From: (Cdn-Firearms Digest) To: Subject: Cdn-Firearms Digest V6 #686 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: normal Cdn-Firearms Digest Thursday, November 13 2003 Volume 06 : Number 686 In this issue: FALL FRENZY FIRES UP LOCAL HUNTERS, ANGLERS Swoop on poachers Robbery weak kneed pacifist parasites Accolades For Outgoing PM and 'Heavyweight' McClellan Re: Survey ... response (long -- sorry). NB Telegraph Journal editorial re: Chretien and gun registry Re: MOUNTIES PROBING GUNFIRE ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 13 Nov 2003 12:32:01 -0600 (CST) From: (Majordomo User) Subject: FALL FRENZY FIRES UP LOCAL HUNTERS, ANGLERS PUBLICATION: The Ottawa Sun =20 DATE: 2003.11.13=20 EDITION: Final =20 SECTION: Sports =20 PAGE: 68 =20 BYLINE: JEFF MORRISON, OTTAWA SUN =20 COLUMN: Outdoors =20 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------= - ------- FALL FRENZY FIRES UP LOCAL HUNTERS, ANGLERS=20 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------= - ------- Our local outdoorsmen demonstrate that no matter what you're after in = the great outdoors, fall is prime time for huge fish and game.=20 Our region again proves the hunting and fishing opportunities that exist = in Eastern Ontario and Western Quebec are only getting better.=20 Whether you pursue white-tailed deer, moose, muskie, or walleye, you are = bound to stumble across some very impressive specimens in your travels. = Perhaps it is these awesome opportunities that pique the curiosity of = outdoorsmen in this part of the country.=20 When Harry Met Bambi: Congratulations to avid reader Harry Kinston, who = last week harvested possibly the largest doe to be bagged in Ontario = this year. Kinston credits the harvest of his trophy 165-lb. = (field-dressed) white-tail to a strategic urine placement on his boots. = He ran into the giant female on the way into his stand one morning, = putting an end to his morning hunt before it even got started. Harry is = also anxious to try his "wick"-type attractants again at his bow stand. = They sound much like the Tinks scent sticks we have heard so much about = this fall. These sticks, combined with a well-placed selection of doe = urine, brought in a bevy of deer for Kinston last week, and he hopes get = a chance at another deer during the WMU 67 hunt. Go get 'em, Harry!=20 David's Fall Exploits: Thanks to David Delcloo of Kingston for his = impressive Bay of Quinte walleye fishing update. David informed me it's = "Big Mama" time right now on the Bay for giant "eyes." The enormous = walleye Delcloo pulled from the bitter cold water last week ranged from = 10 to 13.5 lbs. You can check out "Superdad's" prowess for yourself at = One last New-Season Correction Required: Last week, I reported a = correction for Wildlife Management Units 64A and 64B, which will be = opening again next week for hunting (Nov. 17-22). I had reported = additional hunting is, in fact, allowed for those two WMUs on those = dates, but the use of a rifle is not permitted. To further clarify the = issue, I would like to point out that although the use of a rifle is not = permitted in WMU 64A, it is allowed in 64B. The same = conditions/restrictions that apply to the existing gun season (the first = week of November) for each unit also apply to this new season, i.e., 64A = allows rifles, shotguns, archery and muzzleloaders. Zone 64B is limited = to archery, shotgun and muzzle-loader hunting only. A special thanks to = Bev McCreight of the MNR for baby-stepping me through the = difficult-to-grasp season changes, and my apologies to the hunters for = any confusion. Hunting season evidently does something to one's = concentration.=20 Interest in Connections Program: Thanks this week to Melanie and Michel = Gelineau for their letter concerning the Hunters' Connection Program of = Lanark County. This avid hunting couple is hoping to establish their own = "hunter-landowner connection" in this deer-rich area of Eastern Ontario. = We would all like to know if this clever initiative that allows hunters = to use private land with the landowners' permission is actually working. = If anyone has made a love connection, please drop us a line.=20 Hunting Widowers Unite! Debbie Brown has been an avid angler and hunter = for 20 years, and a member of a growing number of women hunters in our = region. Debbie pointed out it's not only "hunting widows" who are = created by the deer hunting season, but that an increasing number of = widowed husbands are left at home, while the wives are out pursuing big = game. Debbie added that although her husband will become a "hunting = widower" for six days this fall, you will not hear him complain when she = brings home the bacon -- I mean venison. With some luck, that "big buck" = that got past her last season will show up this fall, making her husband =and all other woman hunters proud!