Skeeter/Faq/cfd-faq1.html Web Site: CFDigest Archives: To unsubscribe from _all_ the lists, put the next four lines in a message and unsubscribe cdn-firearms-digest unsubscribe cdn-firearms-chat unsubscribe cdn-firearms end (To subscribe, use "subscribe" instead of "unsubscribe".)