From: (Cdn-Firearms Digest) To: Subject: Cdn-Firearms Digest V7 #5 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: normal Cdn-Firearms Digest Friday, March 12 2004 Volume 07 : Number 005 In this issue: re: SWF News Update from Vol 7 #3 Tank FQF replies Re: Register Handguns? BCWF Attempt on ex nets man five years FW: Column: CANADA BADLY NEEDS A SMALLER FEDERAL GOVERNMENT Column: SHALL WE COMPARE GENOCIDES? Column: Let's have equal treatment for political insiders Re: Tank Letter: Gun control and police state tactics ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2004 14:44:29 -0600 (CST) From: Joe Gingrich Subject: re: SWF News Update from Vol 7 #3 PS: The Chretien Gag Law is still in effect, which restricts the freedom of speech by individuals or groups during an election. Do you suppose Mr. Martin will address this as part of his campaign to eliminate the democratic defeat before the election? It is time to fish or cut bait Mr. Martin. - ------------------------------------------------------------- Does anyone have information on how this law is stated and its penalties. Is it in the Criminal Code. If so where? Yours in tyranny, Joe Gingrich White Fox, Sask. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2004 18:53:10 -0600 (CST) From: Richard Subject: Tank > From: Jason Hayes > Subject: question > > > > What's up with this? What would cause this sort of thing? They flip them onto their backs to make changing the tracks easier. ~Richard. "The history of liberty is the history of resistance. Defending our rights and liberty is nothing we should ever apologize for." --- Woodrow Wilson ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2004 18:53:11 -0600 (CST) From: paul chicoine Subject: FQF replies Here is the reply from the FQF regarding the OFAH letter, interesting. Monsieur Chicoine, En r=E9ponse =E0 votre demande =E0 savoir si la FQF avait autoris=E9 la= lettre en question, nous avons eu une consultation =E0 ce sujet mais OFAH l'avait d=E9= j=E0 envoy=E9e. Cependant, nous avons tout de m=EAme donn=E9 quelques= recommandations concernant certains paragraphes. En g=E9n=E9ral, plusieurs de ceux-ci= rejoignent les positions de la FQF sur ce dossier. **** In reply to your inquiry if the Quebec Wildlife Federation has authorized the letter in question, we were consulted on this matter but the OFAH had already sent it (the letter) . We, all the same had some recommendations concerning certain paragraphs. In general many of these positions are similar to those of the FQF. **** D'autres part, je serais bien curieux de savoir d'o=F9 vous d=E9tenez cette lettre car, on nous avait demand=E9 =E0 ce que celle-ci, et les discussions l'entourant, devaient demeurer confidentielles. Je dois que ce fut une surprise pour les trois personnes au courant du dossier de recevoir votre courriel. We are very curious to know how you obtained this letter . We had requested, (demanded, understood to be) the discussions concerning this matter would remain confidential. It came as a great surprise to the three individuals, knowledgeable of these discussions (this file) to receive your email. ***** - -snip- Luc Tremblay, ing=E9nieur forestier F=E9d=E9ration qu=E9b=E9coise de la faune 6780 1=E8re Avenue, Bureau 109 Charlesbourg, Qc. G1H 2W8 T=E9l: (418) 626-6858 Fax: (418) 622-6168 __________ Paul Chicoine Non Assumpsit Contract - All Rights Reserved - Without Prejudice ________________________________________________ ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2004 18:53:45 -0600 (CST) From: Robert LaCasse Subject: Re: Register Handguns? When the GunGrabbers, come to get your firearms, I'm sure the only way to get them back is to get an expensive lawyer, and RE-Register to overrule them on property possession, for the return....I been there! I know the City is rampant with Dirty Cops and thieves looking for a Booty, Good Luck anyways! ciao Bob On Thu, 11 Mar 2004 14:08:54 -0600 (CST), you wrote: |>------------------------------ |> |>Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2004 10:16:19 -0600 (CST) |>From: Edward Hudson |>Subject: Re: Register Handguns? |> |> > Richard wrote: |> > > Question. Why do some people still support licensing and registration |> > > for handguns? |> |>When the CFC asked that I "re-register" my previously registered handgun |>under the new system, I simply refused to return the paper work. |> |>This is strictly a personal decision and does NOT reflect the policy of |>any organization to which I may have membership. |> |>Sincerely, |> |>Eduardo |> |>------------------------------ Triad Productions-Fantalla(c)~EZine~ParaNovel WWW>> or ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2004 18:53:45 -0600 (CST) From: paul chicoine Subject: BCWF Too fast on the delete button. There was a post which stated the BCWF does not support the OFAH position paper. If anyone still has it could you please send a copy my way. __________ Paul Chicoine Non Assumpsit Contract - All Rights