From: (Cdn-Firearms Digest) To: Subject: Cdn-Firearms Digest V6 #852 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: normal Cdn-Firearms Digest Thursday, January 22 2004 Volume 06 : Number 852 In this issue: The report's 14 recommendations include more police resources, Young victims of violence mourned: PROVINCE EYES TOUGHER GUN RULES GUN REGISTRY FAILS TO TRACK 288,688 GUNS BROUGHT INTO CANADA BY LE REGISTRE DES ARMES =C0 FEU NE PERMET PAS DE RETROUVER 2 88,688 ARMES Re:Mrs. Belinda Stronach Justice Louise Arbour to Speak Monday a question of priorities? ....."people who don't protect themselves...." Ontario to target gun crime ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2004 11:17:14 -0600 (CST) From: "Breitkreuz, Garry - Assistant 1" Subject: The report's 14 recommendations include more police resources, PUBLICATION: The Chronicle-Herald DATE: 2004.01.22 SECTION: Canada PAGE: A16 SOURCE: The Canadian Press BYLINE: Terri Theodore - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crime rate soaring in Vancouver; B.C. metropolis No. 1 per capita for property offences in Canada, U.S. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vancouver - Vehicle theft and break-ins across British Columbia are rising and Vancouver is considered the bank robbery capital of Canada, suggest some alarming statistics presented Wednesday at a forum on crime solutions. A board of trade report indicates Greater Vancouver is No. 1 per-capita for property crime in Canada and the United States. These increasing problems are eventually going to force the public to become more involved in finding solutions to rising crime, said Vancouver police Chief Jamie Graham. Graham predicted that people who don't protect themselves from crime may one day be refused insurance coverage. "After you've been broken into three or four times or your car's been stolen twice I think the light should go on that maybe you need an alarm in your car or a club on your vehicle," said Graham. Increasing literacy rates, doing a better job protecting children and keeping kids away from violent video games will also prevent crime, said the chief. The forum heard that car theft in B.C. is growing at an alarming rate. Nick Geer, the head of the Insurance Corp. of B.C. said auto theft has reached an alarming rate in the province. The number of vehicles in the province has increased about 20 per cent over the last decade but auto theft has doubled. Vancouver-area theft has dropped slightly, but increased dramatically elsewhere in B.C. "We're seeing a doubling of car thefts in Kelowna," said Geer. "We're seeing significant increases in Abbotsford, Chilliwack and Prince George and other areas. "Why this is happening we're not really sure but we believe the gangs that are involved are reaching out into other areas." Insurance coverage for vehicle theft and break-ins cost $163 million in 2002, which amounts to about $60 extra for every vehicle insured. Vancouver also has the dubious distinction of being the bank robbery capital of Canada, said Paul Griffin, a spokesman for the Canadian Bankers Association. On average, there is at least one bank robbery every business day in Vancouver, or 237 holdups last year. Vancouver has five times more bank robberies than Montreal and double the number of Toronto, he said. He is concerned about the increasingly dangerous tactics used by robbers. "We are seeing quite a significant increase in the takeover style of robberies, where robbers come into a bank, groups of them, armed and displaying weapons," he said. "In some cases they use battering rams to smash doors down open. They wave guns in the air and shoot into the ceiling and point guns at customers and employees." In November, the board said property crime in Vancouver costs $128 million a year, but police are only able to close 8.7 per cent of all reported theft files. The report's 14 recommendations include more police resources, a tougher justice system and better drug treatment for addicts. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2004 11:17:16 -0600 (CST) From: "Breitkreuz, Garry - Assistant 1" Subject: Young victims of violence mourned: PUBLICATION: Montreal Gazette DATE: 2004.01.22 EDITION: West Island SECTION: News PAGE: F1 / BREAK BYLINE: KAREN SEIDMAN SOURCE: The Gazette ILLUSTRATION: Color Photo: TEDD CHURCH, THE GAZETTE / Elaine Barbeau'sson, a victim of bullying, committed suicide. