From: (Cdn-Firearms Digest) To: Subject: Cdn-Firearms Digest V7 #221 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: normal Cdn-Firearms Digest Thursday, June 10 2004 Volume 07 : Number 221 In this issue: Editorial: The campaign: Issues vs. red herrings Political Accountability and Credibility LETTER: Why we need the gun registry My letter to the National Post Re: LETTER: Why we need the gun registry Fw: RELEASE/COMMUNIQUÉ - Liberal attack ads sign of desperation Fw: CPAC- SES Daily Tracking (Completed June 9) - Conservatives Moles and Turncoats Hitchen RFID-enabled license plates to identify UK vehicles No results blackout on election night NDP & GUNS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 12:20:15 -0600 (CST) From: "DRYoung" Subject: Editorial: The campaign: Issues vs. red herrings PUBLICATION: The Windsor Star DATE: 2004.06.10 EDITION: Final SECTION: Editorial PAGE: A6 COLUMN: Opinion SOURCE: Windsor Star - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The campaign: Issues vs. red herrings - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 13:11:39 -0600 (CST) From: "Todd Birch" Subject: Political Accountability and Credibility Much is being said during this election campaign re: the lack of Liberal accountability and credibility during their reign of terror. While this is undeniable, it sets the stage for the Liberals to pounce upon any inconsistency in Conservative policies and reneging on campaign platform promises. The Liberals in a minority government or as Opposition to the Conservatives will have their knives out and be ferocious in attack. However, that is problem two. Problem one is getting them out of office. That seems to be progressing well. Todd Birch ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 13:33:51 -0600 (CST) From: Bruce Mills Subject: LETTER: Why we need the gun registry PUBLICATION : National Post DATE : 2004.06.10 HEADLINE: Why we need the gun registry Re: Wooing The West 101, Lorne Gunter, June 4. Mr. Gunter writes: "It is still possible for a gun owner who fails to register his duck gun to receive more jail time than the miscreant who uses a gun in a convenience store robbery." Failure to register is a dual offence and subject to discretion by a prosecutor whether to proceed by summary conviction (a maximum sentence of six months imprisonment and/or a $2000 fine but no minimum sentence) or by indictment (maximum five-year imprisonment with no minimum sentence). In contrast, the person who robs a store with a firearm receives a minimum four-year sentence up to a potential maximum sentence of life imprisonment. The Criminal Code offence for possession of unregistered firearms is intended to address serious problems. Many illegal guns come from legal gun owners who have sold them illegally. But there is also an offence under the Firearms Act, rather than the Criminal Code, that is punishable by summary conviction, again with a maximum sentence of six months imprisonment and/or a fine of $2,000. Many federal offences, whether under the Criminal Code or other acts, carry the same penalties as the Firearms Act. They include such Criminal Code offences as nudity in a public place, causing a disturbance, and impersonating a candidate at a qualifying exam. Without knowing who owns what firearms, there is no way to prevent those at risk from getting access to firearms and there is no way to enforce the licensing provisions of the law. There must be appropriate sanctions, or registration becomes "optional." The police do apply discretion, but without appropriate sanctions for possession of illegal guns, they would not be able to combat the diversion of legal guns to illegal markets. In Toronto, almost half the guns recovered from gangs are rifles and shotguns, and it is critical to be able to trace these back to their source in order to cut off the supply of illegal guns. Tim Quigley, professor, College of Law, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 13:36:29 -0600 (CST) From: Bruce Mills Subject: My letter to the National Post Just submitted, not yet printed. Have you written a letter today? - -------- Original Message -------- Subject: Re: Why we need the gun registry Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 15:34:26 -0400 From: Bruce Mills To: Editor - National Post I hope that Tim Quigley, shill for the Coalition for Gun Control, has substantial factual material to substantiate his claim that "many illegal guns come from legal gun owners who have sold them illegally". Quigley also gives the erroneous impression that legal gun owners are also somehow "supplying" criminals with guns, as if they are standing on the street corner handing them out to anyone who comes by. Ridiculous! Most "illegal" guns are smuggled from the United States, or are stolen. Those from the US are never recorded in the Firearms Registry, so that doesn't help. Those "supplied" from legal gun owners can be traced when the owner reports them stolen to police. There is absolutely no need for the gun registry. It has not, does not, can not, and never will do what its proponents claimed it would. No amount of "tinkering" will fix it, either. The Firearms Act must be scrapped, outright. Yours in Liberty, Bruce Hamilton Ontario ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 17:53:56 -0600 (CST) From: 10x <> Subject: Re: LETTER: Why we need the gun registry At 01:33 PM 6/10/04 -0600, you wrote: > > >PUBLICATION : National Post >DATE : 2004.06.10 >HEADLINE: Why we need the gun registry > >Re: Wooing The West 101, Lorne Gunter, June 4. > >Mr. Gunter writes: "It is still possible for a gun owner who fails to register >his duck gun to receive more jail time than the miscreant who uses a gun in a >convenience store robbery." snip >The police do apply discretion, but without appropriate sanctions for possession >of illegal guns, they would not be able to combat the diversion of legal guns to >illegal markets. In Toronto, almost half the guns recovered from gangs are >rifles and shotguns, and it is critical to be able to trace these back to their >source in order to cut off the supply of illegal guns. > >Tim Quigley, professor, College of Law, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon. If the gun has been used in a crime, it is too late to cut the supply (legal or illegal) of that particular gun. Also Mr. Quigley is presuming that folks are legally purchasing firearms and selling them to criminals. This may happen but there don't seem to be too many cases of this before the courts. Very few, if any, firearms used in crimes seem to get traced by the gun registry to their once legal owner. The registry for handguns, in place since 1934, has shown us tracing a firearm just doesn't seem to work. The firearms act has failed. Many folks who are in possession of firearms never bothered to apply for a license, nor have the folks who did apply for a firearms license register ALL of their guns. The bottom line, they just don't trust the government. I would suspect for every gun owner with a license there is gun owner without a license, for every gun registered, there is very likely one or more unregistered. I am making this guess based on information shown to me that was in the possession of the Canadian Deparment of Justice in 2000 and distributed to the ministers Firearms Users Group. This information showed a minimum of 3.3 million folk in Canada who were in possession of between 14 and 17 million firearms in 1998. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 17:55:13 -0600 (CST) From: "DRYoung" Subject: Fw: RELEASE/COMMUNIQUÉ - Liberal attack ads sign of desperation Message FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 10, 2004 Liberal attack ads sign of desperation Grits sink to new lows in propaganda campaign OTTAWA - Conservative campaign co-chair John Reynolds today expressed his disappointment and dismay with the latest negative attack ads by the Liberal Party. "These Liberal attack ads are the most negative I have ever seen," said Reynolds. "They are fraught with lies about our policies, and are incredibly alarmist. I never would have thought that we would see Liberals burning a Canadian flag for political gain. I find it disgusting." "I know Paul Martin's father worked hard to secure this flag as our official sovereign symbol," added Reynolds. "I think the Liberals will see a serious backlash when they start disrespecting this cherished symbol of our national community." The Conservative campaign co-chair reminded voters of Liberal leader Paul Martin's pledges to run a clean campaign: · "As we go into that election campaign let us understand that we are a party of principle." - Paul Martin, Winnipeg Sun, November 16, 2003. · "I would hope that this would be a campaign of ideas and I don't want to sink to that level." - Paul Martin, Saint John Telegraph Journal, May 28, 2004. Reynolds concluded: "This attack is a sign of desperation. Fortunately, Canadians are too smart to be fooled by such a blatant propaganda campaign." - -30- For more information, please contact: Ron Wood: (613) 791-2697 AVIS AUX MÉDIAS POUR DIFFUSION IMMÉDIATE Le 10 juin 2004 Les attaques des Libéraux illustrent leur désespoir Les Libéraux tombent encore plus bas dans leur campagne de propagande OTTAWA - Le coprésident de la campagne conservatrice John Reynolds s'est dit déçu et consterné aujourd'hui par les dernières attaques négatives du Parti libéral. « Ces annonces sont les plus négatives de toutes, a dit Reynolds. Elles sont truffées de mensonges sur nos politiques et incroyablement alarmistes. Je n' aurais jamais cru voir les Libéraux brûler un drapeau canadien pour réaliser des gains politiques. C'est dégoûtant. » « Je sais que le père de Paul Martin a travaillé fort pour protéger