From: (Cdn-Firearms Digest) To: Subject: Cdn-Firearms Digest V9 #599 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: normal Cdn-Firearms Digest Wednesday, July 5 2006 Volume 09 : Number 599 In this issue: Yukon MP endorses Tories' bullet to nation's long-gun registry Man shot dead near school Sten guns for sale: police POLICE INVESTIGATE STOLEN FIREARMS Metis man loses fight in court over hunting rights: B.C. lawyer says more research needed to establish Metis Man faces charges after 5-hour standoff Column: Come and get my guns, copper! Letter: Attack on women's gun ownership misfires Crimes Against the Person Involving Firearms, 2004 LIBRARY OF PARLIAMENT: Spousal Homicides by Weapon, 1995-2004 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2006 09:00:37 -0600 (CST) From: (Majordomo User) Subject: Yukon MP endorses Tories' bullet to nation's long-gun registry PUBLICATION: The Whitehorse Star DATE: 2006.06.30 SECTION: Yukon PAGE: 3 BYLINE: Matthew Little ILLUSTRATION: LARRY BAGNELL WORD COUNT: 391 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MP endorses Tories' bullet to nation's long-gun registry - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Yukon MP Larry Bagnell says he will likely vote in support of Conservative government legislation that will eliminate the long gun registry, depending on what form the final bill takes, he said Wednesday. The government's decision to abolish the long gun registry will remove a political mine-field for the Liberal MP, whose local constituency is strongly opposed to the legislation. While city folk may be sad to see the extra gun control disappear, Bagnell said, that's just fine by his constituents. "Some urban people feel very passionate about anything that can control guns," he said, adding that rural people often see the legislation as an unnecessary burden. Referring to the decision to eliminate the long gun registry Bagnell said, "I think the people in the Yukon will be happy." As part of a rural caucus within the Liberal party, Bagnell tried to make his urban colleagues understand what the registry meant to the people in his riding. In the end, he played hooky on the day the issue came before Parliament as a confidence vote. If he had voted against the legislation, he would have been out of the party, he has said. "It's just part of the difficult decisions you have to make in politics," he explained. The Conservatives will also stop physical verification of non-registered firearms and will grant gun owners a one-year amnesty to renew their licences to possess firearms. The amnesty will extend to anyone who has ever had a licence to possess a firearm. The government hopes the amnesty will encourage people to renew their licence by removing the fear of prosecution. Bagnell notes that this legislation has been controversial across Canada because of the sharp difference in how rural and urban people view it. "This issue is difficult for all political parties...because Canadians are so divided." "One thing that upset Canadians, even those that support the registry, was the administrative mismanagement." In 1995, the Liberal government projected the total cost of its firearms program, mainly the long gun registry, would be $2 million. That cost reached $327 million by May 2000, said the Auditor General's Report of 2002. The current Auditor General says the program has now exceeded $1 billion, according to the Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada website. "That made people think it was a gross waste of money," said Bagnell. The Conservatives have no plans to demolish the safety training and safe storage requirements though. "I think all the parties agree with that," he said. Despite many Yukoners' appreciation for their rifles, gun deaths are still an issue for the territories, says a 2005 Statistics Canada report. While gun deaths declined by 50 per cent from 1979 to 2002, the three territories remain far above the national average for deaths by firearms. In 2002, says the report, 10 people per 100,000 died in firearms-related deaths in the territories. That number compares to just 2.6 people per 100,000 in the rest of Canada. About four out of every five firearms deaths are suicides, says the report. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2006 09:00:37 -0600 (CST) From: (Majordomo User) Subject: Man shot dead near school PUBLICATION: GLOBE AND MAIL DATE: 2006.07.05 PAGE: S3 (ILLUS) BYLINE: MATTHEW KWONG SECTION: British Columbia N EDITION: Metro DATELINE: Vancouver BC WORDS: 616 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Man shot dead near school - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chalk circles marking a multitude of spent bullet casings sprinkled the road in front of a south Vancouver high school yesterday, steps away from where a man was found slain in the early hours. Fire crews hosed down the crime scene at David Thompson Secondary School, but blood still stained the curb where police said a 22-year-old Asian man was found shot to death around 1:30 a.m. Constable Tim Fanning, addressing the media, said it was not a random attack. "I can tell you he is known to police," he said of the victim. "Witnesses also told investigators that there was a second man who appeared to be injured that got into a dark-coloured four-door sedan." Police are not releasing the victim's name pending notification of next of kin. Neighbours near the 1700 block of East 55th Avenue reported being awakened by four to six rounds of gunfire, which many believed to be noise from firecrackers. "I heard four continuous gunshots," said Bernadette Hisoler, who lives across from the crime scene. "Around close to 1, we're in bed and then just, 'ba-ba-ba-ba'! I thought maybe somebody shot somebody, but I never knew it was so close in front of my house." It wasn't until 6 a.m. the next day, when her husband left for work, that Ms. Hisoler noticed the police tape and discovered the grim scene outside. "This morning, we thought it's a normal day and my husband opens the door and shouts, 'Hon, get up! Somebody's died, the body is right over there.' " A white tarp covered the man, but when an investigator lifted the sheet, she could see the body of a young Asian man with a slight build, wearing a black jacket, black pants and white sneakers. "He's just lying there and he's surrounded by those yellow [evidence markers]. I was just peeping out and when the little ones were awake, I told my son not to go out," she said. "I didn't want them to see." Ms. Hisoler, who has lived in the area for three years, said her 13-year-old daughter Jennifer often plays basketball at the David Thompson playground. "I'm not really scared, but it's sad what happened," Ms. Hisoler said. Trinh Tang, an 18-year-old who graduated from David Thompson this year, characterized her school and neighbourhood as relatively safe areas. "It's scary. I mean gunshots -- here? I usually hear about this in the Lower Mainland, but when it happens in my neighbourhood and right in front of my school, that is so scary," she said. Chalk markings also led up a pathway toward the school's portables and police could be seen scouring nearby grass with metal detectors. Given the age of the victim, though, Ms. Trinh speculated the slaying was not related to gang activity out of the school. Constable Fanning said that a nearby grey domestic SUV that officers towed away was "obviously part of the investigation," but did not know in what capacity. Beth Orson, captain for the Duff Street block watch in the vicinity of the school, said this is the first major crime to hit the area in her memory. "I've lived here for 13 years and nothing has come close to this," she said. "It's usually nice to have nothing much to report." Police had cordoned off sections of Argyle and Commercial streets at East 55th, but reopened the roads to traffic in the afternoon. The school was also running and will continue with summer classes. This is the city's 15th homicide of the year. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2006 09:00:38 -0600 (CST) From: (Majordomo User) Subject: Sten guns for sale: police PUBLICATION: WINNIPEG FREE PRESS DATE: 2006.07.05 PAGE: B2 SECTION: City WORD COUNT: 148 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sten guns for sale: police - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Three Second World War era Sten submachine guns seized by police during a weekend raid were about to be sold on the street, police alleged yesterday. The guns and six high-capacity ammunition clips were seized July 2 from a house in the 100 block of River Elm Drive in West St. Paul and displayed by police yesterday. Det. Sgt. Tom Smith said investigators are now tracing where the guns came from and whether they were stolen. "All we know is they were going to be sold," Smith said. Smith said the guns were fully automatic -- a single trigger squeeze fires more than one shot. "It was nice to get them off the street -- very nice," he said. Smith refused to answer questions about whether there was a gang connection to the guns. The mass-produced Sten machine gun first saw use in the Second World War by British and Canadian troops. It can fire 60 bullets in a few seconds. It's a prohibited weapon in Canada, but can be purchased over the Internet. Anthony Jonathan Stanley Halayda, 22, of West St. Paul, remains in custody charged with multiple firearms offences. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2006 09:00:37 -0600 (CST) From: (Majordomo User) Subject: POLICE INVESTIGATE STOLEN FIREARMS PUBLICATION: The London Free Press DATE: 2006.07.05 EDITION: Final SECTION: City & Region PAGE: B3 BYLINE: FREE PRESS STAFF COLUMN: Police Digest WORD COUNT: 72 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ POLICE INVESTIGATE STOLEN FIREARMS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Two firearms were stolen from a mobile home in South-West Oxford Township over the weekend, Oxford OPP said. A Lakefield .22-calibre rifle and a Remington 12-gauge shotgun were taken from a gun vault at a home on Ebenezer Road, west of Dereham Line, between June 30 and July 2, police said. Anyone with information should call police or Crime Stoppers. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2006 09:02:50 -0600 (CST) From: (Majordomo User) Subject: Metis man loses fight in court over hunting rights: PUBLICATION: The Province DATE: 2006.07.05 EDITION: Final SECTION: News PAGE: A14 BYLINE: Andy Ivens SOURCE: The Province WORD COUNT: 288 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Metis man loses fight in court over hunting rights: Judge rejects constitutional argument - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A Metis man arguing that he had the right to hunt deer out of season for food -- as native Indians in B.C. can -- has lost his case after a successful appeal by the Crown. Gregory Willison shot an antlered mule deer near Falkland in November 2000. When confronted by a conservation officer, Willison "claimed that as a Metis he had a constitutionally protected aboriginal right to hunt deer out of season for food," noted B.C. Supreme Court Justice Paul Williamson in a judgment handed down last week. Crown counsel Paul Pearlman used the definitive case on Metis rights -- R. v. Powley, decided by the Supreme Court of Canada in 2003 -- for his argument. Pearlman argued that the Provincial Court judge who acquitted Willison in his May 2005 trial made four crucial errors in applying the 10-point Powley test for Metis rights: - - in finding a historic rights-bearing Metis community in the Falkland area, - - in finding a contemporary Metis community, - - in finding a continuity between the historic practice and the contemporary right asserted, - - in concluding that Willison had a sufficient ancestral connection to a historic Metis community in the area. A fur-trade "trail" ran from what is now Kamloops through the Falkland area to Washington state in the 1850s and 1860s, and Metis working for the Hudson's Bay Co. hunted for food in the area of the trail, Williamson noted. But he disagreed with the lower court finding that there was a Metis community. He substituted a conviction for Willison's acquittal and sent the matter to the lower court for sentencing. Willison's lawyer, Jean Teillet, said she does not expect him to appeal Justice Williamson's ruling. Teillet said the case was not a landmark case on Metis hunting rights in B.C. "It stands for one thing -- what happens to poor people who can't afford to have reams of evidence on native title. "The next time the Metis take on a case [concerning special rights], they'll have their ducks in a row." Natives enjoy some rights that other Canadians don't because their communities existed before Europeans arrived. Metis, the offspring of European and native unions, did not exist before Europeans arrived. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2006 09:03:07 -0600 (CST) From: (Majordomo User) Subject: B.C. lawyer says more research needed to establish Metis PUBLICATION: Kamloops Daily News DATE: 2006.07.04 CATEGORY: Western regional general news PUBLICATION: cpw WORD COUNT: 158 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B.C. lawyer says more research needed to establish Metis hunting rights - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ KAMLOOPS, B.C. (CP) _ The lawyer for a man whose acquittal for illegal hunting was overturned says more research is needed to establish Metis rights in B.C. Jean Teillet said she won't appeal the B.C. Supreme Court decision that set aside her client's acquittal because little of the necessary research was done before the man's trial. Gregory Willison, who lives near Falkland, B.C., was charged with illegal hunting after a conservation officer found the man with a dead mule deer buck on Nov. 26, 2000. Willison admitted the deer was shot out of season but said that as a Metis he had a constitutionally protected aboriginal right to hunt for food. At his trial last year, Willison argued that he was entitled to hunt for food outside of B.C's hunting seasons because the Falkland area was once home to a Metis community. In a previous case, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled Metis can claim First Nations-like rights to hunt and fish if they can establish personal links to historical and existing Metis communities. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2006 09:31:39 -0600 (CST) From: (Majordomo User) Subject: Man faces charges after 5-hour standoff PUBLICATION: Times Colonist (Victoria) DATE: 2006.07.05 EDITION: Final SECTION: Capital & Van. Isl. PAGE: B2 SOURCE: Times Colonist WORD COUNT: 157 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Man faces charges after 5-hour standoff at Nanaimo home - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nanaimo RCMP officers and a unit of armed tactical response members surrounded a house in south Nanaimo Monday morning after reports of an armed man uttering threats. The man's common-law wife called police for help at 1 a.m. after she was allegedly threatened, Const. En Allan said. The woman fled the house on the 1500-block of Rug Road in the Cedar neighbourhood and waited for police, she said. Police believed guns were inside the house, so officers called in the South Island Emergency Response Team, whose armed and armoured members are the equivalent of a SWAT team. After a standoff of about five hours, the man came out of the house and was arrested, Allan said. The woman was not injured. Police believe drug use might have been a factor in the incident, Allan said. Carmine Dentine, 46, appeared in court Tuesday to face seven charges, including uttering threats, possession of a restricted weapon (handgun), possession of a loaded firearm, and three counts of possession of a controlled substance, including cocaine, crack cocaine and crystal methamphetamine. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2006 09:33:53 -0600 (CST) From: (Majordomo User) Subject: Column: Come and get my guns, copper! PUBLICATION: Vancouver Sun DATE: 2006.07.05 EDITION: Final SECTION: Editorial PAGE: A13 BYLINE: Paul Musgrove SOURCE: Special to the Sun ILLUSTRATION: Photo: Calder Musgrove / Getting weary, the author displaysthe two-gun arsenal waiting for police pickup. The super soaker, by the way, is NOT on the table. WORD COUNT: 599 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Come and get my guns, copper!: Look, I'm just an old gink trying to turn in two rusty old rifles. Does this really need to involve the SWAT squad? - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Okay, so there are these guns, see. They're down in some corner of the workshop under the stairs, covered in dust and cobwebs, probably so rusted out you couldn't even load them. That was one reason I didn't register them. There were others. Still, I'd intended for quite some time to get rid of them. If I ever have a grandchild and he/she discovers these relics and manages to get a bullet in one of them . . . makes my blood run cold. Just throwing them away was never really an option. Who knows who might get hold of them? But now there's an amnesty and I'm calling the Vancouver Police Department. To get a squad car to pop round and pick them up. I mean, how hard can it be? I tell the nice person at the non-emergency number that I have a couple of guns for them to pick up and how about having a constable or two drop by in the next hour or so and we'll take care of this? We'll call you back, says she, have a nice day. And hangs up. Oh. Well, that makes sense. I'm sure they're very busy and wouldn't necessarily have someone around in the next hour or so. Probably they want to give me a call when someone happens to be nearby. Then the phone rings. It's a nice constable with the VPD. She understands I have weapons to turn in. (It sounds very ominous. I'm starting to feel like an Iraqi insurgent.) I do. We get down to it. Who am I? What's my name? What's my address and phone number? (I make a mental note to tell them about this newfangled call display stuff. It's really great for avoiding marketing surveys, calls from the office and certain needy relatives wanting cash donations to their favourite charities.) What's my date of birth? (I'm as old as dirt, but does everybody have to know?) She understands it's two rifles, is that correct? Yes, I need to keep the Uzi and the .50-calibre machinegun. Neighbours, you know. We exchange easy, carefree chuckles. That was, of course, a joke. I get along fairly well with my neighbours. But this all seems like quite a lot of questioning for such a simple transaction. Then she says it. "We'll set up a time and send the ERT around to pick them up." Wait a sec. The ERT? The SWAT squad? Let me get this straight. The VPD SWAT team is going to show up to relieve an old gink of two antiquated rifles that probably wouldn't fire anyway? I have this mental picture of a big black van loaded with guys in body armour and those garden-style knee pads. And a lot of weapons that probably aren't rusted