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Young victims of violence mourned: Organizer's son committed suicide. National vigil planned for youngsters who died after bullying, other violence - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Setting up a national vigil to remember youth who have died from violence and suicide will be at the top of the agenda when several groups dedicated to protecting children from bullying and other violent acts get together in the West Island next week. "We need to remember these children and draw attention to the horrendous mess our society has created," said Elaine Barbeau, president and founder of the Canadian Parents' Coalition for the Protection of Children, which will be hosting the meeting Tuesday night in Dollard des Ormeaux. Barbeau's 23-year-old son, Adrian, committed suicide in June 1998. She believes his distress was related to having been bullied years before while attending a West Island high school, where he was forced to box other students to defend himself, and other students would throw lit matches at him. "He prayed for the strength to commit suicide," said Barbeau, who has never forgotten the tragic day when her son shot himself in the head with a rifle. "The environment in schools is so unhealthy that students are worn out by the end of high school," she said. "They are going to school in a war zone." Barbeau has written two books - Bullies and Denial Kill, and Kids Care for Kids. She believes parents and educators need to come together to protect children. The coalition has also recently launched its Web site and is asking parents and teachers to report any violence or injustices they witness. "We're trying to build a portfolio of injustices," Barbeau said. "We're asking parents and teachers to be witnesses to injustices in their schools. We can't just pretend everything is OK. It's their duty to report what they know." She plans to take the portfolio across Canada to education ministers, premiers and Prime Minister Paul Martin. "We want to impress the government with the facts and demonstrate that a lot of help is needed in our schools," Barbeau said. She is hoping that the anonymity of the Web site will allow people to feel free enough to submit reports. "I know that teachers are afraid to lose their jobs," she said. Barbeau said the rate of youth violence has escalated enormously since the 1950s. The former teacher has seen locker rooms set on fire and children pushed into lockers and under a desk. One teacher at a West Island high school confided to Barbeau that her car had been set on fire twice. "Most people don't realize how serious the problem is," she said. "The education system is covering it up." The purpose of the coalition, which was established in 2002, is to reduce youth violence and suicide. Barbeau said there are about 30 members locally, and the group is starting a big push to go national through its Web site. The national vigil the group is planning is one of the ways it plans to make itself known across the country. Other groups participating in Tuesday's meeting include Intervention SOS, Citizens for Democratic Schools Association, the Quebec Federation of Home and School Associations and Leave Out ViolencE. "These are groups dedicated to turning around the crisis of school violence for our children," Barbeau said. "We are showing our solidarity and that we're not going to forget these kids or the kids who are still in school in a lot of pain." On the Net: ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2004 11:17:16 -0600 (CST) From: "Breitkreuz, Garry - Assistant 1" Subject: PROVINCE EYES TOUGHER GUN RULES PUBLICATION: The Toronto Sun DATE: 2004.01.22 EDITION: Final SECTION: News PAGE: 41 ILLUSTRATION: photo of MICHAEL BRYANT New anti-gang unit BYLINE: ANTONELLA ARTUSO, QUEEN'S PARK BUREAU CHIEF - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROVINCE EYES TOUGHER GUN RULES - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The provincial government is unleashing a new weapon in the war on gangs and guns. Attorney General Michael Bryant said a Green Beret-style anti-gang unit composed of seasoned police officers and Crown prosecutors will work together to investigate and bring criminal gang members to justice. "If you bust up the gang, and that's what our goal is, then you end up striking at the central nervous system of gun violence," Bryant said in a television interview last night. Bryant said the provincial government also intends to toughen the rules for storage of weapons at gun shops and clubs to prevent criminals from getting their hands on the weapons. "We need to make sure that the handguns that are legally possessed in gun shops and to some extent gun clubs ... that we have the laws in place so that these guns are locked up like Fort Knox," Bryant said. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2004 11:17:19 -0600 (CST) From: (Majordomo User) Subject: GUN REGISTRY FAILS TO TRACK 288,688 GUNS BROUGHT INTO CANADA BY TOURISTS From: "Breitkreuz, Garry - Assistant 1" Sender: Precedence: normal Reply-To: NEWS RELEASE - January 22, 2004 GUN REGISTRY FAILS TO TRACK 288,688 GUNS BROUGHT INTO CANADA BY TOURISTS "Customs never checked to see if the American hunters took their guns when they left Canada." Ottawa - Today, Garry Breitkreuz, Official Opposition Critic for Firearms and Property Rights, released detailed reports from Canada Customs showing the gun registry has once again failed to do what the Liberals promised in 1995. Documents obtained from the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA) show that law-abiding foreign hunters and sport shooters declared 288,688 firearms on their way into Canada between January 1, 2000, and March 31, 2003, and paid more than $11 million for the privilege. The documents also show no firearms being exported during the same period (see spreadsheet summary attached). The RCMP previously admitted that the guns declared by foreign visitors were not being recorded in the Canadian Firearms Registry as promised by Ministers in charge of the firearms program. "The Liberals have never been able to produce a shred of evidence to show that these American tourists have ever been a threat to public safety or that their rifles and shotguns have ever found their way into criminal hands," stated Breitkreuz. "Two weeks ago, media reports revealed that Customs is only checking 5% of mail for smuggled goods. Instead, they're wasting their time checking 100% of law-abiding American hunters and doing next to nothing to stop the illegal firearms trade. These useless Liberal laws are also doing serious harm to the tourism and outfitting industry. The federal government picked $11 million dollars out of these tourists' pockets before they had a chance to spend it in Canadian lodges, hotels and restaurants. Welcome to Canada, eh? The Customs documents also reveal a two-tier gun control regime - total gun control for Canadians and gun-control-light for Americans. The government allowed more than 200,000 "non-licensed" foreign hunters and sport shooters to come into the country with their guns but forces every Canadian gun owner to pass a firearm safety course and obtain a federal firearm license before they can go hunting or shoot recreationally. "The government and its dramatically dwindling number of gun registry supporters continue to defend the gun registry by saying: 'All guns start out as legal guns.' But the fact of the matter is that since January 1, 2000, all gun smugglers have to do is fill out a Firearm Declaration form at the border, pay their fifty bucks and bring their guns into Canada. The government took their forms and their money but never checked to see if the guns ever left Canada. This isn't gun control - this is government out of control and just more proof that the entire Firearms Act must be scrapped and completely re-written," concluded Breitkreuz. STATISTICS FROM NON-RESIDENT FIREARM DECLARATION FORMS - 2000-2003 - -30- ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2004 11:17:22 -0600 (CST) From: "Breitkreuz, Garry - Assistant 1" Subject: LE REGISTRE DES ARMES =C0 FEU NE PERMET PAS DE RETROUVER 2 88,688 ARMES COMMUNIQU=C9 DE PRESSE - Le 22 janvier 2004 LE REGISTRE DES ARMES =C0 FEU NE PERMET PAS DE RETROUVER 288,688 ARMES=20 APPORT=C9ES AU CANADA PAR DES TOURISTES "Les douaniers ne v=E9rifient jamais si les chasseurs am=E9ricains emportent= =20 leurs armes avec eux quand ils quittent le Canada." Ottawa - Aujourd'hui, Garry Breitkreuz, porte-parole de l'opposition=20 officielle en mati=E8re d'armes =E0 feu et de droits de propri=E9t=E9, a= divulgu=E9=20 des rapports d=E9taill=E9s de Douanes Canada montrant que le registre