ce drapeau en tant que symbole de notre souveraineté, a ajouté Reynolds. Je crois que les Libéraux vont accuser un sérieux recul s'ils commencent à manquer de respect à ce symbole de notre communauté nationale. » Le coprésident de la campagne conservatrice a rappelé aux électeurs que le chef libéral Paul Martin s'était engagé à mener une campagne propre: · « Alors que nous entamons cette campagne électorale, nous affirmons que nous sommes un parti fondé sur des principes. » - Paul Martin, Winnipeg Sun, 16 novembre 2003 · « J'espère que ce sera une campagne d'idées et je ne veux pas m' abaisser. » - Paul Martin, Saint John Telegraph Journal, 28 mai 2004 « Ces attaques sont un signe de désespoir. Heureusement, les Canadiens sont trop intelligents pour se laisser berner par une campagne de propagande aussi évidente », a conclu Reynolds - -30- Pour de plus amples renseignements : Ron Wood: (613) 791-2697 ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 17:55:41 -0600 (CST) From: "DRYoung" Subject: Fw: CPAC- SES Daily Tracking (Completed June 9) - Conservatives - ----- Original Message ----- From: "Nikita James Nanos" To: Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2004 2:26 PM Subject: CPAC- SES Daily Tracking (Completed June 9) - Conservatives MaintainSlim Lead - Women May Hold Key to Election Outcome > Based on last night's numbers, CPAC-SES Nightly Tracking keeps the > Conservatives marginally ahead of the Liberals: Conservatives 37%, > Liberals 32%, NDP 17%, BQ 10%, Green 5%. > > We've had a chance to crunch the gender numbers and it looks like the focus > on social conservatism has negatively impacted the Conservatives ability to > attract female voters. This may be an obstacle to Conservative growth. > Also, over a one week period, the percentage of undecided female voters has > increased. Looks like women may have a significant impact on who wins the > election. We have posted a table of the gender breakdown on our website > > > Polling June 7 to June 9 (Random Telephone Survey of 600 Canadians, MoE > ±4.1%, 19 times out of 20). Percentages may not add up to 100 due to > rounding. Our tracking polls allow for a daily barometer on the activities > of the respective campaigns. > > Decided Voters (Change from May 25th, 1st Nightly Tracking Poll Results) > CP - 37% (+9) > LIB - 32% (-9) > NDP - 17 (-1) > BQ - 10% (-1) > GP - 5% (+2) > *22% of Canadians were undecided (+1) > > Appetite for Change (Change from May 25th, 1st Nightly Tracking Poll > Results) > Time for Change - 54% (+2) > Liberals doing a good job - 24% (-4) > Agree with neither - 12% (+1) > Unsure - 10% (0) > > Best PM (Change from May 25th, 1st Nightly Tracking Poll Results) > Martin - 30% (-1) > Harper - 26% (+9) > Unsure -21% (-3) > None - 11% (-5) > Layton - 10% (+1) > Duceppe - 3% (0) > > On the SES website (, we post updated daily > longitudinal tracking charts and details on the questions and the > methodology each afternoon. Watch PrimeTime Politics at 8 pm EST (Monday > to Friday) to get a detailed briefing of the numbers. > > For any media use of the polling data, we need to clearly identify the > sponsor (CPAC). Please refer to the research as the CPAC-SES Nightly > Tracking. > > Feel free to forward this e-mail. > > Cheers, > Nik > ------------------------------------- > Nikita James Nanos, CMRP > President & CEO > SES Research > T 613.234.4666 > C 613.276.2731 > > ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 18:15:22 -0600 (CST) From: "Clive Edwards" Subject: Moles and Turncoats Looks like Lieberal "Sleeper Agents" and moles are surfacing in Landslide Annie's riding. I suspect there are similar spies and turncoats in many ridings. Their Conservative memberships must be revoked and they must be publicly denounced as Lieberals, before they can sow dissention in the ranks. I hope the Conservatives have similar spies and turncoats planted in the Lieberal camp, ready to declare themselves "Lieberals for Stephen Harper". Clive Edwards Twelve Progressive Conservatives supporting Anne McLellan's bid for re- election: Dennis Anderson: Former Alberta culture minister, former national Tory vice- president. Ken Chapman: Prominent former Tory spokesman. Jim Dawson: Former national Tory policy co-chair for Alberta. Marguerite Garstin: Former Edmonton East Progressive Conservative Association president. Patricia Gay: Former Tory leader's-dinner chair and vice-president of Edmonton Strathcona Progressive Conservative Association. Joe Hak: Former Edmonton North Progressive Conservative Association president. Krishan Joshee: Multicultural leader and former Tory organizer. Dave King: Former Alberta education minister. Beverly Levis: Former director of Edmonton South West Progressive Conservative Association. John Oldring: Former Alberta social services minister. Gus Roszycki: Organizer in Elk Island constituency. Horst Schmid: Former Alberta