=20 ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 13 Nov 2003 12:31:57 -0600 (CST) From: (Majordomo User) Subject: Swoop on poachers PUBLICATION: Montreal Gazette=20 DATE: 2003.11.13=20 EDITION: Final=20 SECTION: News=20 PAGE: A7=20 COLUMN: In Brief=20 SOURCE: The Gazette; CP=20 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------= - ------- Swoop on poachers - -------------------------------------------------------------------------= - ------- Fifty five wildlife agents seized meat and the carcasses of 15 moose and = 15 deer after interrogating 26 people in the Gaspe on Tuesday. It was = the biggest operation to dismantle a poaching ring in years in the = region. The agents executed 11 warrants in homes in St. Elzear and = Bonaventure. According to a Quebec wildlife and parks spokesperson, the = 26 people may face 106 charges and pay fines of more than $178,000 if = all the charges are upheld. The alleged violations include hunting =during a prohibited period and the illegal sale of big game.=20 ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 13 Nov 2003 12:45:54 -0600 (CST) From: (Majordomo User) Subject: Robbery Clerk kicks robbery suspect in the head A jewelry store clerk could face charges after allegedly kicking a robbery suspect who reportedly pointed a gun at him in downtown Edmonton yesterday afternoon. The clerk had the gun pointed at him after he chased the raider when a $12,500 watch was snatched from Swedish Jewellers, 10169 101 St., around 3:30 p.m., said cops. "The (robber) told the clerk to back off and pointed a gun at him," said police spokesman Wes Bellmore. But the raider's luck ran out almost as soon as he fled the store.A cop about to do a traffic stop was standing nearby."The (culprit) came bolting out of the store with a couple of clerks in pursuit and ran down an alley," said Bellmore. "There was a chase down into the LRT and through the Telus Building. On 100 Street, a police member managed to grab the suspect and arrested him." As police were wrestling with the suspect, the clerk arrived on the scene. "He knew the suspect had a gun but there was no sign of it," said Bellmore. "Concerned that the suspect might still have the gun, he kicked him in the head. "The store employee has not been charged but a report is being sent to the Crown prosecutor for a decision." An imitation handgun was recovered by police. Beauchamp Edmund Cory, 35, has been charged with theft over $5,000, possession of a weapon, possession of stolen property over $5,000, and possession of stolen property under $5,000. "FREEDOM" For those who Fought, Bled and Died For It " FREEDOM " has a FLAVOR THE PROTECTED will Never Know or Savor. Anonymous ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 13 Nov 2003 12:46:02 -0600 (CST) From: (Majordomo User) Subject: weak kneed pacifist parasites Recently i saw a poster which rang true for me. I have enclosed the link...hope it works As a martial arts instructor and a shooter, I have had many huindered of parents bring their kids and they themse;lves into my school for training. Some have sat back in the comfy chairs and watched their kids train, others have taken responsibility for their safety and trained as well. I have asked many parents how they will defend their family when the criminal element of society visits them in their home. This usually brings about very uncomfortable body language and a few hems and haws as they try to put a brave face on the fact that they would be victims. Some say .."I would call 911" which i reply that in the city of Otawa a priority call takes 5 minutes to 20 minutes for a response (unless you are near the local Tim Hortons). Most violent confrontations are over within 60 seconds. Some of these parents see that they need to be empowered to take action, and I encourage them to seek various means including the use of firearms to gain that empowerment. They are usually shocked at the mere mention of a gun to solve their immediate violent situation, but they come to realise that screaming wont work, scratching is a last resort of the women, and a call to the bowels of some office building to an operator who promises help is on the way, is reasurring, but does nothing to stop the immediate threat. Some have come to the range to learn what it is like to shoot a pistol....some like it, some are in horror at the thought of shooting another human being, but when pressed for an answer if they would rather see their children killed by a home invader, or shoot the home invader deaD, THEY INVARIABLY OPT TO PROTECT THE CHILDREN and to hell with the invader. It takes a fundamental shift of the mind to bring youyrself to the conclusion that you may kill another human being when it comes to your own safety, but invariably when it comes to our children, an overwhelming 85% of those who I have asked have replied that they would kill another human being that was attacking their children. If we can save just one childs life in this dangerous