Reserved - Without Prejudice ________________________________________________ ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 12 Mar 2004 09:23:21 -0600 (CST) From: "Breitkreuz, Garry - Assistant 1" Subject: Attempt on ex nets man five years PUBLICATION: The Daily News (Halifax) DATE: 2004.03.12 SECTION: Local News PAGE: 9 SOURCE: CP DATELINE: Antigonish - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attempt on ex nets man five years - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Canso man has been handed a five-year prison term for trying to kill his ex-wife. Murdock Boudreau, 65, was found guilty this week of attempted murder, uttering threats and possessing a firearm. The charges were laid after an incident last June when Boudreau showed up at the home of his ex-wife brandishing a gun. No one was hurt, and he was arrested without incident. Boudreau had 16 months reduced from his sentence for time he has already served. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 12 Mar 2004 09:23:28 -0600 (CST) From: "Breitkreuz, Garry - Assistant 1" Subject: FW: Column: CANADA BADLY NEEDS A SMALLER FEDERAL GOVERNMENT - -----Original Message----- >From: Breitkreuz, Garry - Assistant 1 >Sent: March 12, 2004 7:27 AM >To: Firearms Digest Moderator (E-mail) >Subject: Column: CANADA BADLY NEEDS A SMALLER FEDERAL GOVERNMENT > > >PUBLICATION: The Calgary Sun >DATE: 2004.03.12 >EDITION: Final >SECTION: Editorial/Opinion >PAGE: 15 >BYLINE: LINK BYFIELD > >-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > >FORGET FIREWALL WHAT CANADA BADLY NEEDS IS SMALLER FEDERAL GOVERNMENT > >-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > >Of the hundreds of public presentations made to a committee of MLAs last month on "Strengthening Alberta's Role in Confederation," the prize for brevity goes to Glen Parent of Wainwright. "Imagine," he told the committee, "that Alberta had not joined Confederation in 1905. And imagine if Ralph Klein and Paul Martin met today to negotiate Alberta's entry into Confederation. How do you think that meeting would go? > >"I suppose Martin would say, 'Ralph, here's the deal -- what I will do is make all your people register their guns, then I'll tell your wheat farmers that once they harvest their crops, it all belongs to me. Then I'll enact an accord that will hamstring your oil industry. And Ralph, all you have to do in return is give me $9 billion a year. So what do you say?' " > >Parent has a point. There's no way Albertans would join the present federal structure today on the present federal terms. That was the purpose of the government's hearings. What sort of federal arrangement would make sense? The committee reports in the summer. >Most of the presenters favoured greater provincial powers. This isn't because they're closet separatists. It's because the national government has invaded so many provincial areas of jurisdiction that the federal system no longer works. It's bad for Canada, not just Alberta. > >Take Parent's example of gun control, something that still riles any Canadian who isn't brainwashed. Ottawa's 1995 Firearms Act was not only pointless, for the obvious reason that criminals do not register guns, but also an attack on the provincial right to regulate private property. Ottawa knew this, of course, but didn't care. > >Ottawa always craves greater political power and control, and the only place to get it is to poach it from the provinces. So it claimed the Firearms Act would control crime (a national jurisdiction), and the federally appointed judges in Alberta and Ottawa agreed. So much for the Constitution. > >As a result, we have spent almost $2 billion (according to the most recent estimates) paying 1,800 new federal bureaucrats to snag hobbyists, hunters and farmers across the country with absolutely useless red tape on a matter that is none of Ottawa's business and probably hasn't stopped a single crime. > >We're indebted to Saskatchewan Conservative MP Garry Breitkreuz for almost everything we know about the gun registry, such as the following. >- The system has a 71% error rate in licensing owners and a 91% error rate in registering individual guns. > >- The government admits it registered 718,414 guns without serial numbers. It has sent owners little stickers with made-up serial numbers, which can be peeled off by anyone. > >- A gun's federal registration certificate does not contain the name of the owner, model, calibre and magazine capacity. I'm serious. >It shows the manufacturer and the serial number, among which there are known to be at least 222,911 unexplained duplicates. > >- The government spent $29 million on advertising the gun registry -- including $4.5 million to Group-Action, now under RCMP investigation. > >- Pistols have been federally registered since 1934, yet there is no case on record of a handgun having been used in a crime by its registered owner. So what was the point? > >- A reasonable estimate is that the Firearms Act has made