From: (Cdn-Firearms Digest) To: Subject: Cdn-Firearms Digest V6 #12 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: normal Cdn-Firearms Digest Monday, April 28 2003 Volume 06 : Number 012 In this issue: NEW CANADIAN GUN AUCTION SITE Re: Father's Day Shoot Cdn-Firearms Digest V6 #11 For those of you lucky enough to be grandfathered for the ak... Global Deaths from Firearms: Searching for Plausible Estimates. Miramichi man faces firearms-related charges Three men questioned after gang member found dead: Heston quits as NRA head, with shotgun in his hands Editor (Nah, it's just the usual institutional stupidity) West wants more respect: Editorial: POT POLITICS: LET'S GET PAST THE SMOKESCREEN ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 27 Apr 2003 17:58:20 -0600 (CST) From: Bruce Mills Subject: NEW CANADIAN GUN AUCTION SITE GENTLEMEN! My staff & I are very pleased to announce the creation of a NEW Canadian Gun Auction site. The site will be officially opened Wednesday 30 April 2003. The site is almost identical to e-bay & more user friendly than previous Canadian Gun Auction sites you may have used. Because this is a new venture, we do expect growing pains & will rely upon your comments to make the site better for YOU our customers. Jeff, Trevor & Clay from Valley Gunsmithing have declared MAY to be FREE AUCTION MONTH so we can welcome you to our new site! You can go through our webpage under construction for a link to the site or updates on its progress. Go to Best regards & hope to see you all Wednesday 30 April as regisatered users on the new & improved gun auction site!!! Jeff Smith Valley Gunsmithing ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 27 Apr 2003 19:08:00 -0600 (CST) From: Michael Ackermann Subject: Re: Father's Day Shoot Cdn-Firearms Digest V6 #11 The SMSA has had a Father's Day Sporting Rifle Shoot every year since we started up. See: - -- M.J. Ackermann, MD (Mike) Rural Family Physician, Sherbrooke, NS President, St. Mary's Shooters Association Box 3, RR 1, 4132 Sonora Rd. Sherbrooke, NS Canada B0J 3C0 902-522-2172 My email: My Bio: SMSA URL: "Hope for the best, but plan for the worst". ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 27 Apr 2003 21:57:19 -0600 (CST) From: "Karel Jennings" Subject: For those of you lucky enough to be grandfathered for the ak... May I present, the Ak-47 magazine mp3 player.... Sorta interesting... Now if they made one in 30 round capacity, you could fit the mp3 player into the lower part, rivet where you need to, and have a functioning mp3 player/mag. Stange people... ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2003 08:04:38 -0600 (CST) From: "Breitkreuz, Garry - Assistant 1" Subject: Global Deaths from Firearms: Searching for Plausible Estimates. Global Deaths from Firearms: Searching for Plausible Estimates. By David B. Kopel, Paul Gallant & Joanne D. Eisen Independence Institute Firearms prohibition advocates claim that firearms kill 500,000 around the world every year. This factoid is clearly untrue, and the assumptions used to create the statistic mask the significant dangers of firearms prohibition. Abstract: Activists and academics supportive of restrictive firearms laws often claim that half a million deaths worldwide annually are caused by firearms, or by small arms and light weapons. Although widely repeated, the factoid has no empirical basis. Annual wartimes deaths from firearms in war are closer to 100,000 than to the asserted 300,000. Annual non-war deaths are closer to 50,000 than to the asserted 200,000. Simplistic repetition of the 500,000 factoid obscures important policy issues, including the legitimacy of using firearms to resist lone criminals or criminal governments. Advocates of firearms prohibition and other restrictive laws often state that every year around the world, five hundred thousand people are killed by small arms and light weapons (SALW)[1] - most of which are owned by civilians. According to Jayantha Dhanapala, U.N. Under-Secretary-General for Disarmament Affairs, "Small arms are responsible for over half a million deaths per year, including 300,000 in armed conflicts and 200,000 more from homicides and suicides." Indeed, the figure is ubiquitous in the public statements of international activists.[2] For example, Neil Arya, president of Physicians for Global Survival, repeated this claim in pronouncing his prescription for a safer world: "Whole classes of weapons could be banned from civilian possession," and we must promote "international norms that stigmatise the possession of guns."[3] The statistic of half a million people killed by "firearms" or by SALW is perhaps the most widely-cited statistic by advocates of international weapons control. Such advocates promise that disarming civilians will dramatically reduce these deaths, whereas government-owned weapons are not a concern; according to Aaron Karp, it "seems clear that state-owned small arms -- those of the armed forces, police, and other government agencies -- are neither the most numerous nor the ones most likely to be used."