world, rulkes by drug addicts, thugs, gangbangers and the like, then we owe it to ourselves to take responsibility for our own safety, and demand the right to concealed carry. It may never happen to you, but try to tell that to people in toronto and edmonton where the criminal gangs are doing the OK corral replay every day. Of course you will be ridiculed by the police ...but they got guns, and are predominantly safe from rapists, muggers, and home invaders...I wonder why? If it is good enough for them, it is good enough for us/ "We are the Police, and the Police are us" "Peels principles of policing" rant mode off ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 13 Nov 2003 12:46:03 -0600 (CST) From:,,,, "11:48:19", Subject: Accolades For Outgoing PM and 'Heavyweight' McClellan I nearly tossed my cookies when I read that load of tripe regarding the contributions made by Chretien to Canada. Next thing they'll be beatifying him like Trudeau. Go, Sir! Godspeed and good riddance. The links at Grand Mere Auberge await you. Write your memoirs. Don't send me a copy. As far as 'heavyweight' Annie goes, it is an everlasting puzzle to me how she could ever get elected and re-elected in good ol' redneck Alberta. Or any Liberal in western Canada for that matter. During the 2nd last federal election campaign at a Liberal fund raising barbecue here in cow town BC, I went as a sole non-Liberal. My fellow Reformers were too shy to attend and feared the host, a local rancher. The candidate was a parachuted-in kid married into a local family. Following the frozen 'hockey puck' burger barbecue, he did his 'party piece' to polite applause. Then he was mine and I cut him off at the knees. Armed with data from the BC Cattleman's Association, I zapped him with the Endangered Species Act which he said he had a hand in drafting. I asked him if he understood the impact that would have on a ranching community like ours and he was at a loss to address that question. I then asked him to specifically mention any and all things done for the west by the Liberals. The response was that perhaps the west ought to elect more Liberals and then the goodies would be forthcoming! That got a short burst of applause but now some people were starting to see this kid was all smoke and mirrors. I let him stumble for a bit and then asked him why he wanted to disarm us with his party's C-68. I pointed out that virtually any and all local households and all the five local Indian reserves had guns and wanted nothing to do with registration. His handler saved his ass by cutting things off at that point. Liberal Senator Len Marchand (Native Indian) decided to tell me that C-68 had nothing to do with confiscation and it took about two minutes to shut him down. All in all, a very successful raid into the Liberal camp. It was a good exercise in practical political activism, about the only good input a citizen has a chance to make. Once a candidate is elected, there is no accountability or control over him until the next election. It left me shaking my head and wondering about politics and how any intelligent, thinking westerner could support the Liberal party. I still don't get it. Baffled in BC Todd Birch ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 13 Nov 2003 12:46:03 -0600 (CST) From: "Linda J." Subject: Re: Survey ... response (long -- sorry). >Hi Linda, >I saw your post, and I checked out your web site. >As we have agreed to disagree concerning your unnamed patron, and while I >still have reservations about the poll, the questions you ask are >reasonable. In keeping, I felt that I should support your efforts, and do >so in a public forum (the Digest). Thank you Robert. It is my hope that the web site will evoke a similar response from others, both for the survey, and for the new poll. Sometimes people need to "see" a person, and learn a bit about them before they are comfortable participating in such a survey, and that was/is my intent with my web site. >In our discussions, I indicated that your questions are going to be >difficult to tabulate, and I fear that my response bears that out. The >open ended question number 4 opens the door to many possibilities. Yes, the replies to the survey are difficult to tabulate, often because they are so complex. The purpose of number 4 is mainly to find out if there are other issues in addition to the licensing and safe storage that are of concern to people, and if so, to determine what those issues are. It is a given that change is required in the licensing and safe storage areas, but knowing what else is of major concern is a wild card that could be used in any negotiations. >Further, your questions imply that a "license" and "safe storage" >provisions will be present in any firearms legislation likely to be passed >in Canada. > >As it happens, I tend to AGREE with that premise (and as a result I have >come under a lot of fire from within the RFC). Still, I