criminals of one million Canadians who refuse to license and register. > >Now this disaster shows what happens when Ottawa finds a bogus pretext to seize turf from the provinces. Billions are wasted, people are put in jail, rights are trampled, distrust and resentment spread. And we haven't even looked at health care, the Canada Pension Plan, Employment Insurance, fiscal equalization and our Ottawa-run police force. > >Would Albertans join such a screwed-up arrangement today? Not on your life. However, the real question is what we can do about it. And the answer lies not in "firewalls," but in returning our country to its original design with much less federal government. > >---------------------------------------------- > >For more information about the $2 Billion Boondoggle: ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 12 Mar 2004 09:23:37 -0600 (CST) From: "Breitkreuz, Garry - Assistant 1" Subject: Column: SHALL WE COMPARE GENOCIDES? PUBLICATION: The Winnipeg Sun DATE: 2004.03.12 EDITION: Final SECTION: Editorial/Opinion PAGE: 11 BYLINE: JOHN GLEESON - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SHALL WE COMPARE GENOCIDES? - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back in November, I asked the question: How could the world not know about the murder of seven million Ukrainians by forced starvation and state-sanctioned terror under Stalin? Henri Chevillard of Pimichikimak First Nation sent in this reply: "How can the world not know about the murder of 20 million Aboriginals? Remember smallpox, the first biological weapon?" Other readers wrote in similar rhetorical questions about "their" forgotten genocides -- especially after the Canadian Museum of Human Rights came into the picture and the comparisons between the Ukrainian Holodomor and the Jewish Holocaust became a sort of contest for museum floorspace. Envisioned to make Winnipeg a national magnet after it opens in 2008, the proposed museum is not dedicated to the depiction of human "wrongs" -- though it will put Canada's human rights record on display, warts and all, while paying homage to our evolution into a fair and caring society. But it's the inclusion of a Holocaust gallery in the museum plan that has so far attracted the lion's share of public attention to the project. So, for the love of St. Patrick, let's throw one more genocide on the table and see what it does. Because, more than the Holocaust or the Holodomor, the Irish Famine of 1845-50 touched Canada directly, and remains a prime exhibit in the case that has to be made, if we are to stand up as an independent nation, against the very imperialism that "created" Canada. IRELAND'S GREAT Hunger has been part of the Holocaust and genocide curriculum in American secondary schools for almost a decade. The accepted version is that about one million Irish died in the famine and a similar number fled the country. Attempts to include the Irish who died aboard "coffin ships" or shortly after landing, and to correct faulty census data from the period, have led some scholars to raise the death toll as high as 5.2 million. What makes the "potato famine" a genocide? "Ireland did not starve for potatoes; it starved for food," writes Chicago-born civil engineer Chris Fogarty, whose groundbreaking research is now accepted in universities across the U.S. "Ireland starved because its food, from 40 to 70 shiploads per day, was removed at gunpoint by 12,000 British constables reinforced by the British militia, battleships, excise vessels, Coast Guard and by 200,000 British soldiers (100,000 at any given moment). "Bayonets, cannons, rifles, the lash, eviction and the gallows were freely used to seize Irish food." Grain, livestock and dairy products -- enough to feed the island three times over -- were removed by force, and the people starved. As with Stalin's regime, the British government cited ideology -- in this case, the doctrine of laissez-faire capitalism, or non-interference in market forces - -- to rationalize a policy of genocide toward a people who had been made into virtual serfs. To some British officials, the famine was a means to a specific end. Just as Stalin's terror succeeded in forcing the independent Ukrainian peasant on to collective farms, the famine in Ireland wiped out small holdings, consolidating agricultural production under absentee-landlord ownership. Nassau Senior, Queen Victoria's economist, was disappointed the famine "would not kill more than one million people, and that would scarcely be enough to do any good." As with Hitler's Nazis, leading British thinkers justified the removal of food and subsequent mass starvation on the basis that the Irish, popularly depicted as crazed immoral beings with simian features, were an inferior race, just as Africans and Indians and Arabs were deemed inferior. The British historian Edward Freeman, who visited the U.S. in 1881, wrote after his return: "This would be a grand land if only every Irishman would kill a Negro, and