des= armes=20 =E0 feu trahit une autre des promesses faites par les Lib=E9raux en=20 1995. Selon des documents obtenus de l'Agence des douanes et du revenu du= =20 Canada (ADRC), entre le 1er janvier 2000 et le 31 mars 2003, des chasseurs= =20 et tireurs sportifs =E9trangers respectueux des lois ont d=E9clar=E9 288,688= =20 armes =E0 feu en entrant au Canada et ont pay=E9 plus de 11 millions de= dollars=20 pour avoir le privil=E8ge de les apporter avec eux. Les documents montrent= =20 aussi qu'au cours de la m=EAme p=E9riode, aucune arme =E0 feu n'est sortie= du=20 pays (voir le r=E9sum=E9 sous forme de tableau de ventilation ci-joint). La= =20 GRC a d=E9j=E0 admis que, contrairement =E0 ce que nous ont toujours promis= les=20 divers ministres charg=E9s au fil des ans d'administrer le programme de=20 contr=F4le des armes =E0 feu, les armes d=E9clar=E9es par les =E9trangers = =E0 leur=20 entr=E9e au Canada ne sont pas consign=E9es dans le Registre canadien des= armes=20 =E0 feu. =AB Les Lib=E9raux n'ont jamais produit l'ombre d'une preuve montrant que= ces=20 touristes am=E9ricains n'ont jamais constitu=E9 une menace =E0 la s=E9curit= =E9=20 publique ou que leurs carabines et fusils de chasse ne se sont pas=20 retrouv=E9es entre des mains criminelles =BB, a d=E9clar=E9 M. Breitkreuz. = =AB Il y=20 a deux semaines, des reportages ont r=E9v=E9l=E9 que les douaniers= n'inspectent=20 que 5 % du courrier pour v=E9rifier qu'il ne contient pas d'articles de=20 contrebande. C'est parce qu'ils perdent leur temps =E0 inspecter 100 % des= =20 chasseurs am=E9ricains inoffensifs qui entrent au Canada qu'ils ne font=20 presque rien pour emp=EAcher le commerce ill=E9gal des armes =E0 feu. De= plus,=20 cette loi inutile adopt=E9e par les Lib=E9raux nuit beaucoup =E0 l'industrie= du=20 tourisme et aux pourvoyeurs. En effet, au cours de la p=E9riode vis=E9e, le= =20 gouvernement f=E9d=E9ral a soutir=E9 =E0 ces touristes 11 millions de= dollars=20 qu'ils n'ont donc pas pu d=E9penser dans nos pavillons, h=F4tels et=20 restaurants. Bienvenue au Canada! Les documents de Douanes Canada r=E9v=E8lent aussi l'existence de deux poids= et=20 deux mesures dans le contr=F4le des armes, =E0 savoir un contr=F4le strict= pour=20 les Canadiens et un contr=F4le l=E9ger pour les Am=E9ricains. Le= gouvernement a=20 autoris=E9 plus de 200 000 chasseurs et tireurs sportifs =E9trangers =AB= sans=20 permis =BB =E0 entrer au Canada avec leurs armes, mais force chaque=20 propri=E9taire d'arme =E0 feu canadien =E0 suivre un cours de maniement=20 s=E9curitaire des armes et =E0 obtenir un permis d'arme =E0 feu f=E9d=E9ral= pour=20 pouvoir aller =E0 la chasse ou pratiquer le tir sportif. =AB Le gouvernement et les partisans de son registre des armes =E0 feu, dont= le=20 nombre est en chute libre, persistent =E0 d=E9fendre le registre en disant := =AB=20 Au d=E9but, toutes les armes =E0 feu sont l=E9gales =BB. =AB Mais en fait,= depuis le=20 1er janvier 2000, tout ce que les trafiquants d'armes ont =E0 faire pour=20 apporter leurs armes avec eux au Canada, c'est de remplir un formulaire de= =20 d=E9claration d'arme =E0 feu =E0 la fronti=E8re et de payer cinquante= dollars. Le=20 gouvernement prend leurs formulaires et leurs argent, mais ne v=E9rifie=20 jamais si les armes d=E9clar=E9es ressortent un jour du pays. Nous ne= faisons=20 plus le contr=F4le des armes =E0 feu! Nous avons plut=F4t un gouvernement= hors de=20 contr=F4le et une preuve de plus qu'il faut mettre la Loi sur les armes =E0= feu=20 =E0 la poubelle et la r=E9crire du d=E9but =E0 la fin =BB, a d=E9clar=E9 M.= Breitkreuz en=20 conclusion. STATISTIQUES TIR=C9ES DES FORMULAIRES DE D=C9CLARATION D'ARMES =C0 FEU REMPLIS PAR DES =C9TRANGERS - 2000-2003 .xls - -30- ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2004 11:17:22 -0600 (CST) From: "Al Muir" Subject: Re:Mrs. Belinda Stronach Yvon it is always a pleasure to read your posts. I salute you. Regards Al > Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2004 00:05:57 -0600 (CST) > From: Yvon Dionne > Subject: Mrs. Belinda Stronach ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2004 11:18:48 -0600 (CST) From: Edward Hudson Subject: Justice Louise Arbour to Speak Monday "Should Judges' Personal Opinion Affect Decisions Involving Charter Challenges ?" Justice Louise Arbour Supreme Court of Canada 12:30 p.m. Monday, 26 January 2004 Law Library University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon All are welcome. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2004 12:04:27 -0600 (CST) From: paul chicoine Subject: a question of priorities? a question of priorities? I heard today that DFO (Department of Fisheries and Oceans) was $52million over budget. As a result, the Martin Liberals are looking to cut 600 jobs from that department. The job cuts to come mostly from the west coast operation and Ottawa. HELLO! The firearms fiasco is $998.000.000.00 over budget. What is Martin going to do, keep the ratio? In that case martin will need to cut about 11515 positions at DOJ. OK, start at CFC. __________ Paul Chicoine Non Assumsit Contract : All Rights Reserved : Without Prejudice __________________________________________________ ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2004 12:04:30 -0600 (CST) From: "Todd Birch" Subject: ....."people who don't protect themselves...." Yesterday it was announced that Vancouver is the "bank robbery capital of Canada". That dubious distinction used to belong to Quebec. The Vancouver Board of Trade indicates that "Greater Vancouver is No. 1 per capita for property crime in the U.S. and Canada". This has prompted Police Chief Jamie Graham to say that the public has got to become more proactive in combating crime stating that "people who don't protect themselves from crime may one day be refused insurance coverage." He is of course referring to auto theft and other related property crimes, but I wonder if he realizes the larger implications of his comments. If I understand his statement, he is saying that citizens have the responsibility of "self protection", an admission that the police have neither the resources or the obligation to provide that protection. If that applies to property, how much more so does it apply to one's personal safety? He also stated that "increasing literacy rates, doing a better job protecting children and keeping kids away from violent video games will also prevent crime." Looks like we have another Police Chief in Jamie Graham who thinks the $1.3 billion+ blown on the Firearms Registry might have been better spent. Todd Birch ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2004 12:04:32 -0600 (CST) From: Jim Powlesland Subject: Ontario to target gun crime Ontario to target gun crime By RICHARD MACKIE and JOE FRIESEN From Thursday's Globe and Mail POSTED AT 4:33 AM EST Thursday, Jan. 22, 2004 The Ontario government will crack down on gun violence to try to counter the growing epidemic of gang-related shootings in the province, especially in Toronto, Attorney-General Michael Bryant said yesterday. "The rise in gun violence over the last two years in this province is unacceptable and shocking and it cries out for action," Mr. Bryant said in an interview. In co-operation with Toronto Police, the government will set up an elite task force of police officers and Crown attorneys. They will work together to obtain warrants to search out illegal guns and seek stiff sentences for those convicted of possessing the weapons. Also, the province will introduce, and enforce, more demanding regulations for the storing of guns, which falls under provincial jurisdiction, in gun clubs and gun shops to make it harder for criminals to obtain them through break-ins. Mr. Bryant said his ministry is looking at tougher gun-law enforcement. "We've got to ensure that prosecution of gun crimes is to the fullest extent of the law. And if that means turning to the federal government to get some assistance in terms of the sentencing provisions, we will do that." Michael Thompson, who represents Scarborough Centre on Toronto City Council, has campaigned for tougher gun laws since his election last November. He's delighted, but said the initiative should be seen as a first step. "Much of what I'm calling for isn't focusing on more policing, it's focusing on how to prevent young people from engaging in activities that lead to problems such as violence, the use of guns, and gang activity and drug use," Mr. Thompson said. Police spokesman Mark Pugash said Chief Julian Fantino was "very encouraged" by the Attorney-General's interest in the issue, and called it "a very positive first step." Mr. Pugash said Chief Fantino has raised concerns about the criminal justice system. "Eighty-four per cent of the people we arrest