persist. In >keeping, please find my response to the poll: (snip) >Linda, good luck with this effort. Licensing and safe storage, "in some form or another", is likely a given. I strongly believe though that we (the RFC) should have some say in exactly how these are defined, and I also believe there is a LOT of room for negotiation just on these two issues. That's not going to happen if we just stand in one spot and say "nothing is acceptable - there should be NO laws governing firearms". NOT going to happen. People need to move beyond that (their point HAS been made), and move towards "insisting" we have a say in how these items will be defined. Myself - I prefer to "have a say". I know some disagree. Thanks again for your support Robert. Linda My home page (there are links to other pages from here also): The Crusader - The SURVEY (links to a NEW POLL) NEW POLL: ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 13 Nov 2003 14:16:59 -0600 (CST) From: Barry Glasgow Subject: NB Telegraph Journal editorial re: Chretien and gun registry Sent the following to the Telegraph Journal (copied the author;; It doesn't come as much of a surprise to learn that Mr. Lutz is a defense lawyer who, among other things, has worked as a prosecuting agent for the Federal Attorney General. As a Dispute Resolution Officer with the family court, Mr. Lutz should be carefull when tossing statistics around. His editorial conveniently ignored the fact that in the year following the completion of mandatory licensing for all gun owners, Canada saw a 23% increase in spousal homicides (all of it in Ontario). Rather than admit that tightening restrictions on legitimate gun owners failed to protect these women, activists pointed the finger at local government for failing to provide adequate shelter for women in desperate situations. They were partly right. Women do need these services but federal Liberals would rather fund a multi-billion dollar make-work project for their Justice Department (along with a slew of grants and favours to friends) than to put this money back in the provinces where it's needed. The contradiction here seems lost on Mr. Lutz, who obviously knows which side his bread is buttered on. If only victimized women really knew his reasons for being a Liberal cheerleader. Barry Glasgow Woodlawn, Ontario =================================================== Sent 131103 via Telegraph Journal web page - ------------------------------------------ The editorial piece by David Lutz praising Jean Chretien should make your readers want to reach for the Gravol. In describing Jean Chretien's so-called accomplishments, he lists; a balanced budget that is the result of Chretien doing nothing about his election promise to scrap the GST and an economy that was already booming, a slim defeat of the seperatists that had more to do with Chretien's inaction than anything else, promised campaign reform that comes after years of doing nothing and then only when it no longer concerns him, a health care system that he has let fall into shambles by diverting money from the provinces into departments whose grants benefit Liberal supporters and a consistent hands-off, even amicable, approach to dealing with the likes of Suharto, Mugabe and Saddam Hussein. The fact that Chretien comes out smelling like a rose despite doing nothing is testimony to his smart politics rather than actual accomplishments. As for concerted efforts, the 8-year, billion dollar gun registry fiasco is more in line with the HRDC scandal and other shining examples of financial mismanagement (if not outright corruption) that typifies his tenure. This billion dollars could have provided over 200 MRI machines whose pro-active results could have saved hundreds of lives. Instead, Lutz defers to the opinion of anti-gun activists that the incomplete, error-riddled registry is saving lives. Considering that, although murders by gun went down in 2002, the total actually went up and most gun murders are with unregistered handguns. We would be hard pressed to find a serious academic who would make a connection between the registry and any temporary drop in gun crime. The registry will likely consume another billion dollars before completion and that would put another 10,000 police officers on the streets for a year. And, like the 70-year- old handgun registry and the British experience, will do absolutely nothing to address the problem. And that, in a nutshell, is Jean Chretien's legacy. Barry Glasgow Woodlawn, Ontario ______________________________________________________________________ Post your free ad now! ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 13 Nov 2003 14:31:30 -0600 (CST) From: "David R. G. Jordan" Subject: Re: MOUNTIES PROBING GUNFIRE Hey, what ever happened to turning off the HTML text editing? David R.G. Jordan 2434 William Avenue Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7J-1B1 306-343-7234 306-222-1217 "Only Crooked Politicians Fear Armed Citizens" - ----- Original Message ----- From: Majordomo User To: undisclosed-recipients: Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2003 12:16 PM Subject: MOUNTIES PROBING GUNFIRE PUBLICATION: The Calgary Sun =20 DATE: 2003.11.13=20 EDITION: Final =20 SECTION: News =20 PAGE: 23 =20 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------= - ------- MOUNTIES PROBING GUNFIRE=20 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------= - ------- Police are investigating gunfire which erupted in downtown Black Diamond = on Remembrance Day.=20 One bullet hit a house and shattered a chandelier, another struck the = window frame of a church and a third hit the Brent Eamor Leather Works = building on Centre Ave. about 3 p.m. Tuesday.=20 No one was injured -- including a man in his home when a bullet came = into the dining room.=20 "If it's a prank, it's a horrible thing to be doing," Turner Valley = Corp. Jim Ross said yesterday adding police believe the disturbing sow = of violence to be totally random.=20 "We don't believe anyone was singled out, but obviously it's a concern = and we are hoping someone comes forward."=20 Police suspect the shots, likely from a small-calibre firearm, were = fired from a moving vehicle driving down streets in the town of about = 2,000.=20 And because they have no motive or suspect they are relying on the = public's assistance to help investigate the case.=20 Mounties are looking for any leads on the case, hoping people -- even if = they did not witness the shooting -- might come forward with = descriptions of vehicles or persons in the area at the time. Calls with = information can be made to Turner Valley RCMP at (403) 933-7277 or to =Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477.=20 - --Boundary_(ID_iucKp44MKNufEY9j1vKoag) Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT Hey, what ever happened to turning off the HTML text editing? David R.G. Jordan 2434 William Avenue Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7J-1B1 306-343-7234 306-222-1217 "Only Crooked Politicians Fear Armed Citizens" - ----- Original Message ----- From: Majordomo User To: undisclosed-recipients: Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2003 12:16 PM Subject: MOUNTIES PROBING GUNFIRE PUBLICATION: The Calgary Sun =20 DATE: 2003.11.13=20 EDITION: Final =20 SECTION: News =20 PAGE: 23 =20 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------= - ------- MOUNTIES PROBING GUNFIRE=20 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------= - ------- Police are investigating gunfire which erupted in downtown Black Diamond = on Remembrance Day.=20 One bullet hit a house and shattered a chandelier, another struck the = window frame of a church and a third hit the Brent Eamor Leather Works = building on Centre Ave. about 3 p.m. Tuesday.=20 No one was injured -- including a man in his home when a bullet came = into the dining room.=20 "If it's a prank, it's a horrible thing to be doing," Turner Valley = Corp. Jim Ross said yesterday adding police believe the disturbing sow = of violence to be totally random.=20 "We don't believe anyone was singled out, but obviously it's a concern = and we are hoping someone comes forward."=20 Police suspect the shots, likely from a small-calibre firearm, were = fired from a moving vehicle driving down streets in the town of about = 2,000.=20 And because they have no motive or suspect they are relying on the = public's assistance to help investigate the case.=20 Mounties are looking for any leads on the case, hoping people -- even if = they did not witness the shooting -- might come forward with = descriptions of vehicles or persons in the area at the time. Calls with = information can be made to Turner Valley RCMP at (403) 933-7277 or to =Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477.=20 I have contacted Dennis at Gary B's Office and am told it is being sent in plain text only. So far I cannot figure out the problem which only happens with these postings. Any ideas anyone? I have reposted this in hopes someone knows a solution to the +20 stuff. ------------------------------ End of Cdn-Firearms Digest V6 #686 ********************************** Submissions: Mailing List Commands: Moderator's e-mail address: List owner: FAQ list: and Web Site: FTP Site: CFDigest Archives: or put the next command in an e-mail message and get cdn-firearms-digest v04.n192 end (192 is the digest issue number and 04 is the volume) To unsubscribe from _all_ the lists, put the next five lines in a message and unsubscribe cdn-firearms-digest unsubscribe cdn-firearms-alert unsubscribe cdn-firearms-chat unsubscribe cdn-firearms end (To subscribe, use "subscribe" instead of "unsubscribe".) If you find this service valuable, please consider making a tax-deductible donation to the freenet we use: Saskatoon Free-Net Assoc., P.O. 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