out. Kicking down my door. Screaming "get down" and waving those big flashlights around. Scaring the crap out of the cats. "Jeez," I say, weakly, "the neighbours are gonna love that." Procedure, she says, briskly and professionally. And where are the weapons, exactly? In the basement. I have a sudden and inexplicable wish to really, really cooperate. I'll bring them up when the guys are going to stop by. Oh, she says, fine, but make sure you don't answer the door with a weapon in your hands. This sounds like pretty sage advice. It might be a little tough, of course, since I always answer my front door with a loaded rifle in hand. You never know these days, it might be one of those relatives seeking charitable donations. Paranoia sets in. They're going to check my criminal record, right? What if they find out what sort of former desperado they're really dealing with here? I went straight more than 20 years ago, you understand, but, after all, it was five speeding tickets, and I don't suppose anyone would care that there were extenuating circumstances in each and every case. I mean, I was in a hurry. Every time. I thought at the time they could have been a bit more understanding. Not in those exact words, but you get the idea. And as for the illegal U-turn in '72: I knew at the time I should have gone to court on that. It was a clear case of entrapment. He sat right there on his motorcycle, not 40 feet away, and watched me do it. Then he busted me. Okay, I'll admit it: I'm still bitter and there's no point in telling me to put it behind me and move on. So now I'm waiting to hear from the SWAT squad. These may be among the last words I ever type. As an old friend and colleague put it: "You try to do the right thing, and you get made love to." Not in those exact words, but that was the gist of what he said. Paul Musgrove is an editor on The Sun's newsdesk. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2006 09:44:02 -0600 (CST) From: (Majordomo User) Subject: Letter: Attack on women's gun ownership misfires PUBLICATION: The Hamilton Spectator DATE: 2006.07.05 EDITION: Final SECTION: Opinion PAGE: A17 BYLINE: Samara McPhedran, Victoria, Australia. The writer is chair of the International Coalition for Women in Shooting and Hunting (WiSH) SOURCE: The Hamilton Spectator WORD COUNT: 87 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Attack on women's gun ownership misfires - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Re: 'Outgunned, but not outsmarted' (The Spectator, June 30) Dianne Rinehart's alarming willingness to vilify the many women who own and use firearms is a disappointing betrayal of women everywhere. Regardless of how strongly one may oppose the concept of gun ownership, the fact remains that women must work together to achieve improvements for the well-being of women. Divisiveness and marginalization accomplish nothing. Please, Ms Rinehart, if you honestly care about bettering women's safety, use your column to raise awareness of the need for genuine violence reduction initiatives. A dollar of funding for women's shelters is worth more than 1,000 anti-gun tirades. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ INTERNATIONAL COALITION FOR WOMEN IN SHOOTING AND HUNTING (WiSH) NEWS RELEASE - June 21, 2006 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE: WOMEN'S SHELTERS OR THE GUN REGISTRY? "Statistics Canada reports 220 women and children turned away in one day!" June 28, 2005 - LIBRARY OF PARLIAMENT REPORT: Crimes Against the Person Involving Firearms, by Type of Firearm Present, 2004 ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2006 09:44:18 -0600 (CST) From: (Majordomo User) Subject: Crimes Against the Person Involving Firearms, 2004 JUNE 28, 2005 - LIBRARY OF PARLIAMENT REPORT: Crimes Against the Person Involving Firearms, by Type of Firearm Present, 2004 ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2006 09:44:53 -0600 (CST) From: (Majordomo User) Subject: LIBRARY OF PARLIAMENT: Spousal Homicides by Weapon, 1995-2004 LIBRARY OF PARLIAMENT REPORT: Spousal Homicides by Weapon, 1995-2004 ------------------------------ End of Cdn-Firearms Digest V9 #599 ********************************** Submissions: Mailing List Commands: Moderator's e-mail address: List owner: FAQ list: and Web Site: FTP Site: CFDigest Archives: or put the next command in an e-mail message and get cdn-firearms-digest v04.n192 end (192 is the digest issue number and 04 is the volume) To unsubscribe from _all_ the lists, put the next five lines in a message and unsubscribe cdn-firearms-digest unsubscribe cdn-firearms-alert unsubscribe cdn-firearms-chat unsubscribe cdn-firearms end (To subscribe, use "subscribe" instead of "unsubscribe".) 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