Cdn-Firearms Digest Tuesday, May 27 2008 Volume 11 : Number 470 In this issue: Re: Proposed Toronto Handgun Ban With him was the word and the word was wrong ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 27 May 2008 19:31:58 -0400 (EDT) From: Rob Sciuk <> Subject: Re: Proposed Toronto Handgun Ban Todd wrote: > handgunners are on their own. Not to be critical, Todd, but it was this kind of thinking which split the RFC, and prevented an effective defense against the CFA ... Hunters, and clays shooters figured that black rifles and handguns were not their problem. We are *ALL of US* in this together, and the fact that this is happening in Toronto, don't think for a second that it can't happen out west ... Don't make me quote Martin Niemoller ... again ... Today, I've put out the usual quota of letters, as well as doing an off-air interview with CBC (for background on the Metro-Morning show ... a left wing radio hosted by a draft dodger (Andy Barrie) in Toronto) ... apparently, given my recent complaint to the CBC, Joan Melanson "recommended" that they interview someone other than the Miller camp to demonstrate how "fair and balanced" the Mother-corp is .... as if ... Best wishes, Rob. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 27 May 2008 20:03:40 -0400 From: Marc Thibault <> Subject: With him was the word and the word was wrong > Your ATT limits you to discharge at a provincialy approved range and > military ranges if you belong to a club based at a DND range. Thats it > thats all end of story. And which god gave you the final word? My ATT is an Authorization To Transport and it's very clear about what I can transport where. It's not an Authorization to Discharge, and it says nothing about where I can shoot my restricted firearms. In fact, the act, the law, the regulations and my ATT are completely silent on the topic. Since I need an ATT to transport and the law is reasonably clear about the unloaded and disabled status that must be maintained during transport, and my ATT is clear about where I can transport, the only wiggle room is at the two ends: the range and my home. The fact that my home is not regulated doesn't disqualify it as a site for some target shooting. We are not, yet, a country where "everything is forbidden unless expressly permitted." That the act, the law, the regs and my ATT all fail to forbid me to shoot my handgun at my home is sufficient to make doing so legal unless safety considerations or some municipal bylaw gets in the way. In my case, a small-town lot makes safe discharge impossible, so I can't exercise my freedom in this respect--but if I had a 200-acre farm... Since express permission is neither likely nor necessary, anyone who disagrees has the burden of providing chapter and verse. - -- An opinion is an expression of ignorance. If you knew, it wouldn't be an opinion. ------------------------------ End of Cdn-Firearms Digest V11 #470 *********************************** Submissions: Mailing List Commands: Moderator's e-mail address: List owner: FAQ list: http://www.canfirearms/Skeeter/Faq/cfd-faq1.html Web Site: CFDigest Archives: To unsubscribe from _all_ the lists, put the next four lines in a message and unsubscribe cdn-firearms-digest unsubscribe cdn-firearms-chat unsubscribe cdn-firearms end (To subscribe, use "subscribe" instead of "unsubscribe".)