be hanged for it." His obituary said "he gloried in the Germanic origin of the English nation." Both the Irish and Ukrainian "famines" resulted in about a 25% drop in population, and both "taught lessons" to unruly peoples who stubbornly clung to their culture and religion. In that sense, the Holocaust was different. Neither Stalin nor the British government set out to exterminate the Ukrainians or the Irish to the last man, woman and child (although one British prime minister, Peel, mulled it over). In fact, their official position was one of duplicity and denial. Taking 19th century "scientific racism" to its ugly extreme, the Nazis' "final solution," carried out openly as wholesome public policy, was an act of unique depravity. And with whole nations still buying into global Jewish conspiracy theories, no wonder Jews fear the Holocaust can be repeated if it isn't dutifully remembered. But genocide is far from unique. The U.S. curriculum on the Irish famine rejects the notion put forward by some British scholars that the empire's treatment of the Irish was an aberration from an otherwise clean imperial record. In fact, the British starved tens of thousands of prisoners during the Boer War, were a leading nation in the slave trade and forced China to import opium. Britain is also blamed for more than two dozen famines that cost millions of lives in India and Bengal. As late as 1943-44, according to Australian academic Gideon Polya, a "man-made" famine in Bengal killed an estimated 3.5 to 5 million people. "An extraordinary feature of the appalling record of British imperialism with respect to genocide and mass, worldwide killing of huge numbers of people (by war, disease and famine) is its absence from public perception," Polya writes. Which brings us back to the museum. If Canadians want to enshrine "the good and evil men do," then there can't be any whitewashing of British imperialism. Of the 100,000 Irish who fled to Canada in 1847 alone, only 60,000 were still alive one month after landing. This is a Canadian story and it needs to be told in Canada. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 12 Mar 2004 09:24:07 -0600 (CST) From: "Breitkreuz, Garry - Assistant 1" Subject: Column: Let's have equal treatment for political insiders PUBLICATION: National Post DATE: 2004.03.11 EDITION: National SECTION: Financial Post: Comment PAGE: FP13 BYLINE: Pierre Lemieux SOURCE: National Post NOTE: Pierre Lemieux is co-director of the Economics and LibertyResearch Group at the University of Quebec in Outaouais, and a Research Fellow at the Independent Institute (California). - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Let's have equal treatment for political insiders - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Politics is at least as important as business. Citizens must be as well protected from politicians and bureaucrats as investors are from directors and executives. Consequently, the rules of governance that apply to business firms should also apply to public life. This is a must if we want to preserve citizens' confidence in the political process. What would such a world look like? Politicians and bureaucrats would be forbidden to share insider tips of the kind that led to Martha Stewart's current problems. A politician would be obliged to broadcast any inside political information he has before he uses it for any political manoeuvre. Of course, politicians would also be forbidden to make any selective disclosure, i.e., disclosure of any "material fact" that could impact on the public's opinion about him and his political value. Let's stop political greed. There is also the crucial issue of trading after hours. Any political transaction after Parliament is closed (like caucus meetings or other ways of trading votes) is nothing but a breach of trust against the voting public. A political party suspected of this infraction would, like Sun Life, be threatened with such crippling penalties that it would be willing to settle for $200-million. "The Liberal party is fully co-operating with the authorities' investigation" is a statement that we would hear time and time again. Of course, the government would publish an annual report where all transactions would be transparently reported. Relegating information to the footnotes, such as the Enron annual report did, would be considered a crime. Ministers would have to personally sign, and vouch for, all budgets they propose to Parliament. MPs would have to personally sign, and vouch for, every law they vote. Senior bureaucrats would have to personally sign, and vouch for, every regulation they enact. This covers 5,000 pages of legal gibberish every year, but voters' trust and the integrity of our political market have no price. The Auditor-General of Canada is a nice and useful fixture, but she remains a bureaucrat who could meet the same fate as former privacy commissioner George Radwanski, should she run afoul of her political bosses. So, outside