culture and international trade minister ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 19:12:21 -0600 (CST) From: Subject: Hitchen Hello everyone, A final update on Gordon until things change either for the better or worse, Jim Murray or myself will answer the best we can any individual questions as to Gords progress. I decided to check up on Hitchen today so drove out to Stoney Plain Hospital to visit, He was in good spirits to day though as Jim has said his speech is low and he has problems trying to form thoughts to say what he wants, Recall of people difficult unless they there in person or a photo. He was sitting up with bed back raised today vs sitting up unsupported yesterday and the nurse has him on oxygen as levels were low. He has lost some weight color seemed to be good for being in hospital. Jim Murray also came this morning & I have thanked Jim again for his assistance. Dana one of Gordon's daughters has also requested that I pass on her and all of Gord's family's thanks to everyone for their good wish's. JPG can be seen of Gord saying [Thank's to everyone ] Sincerely Al "FREEDOM" For those who Fought, Bled and Died For It " FREEDOM " has a FLAVOR THE PROTECTED will Never Know or Savor. Anonymous ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 20:31:36 -0600 (CST) From: Bruce Mills Subject: RFID-enabled license plates to identify UK vehicles RFID-enabled license plates to identify UK vehicles Thursday, June 10 2004 The UK-based vehicle licence plate manufacturer, Hills Numberplates Ltd, has chosen long-range RFID tags and readers from Identec Solutions to be embedded in licence plates that will automatically and reliably identify vehicles in the UK. The new e-Plates project uses active (battery powered) RFID tags embedded in the plates to identify vehicles in real time. The result is the ability to reliably identify any vehicle, anywhere, whether stationary or mobile, and - most importantly - in all weather conditions. (Previous visually-based licence plate identification techniques have been hampered by factors such as heavy rain, mist, fog, and even mud or dirt on the plates.) The e-Plates project has been under development for the past three years at a cost of more than £1 million, and is currently under consideration by a number of administrations. It is hoped that e-Plate will be one of the systems trialled by the UK Government in its forthcoming study of micro-chipped licence plates. Chipped plates The plates are the same shape and size as conventional plates, and are permanently fitted to the vehicle in the same way. But each e-Plate contains an embedded tag with a unique, encrypted identification number that is transmitted by the tag for detection by RFID readers. Multiple tags can be read simultaneously by a single reader at speeds of up to 320km per hour (200mph), up to 100 metres (300 feet) away. The reader network, which includes fixed location readers (for use on the roadside) and portable readers (for use in surveillance vehicles and handheld devices), sends the unique identifier in real time to a central system where it is matched with the corresponding vehicle data such as registration number, owner details, make, model, colour, and tax/insurance renewal dates. Identities secured A key benefit of the e-Plate is that the tag provides an encrypted and secure ID code which is registered in the UK Ministry of Transport's vehicle database. This code prevents tampering, cloning, or other forms of fraud that can currently happen with camera-based systems. Additionally, the e-Plate is designed to shatter if anyone tries to remove or otherwise tamper with it, and the tag can be programmed to transmit a warning if any attempt is made to dislodge the plate. Surveillance applications The system is expected to be used to identify vehicles for applications such as security, access control, electronic payment, tracking and processing, traffic management, and customer service. Commercial applications could include car dealerships, rental companies, insurance companies, fleet operators, and parking garages. In the public sector, the main applications would include enforcement (compliance with road tax, insurance, and mechanical checks), access control to restricted areas, combating vehicle theft and associated crime, and traffic flow counting and modelling. According to Richard Taffinder, operations director for Hills Numberplates, the e-Plates were developed to provide companies and public authorities with a more reliable way to positively identify and capture information on a vehicle. For additional information: Visit Hills Numberplates at Visit Identec Solutions at Source: Identec Solutions Inc. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 20:31:57 -0600 (CST) From: Bruce Mills Subject: No results blackout on election night No results blackout on election night Last Updated Thu, 10 Jun 2004 21:40:55 OTTAWA - A decision made Thursday night by Canada's chief electoral officer effectively wipes out any delay in broadcasting or transmitting election results during the federal election. * INDEPTH: Canada Votes Canadians in every part of the country will, for the first time, be permitted to know how each time zone votes when its polls close. Previously broadcasters and internet sites were not permitted to report election results in a time zone, until the poll had closed. Jean-Pierre Kingsley (File Picture) "Section 329 prohibits any person from transmitting the result or purported result of the vote in an electoral district to the public in another electoral district before the close of all of the polling stations in that other electoral district," said Elections Canada in a news release. The decision is based on a British Columbia court ruling that held that section 329 of the Canada elections act was contrary to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. As a result, section 329, which prohibits the premature transmission of election results, is no longer in force in B.C. Chief electoral officer Jean-Pierre Kingsley said Thursday that Elections Canada will respect the court order and "the decision of the British Columbia Supreme Court will be applied across Canada in the current general election campaign." In effect, the decision means that the usual blackouts will not apply. Written by CBC News Online staff ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 20:37:39 -0600 (CST) From: Bruce Mills Subject: NDP & GUNS > Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation comments: > FYI > > Although some NDP MPs have voiced opposition to “the gun registry” it is our > opinion that the NDP leader is no friend of gun-owners. Leaders’ personal > positions, more often than not, quickly become party platform. Jack Layton, > as leader of the NDP recently reaffirmed his anti gun stance. The Globe & > Mail reported on June 4th that: > > NDP Leader Jack Layton is pitching voters on a Canadian-led campaign for > tougher U.S. gun laws that includes bending the ears and twisting arms of > American congressmen. > > Overhauling the gun registry is not mentioned in the NDP's 63-page election > platform. But Mr. Layton was very clear on his intentions yesterday. "We've > said it needs to be fixed," Mr. Layton said. > > NDP officials later clarified Mr. Layton's remarks, saying the party would try > to fix the registry and replace it. > > > Note that the thrust is to “fix” the registry, not do away with it. > > Mr. Layton’s anti gun history stretches back to, at least, 1991. We believe > that any gun-owner contemplating voting for the NDP should read the following > and draw their own conclusions. It is our opinion that an NDP government or > even a minority Liberal government supported by the NDP would not be in our > interests. Vote accordingly. > > RFOCBC > > The following information was obtained from public records. > > Jack Layton & Gun Control > > At the May 27 and May 28, 1991 meetings of Toronto City Council, Jack Layton > voted to endorse the Federation of Canadian Municipalities Big City Mayors’ > Caucus resolution on Gun Control (May 10, 1991), which contained, among > others, these demands for future gun legislation: > > “Impose strict limits on the number of firearms and the quantity of ammunition > that an FAC holder is permitted to purchase or own.” > > “Semi-automatic and any military or para-military weapons should be removed > from the category of Restricted firearms, and placed in the category of > Prohibited firearms, permitted only to peace officers and other authorized > persons.”[1] <#_ftn1> [1] > > “The use of technologically-advanced detection devices and > specially-designated spot-check search and seizure procedures should be > implemented to enforce the banning of semi-automatics.” > > > The FCM Gun Control resolution also contained these additional explanatory > comments, including: > > “if an integral part of gun control is ending the proliferation of firearms, > the number of arms an individual is permitted to own must be addressed.” > > “People who own firearms should be subject to spot-checks to ensure that their > weapons are being properly stored and maintained.” > > “Firearms, like toxic materials or rabid animals, constitute a potential > threat to public health and safety if not properly handled or secured.” > > > Also discussed at that meeting of Council was a motion on gun control put > forward by Layton himself, which contained the following comments in its > preamble: > > > “Whereas there is little rationale, if any, for the possession of guns in the > homes and businesses of the City of Toronto, and any rationale which can be > offered falls far short of the dangers to the public which flow from > permitting storage of firearms in such uncontrolled and easily