for violent crime have previous criminal records. . . The system is not deterring or rehabilitating people, and so you get these revolving-door criminals." Last year Toronto Police saw a staggering increase of 53 per cent in the number of reported shootings, which totalled 326. Thirty-one of the year's 65 homicides were gun-related, a change from the late 1990s when about 20 shooting deaths a year were recorded. All but two of the 31 gun-related homicides are believed to be gang-related, according to figures compiled by The Globe and Mail. The problem is especially severe in the city's black community; 71 per cent of the year's shooting victims were black. Mr. Thompson said he did not presume that the police would use any new powers to execute improper searches targeting the black community. He said the force, despite recent controversies over racial profiling and the criminal charges laid against some members of the drugs squad, still has his complete confidence. "I don't believe that police, by their nature, are planning to enforce rules and regulations in an unjust way," Mr. Thompson said. He says co-operation at all levels of government and attention to the economic causes of crime are necessary parts of any potential solution. Mr. Bryant explained his reasons for establishing anti-gun teams. "The traditional way the justice system works is the police investigate the crime and the prosecutors take it from there. "Right now, the investigations into gun crime and into gang crime have become so complex that we need to take a totally different approach." He added, "We need to be giving police as much assistance as we possibly can. The police deserve credit. "The city of Toronto had 65 homicides, compared to Chicago, which is about the same size and has 600 murders a year. "But, obviously, 65 homicides in Toronto is 65 too many." Mr. Bryant said his ministry's crackdown on illegal guns will be conducted with the Ministry of Community Safety and with the Toronto police under Chief Fantino. The anti-gang, anti-gun task forces "will team up senior police officers with expert Crown prosecutors to create this special unit. That's how we will get to the central nervous system of the gangs and curb the gun violence that flows from them," Mr. Bryant said. "These gangs are organized and sophisticated. "We've got to fight organized crime with an organized justice system that outwits and outfoxes the gangs that are currently renting out guns on the weekend like videos." Mr. Bryant explained. "By teaming up a dedicated Crown prosecution team with our most experienced police officers, we will permit an investigation from beginning to end with the tools to investigate, to infiltrate, gather evidence, get the search warrants and get the wiretaps necessary to break up these gangs." Police also need to fight the proliferation of handguns, Mr. Bryant said. "We're told that half of the guns involved in street crimes in Toronto are stolen. "Three thousand weapons are stolen in Canada every year and too many of them are ending up in Toronto. "So we want to prevent the handguns that are increasingly being stolen from gun shops and, to some extent, also gun clubs, from flowing from legal hands into the illegal handgun black market." To do this and remain within provincial jurisdiction, "We're going to go as far as legally possible to make sure that legal handguns are securely stored," he said. Speaking for Chief Fantino, Mr. Pugash said, "The details are going to have to be worked out so it's an initial response to a short interview, but the chief sees that as a very positive step. With a report from Jonathan Fowlie 2004 Bell Globemedia Publishing Inc. All Rights Reserved. ------------------------------ End of Cdn-Firearms Digest V6 #852 ********************************** Submissions: Mailing List Commands: Moderator's e-mail address: List owner: FAQ list: and Web Site: FTP Site: CFDigest Archives: or put the next command in an e-mail message and get cdn-firearms-digest v04.n192 end (192 is the digest issue number and 04 is the volume) To unsubscribe from _all_ the lists, put the next five lines in a message and unsubscribe cdn-firearms-digest unsubscribe cdn-firearms-alert unsubscribe cdn-firearms-chat unsubscribe cdn-firearms end (To subscribe, use "subscribe" instead of "unsubscribe".) 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