auditors would be hired. The new rules of governance would mandate independent directors in the Cabinet. A couple of libertarians there would not be a bad idea: They would insure that the public interest is promoted, as opposed to special interest groups and the statocrats' own power. The Ontario Democratic Commission (ODC) would assign tens of bureaucrats to monitor all this. In Quebec, the Regulator is now called the Financial Markets Authority (with a capital "A"). His Majesty the Regulator would intervene any time it had a hunch that "the public interest" was not served. The Regulator would watch closely what is being done in the U.S., and just imitate it, with the normal delay of 10 to 20 years. The ODC would issue work bans in the political market. Every politician suspected of breaking the new rules of governance would be sued by the ODC before the ODC, forced to settle out of (kangaroo) court, and banned from any political function for 10 years. (After all, they do it in France. Are we less democratic?) There is no reason why, in 10 years time, we shouldn't have as many Canadian MPs in jail as business executives. It's time to make sure that politicians and bureaucrats are accountable, and that all citizens-shareholders face a level playing field. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 12 Mar 2004 09:24:09 -0600 (CST) From: "Brad Thorarinson" Subject: Re: Tank From: "Richard" > > From: Jason Hayes > > Subject: question > > > > > > > > What's up with this? What would cause this sort of thing? > > They flip them onto their backs to make changing the tracks easier. > > ~Richard. Yeah, that's it. Actually, I'm guessing they were running parallel and their tracks touched. One or both tanks split the track chain, the overturned one shed the track completely. With only one side driving, it tried to do a supersharp U-turn and did a half roll instead. The tank in the midground of the photo also has a broken track, not completely dropped off, but with several feet of slack behind the drive sprocket, on top of the totally shed track. Even tanks are not made so solid you can't break em. A nice pic to look at when you are having 'one of those days'. Brad ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 12 Mar 2004 09:29:18 -0600 (CST) From: "Breitkreuz, Garry - Assistant 1" Subject: Letter: Gun control and police state tactics PUBLICATION: The Kingston Whig-Standard DATE: 2004.03.12 EDITION: Final SECTION: Editorial PAGE: 8 BYLINE: James L. Shepherd SOURCE: The Kingston Whig-Standard - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gun control and police state tactics - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Freda Clarke's letter "Gun control here to stay" (Feb. 24) asks what gun control legislation has to do with the searches of reporter Juliet O'Neill's home and office. Journalists screamed about "police state" tactics when one of their own was subjected to having her home invaded and her property seized. When the current gun legislation was first proposed, there was a clause that allowed the authorities to enter your home without a warrant and without your permission, even though no crime had been committed or was even suspected of having been committed. At least in O'Neill's case the authorities suspected something was wrong. The government's excuse for including such a clause in the gun legislation was merely that people owned firearms, regardless of the fact that they were private property and legally acquired for peaceful purposes. Do the words "police state" once again come to mind? The connection between the two situations is clear to me. I don't recall any journalist writing a single word about the proposed invasion of firearms owners' homes. Clarke's last statement complaining about an opponent of the gun laws writing to a number of newspapers regarding a subject of his own choice suggests limiting his freedom of speech. Once again, do the words "police state" come to mind? James L. Shepherd Kingston ------------------------------ End of Cdn-Firearms Digest V7 #5 ******************************** Submissions: Mailing List Commands: Moderator's e-mail address: List owner: FAQ list: and Web Site: FTP Site: CFDigest Archives: or put the next command in an e-mail message and get cdn-firearms-digest v04.n192 end (192 is the digest issue number and 04 is the volume) To unsubscribe from _all_ the lists, put the next five lines in a message and unsubscribe cdn-firearms-digest unsubscribe cdn-firearms-alert unsubscribe cdn-firearms-chat unsubscribe cdn-firearms end (To subscribe, use "subscribe" instead of "unsubscribe".) If you find this service valuable, please consider making a tax-deductible donation to the freenet we use: Saskatoon Free-Net Assoc., P.O. Box 1342, Saskatoon SK S7K 3N9 Phone: (306) 382-7070 Home page: These e-mail digests are free to everyone, and are made possible by the efforts of countless volunteers. 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