accessible > locations” > > “Whereas there is currently less control over the ownership and storage of > firearms than there is for the ownership and keeping of dogs or automobiles” > > > And sought to do the following through municipal by-laws: > > > “endorse the concept of the establishment of a ‘Gun Control Zone’ for the City > of Toronto.” > > “Storage of firearms in private homes, businesses, vehicles, and unlicensed > armouries would be prohibited by law and subject to maximum penalties allowed > by law through the restrictions on the land use zones in which storage would > be permitted.” > > “The goal should also be to minimize the number of locations at which guns can > be stored, and thereby reduce the number of guns in the City.” > > “The legislation should require that firearms be stored in locked armouries, > or in rural or recreational areas, rather than anywhere in the urban area.” > > “legislation to regulate the movement of firearms,” such as a “license to move > firearms from a place of purchase to a licensed armoury;” a “license to move a > firearm from a licensed armoury to a location outside of Metropolitan Toronto > and for its return;” and a “license to move a firearm from a licensed armoury > to a licensed gun club and for its return.” > > “all firearms are to be transported unloaded, in standard, clearly identified, > locked containers, provided by a licensed armoury” > > “All ammunition to be transported in standard clearly identified, locked > containers, separate from a firearm container, provided by a licensed > armoury.” > > “severe sanctions be sought for the possession or storage of firearms in > contravention of these licensing requirements.” > > “City Council express its support for a firearm amnesty, and request the Chief > and the Board of Commissioners of Police, in conjunction with Metropolitan > Toronto Council, to declare an amnesty of limited duration for the > surrendering of firearms.” > > > At the February 4-5, 1991 meeting of Council, Layton voted to adopt and submit > to the Special Committee on Bill C-80 (Firearms) a report by Toronto’s City > Solicitor that asked the federal government to amend the Criminal Code: > > > “requiring all those wishing to possess a firearm to fist have training in > responsible firearm use and receive Firearms Training Certificates prior to > obtaining firearms and also requiring updated Firearms Training Certificates > every 3 years to keep firearms” > > “requiring registration of all firearms by those who possess and/or own them” > > “restricting the collection of firearms by both number and type” > > “restricting the place at which firearms may be held” > > > And contained the following comments on its recommendations: > > > “Registration of all firearms should be mandatory in order to ensure that law > enforcement authorities have access to information concerning the possession > of deadly force in our society.” > > “Collections of firearms should be restricted by number and type. The risk of > theft and the need for safety outweigh any aesthetic rights of collectors who > hold arsenals in their homes.” > > “The recommendations suggested above, if enacted, would constitute strict, yet > reasonable, additions to the current legislation. They maintain a reasonable > balance between the desire on the part of individual citizens to possess > deadly force and the need for the public at large for sale and legal use of > guns.” > > > Miscellaneous Quotes: > > § § "Guns in the home and in the workplace are an accident > waiting to happen; they're just waiting to be stolen or used," (Toronto Star, > March 20, 1991) > > § § “We don’t target practice in the home, so there’s no reason > to keep them [guns] there” (Globe & Mail, March 20, 1991) > > "I support the idea of gun registration... We register all kinds of things. > This need not be seen as the thin edge of the wedge to anything." (Western > Producer, January 9, 2003) > > -------------------------- > > [1][1] Most semi-automatic weapons were not, in fact, Restricted or Prohibited > firearms. ------------------------------ End of Cdn-Firearms Digest V7 #221 ********************************** Submissions: Mailing List Commands: Moderator's e-mail address: List owner: FAQ list: and Web Site: FTP Site: CFDigest Archives: or put the next command in an e-mail message and get cdn-firearms-digest v04.n192 end (192 is the digest issue number and 04 is the volume) To unsubscribe from _all_ the lists, put the next five lines in a message and unsubscribe cdn-firearms-digest unsubscribe cdn-firearms-alert unsubscribe cdn-firearms-chat unsubscribe cdn-firearms end (To subscribe, use "subscribe" instead of "unsubscribe".) If you find this service valuable, please consider making a tax-deductible donation to the freenet we use: Saskatoon Free-Net Assoc., P.O. 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