[4] Thus, Sami Faltas of the Bonn International Center for Conversion, Germany argues that "it is the exclusive responsibility of the government to control the supply of small arms."[5] When one carefully examines the data behind the "500,000" factoid, however, the issue appears more complex. First of all, as we detail below, the data simply do not support the "half a million" factoid. The factoid has gained strength through repetition, but following the factoid to its origin leads to the same observation that Gertrude Stein reportedly made about Oakland: "There's no there there." Moreover, the simplistic agglomeration of all SALW into a single total, with all deaths in that total presumed to be caused by overabundance of firearms in civilian hands, serves to short-circuit consideration of some essential policy issues on firearms control. For example, how many deaths from "armed conflicts" are the result of aggression against civilians by governments and government agents? How many of these deaths result from resistance to government abuse by innocent citizens fighting to protect their human rights? How many of the (supposedly) 200,000 deaths from homicides and suicides in "peaceful"[6]countries would have been prevented if civilian access to small arms could be reduced, or even eliminated? ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2003 08:05:24 -0600 (CST) From: "Breitkreuz, Garry - Assistant 1" Subject: Miramichi man faces firearms-related charges PUBLICATION: The Moncton Times and Transcript DATE: 2003.04.28 SECTION: News PAGE: A4 COLUMN: Provincial News BYLINE: Times & Transcript Staff DATELINE: MIRAMICHI - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Miramichi man faces firearms-related charges - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- A 26-year-old Miramichi man will answer to firearms-related charges in Moncton court this morning following an incident early Saturday. At about 2:45 a.m. Saturday Miramichi police were called to The Rock, a bar in the annex attached to the River Inn in Miramichi West, to respond to reports of a suspicious male in the parking lot. The man had allegedly threatened one of the bar's doormen at gunpoint. "Officers there determined he was in possession of a 12-gauge shotgun, and had several rounds of ammunition in his pocket," Cpl. Tim Sowers said yesterday. He was remanded to the Moncton Detention Centre, where he awaits his court appearance today. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2003 08:06:17 -0600 (CST) From: "Breitkreuz, Garry - Assistant 1" Subject: Three men questioned after gang member found dead: PUBLICATION: Edmonton Journal DATE: 2003.04.28 EDITION: Final SECTION: News PAGE: A1 / Front BYLINE: Renata D'Aliesio SOURCE: The Edmonton Journal DATELINE: EDMONTON ILLUSTRATION: Colour Photo: Supplied / Police arrest a man outside adrive-through restaurant Sunday afternoon. The man was wanted in connection with the death of a known gang member. - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three men questioned after gang member found dead: Body in ditch near golf course west of city - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- EDMONTON - Three men are being questioned after an Edmonton gang member was killed and dumped in a highway ditch near a Stony Plain golf course. A well-service worker found the body of 26-year-old Vincent Gamboa early Saturday morning in a ditch south of the Ranch Golf and Country Club, just west of Edmonton. RCMP Const. Al Fraser did not say how or when Gamboa died, but said Stony Plain investigators believe he was killed in Edmonton. An autopsy will likely be performed today. Gamboa had many run-ins with the law in his young life. In January 1996, he was sentenced to 15 months in jail for firing a handgun into a car on Whitemud Drive a year earlier. The shooting stemmed from a fight that erupted inside a nightclub. Gamboa and another man were arguing over who was the better pool player. During his trial, Gamboa's lawyer told the court his client only meant to shoot over the car and scare the man. No one was injured. Gamboa's next major run-in with police occurred in March 1997. He was one of several men who beat 20-year-old Rohan Coombs so severely, Coombs suffered permanent brain damage after the seven-second attack outside Barry T's Grand Central Station club, which closed last year. In 1999, Gamboa was sentenced to three years in prison for his role in the attack. He was also handed a lifetime firearms ban. Fraser said Gamboa's death is not connected to last Thursday's shooting near Kinsmen Sports Centre. Edmonton police have made no arrests in that case, which they describe as a street-level drug dispute. Terry Lee Whitford would have celebrated his 20th birthday today. He was killed when his car was hit by five or six bullets as he drove down Walterdale Hill. Police have described Whitford as a good teen who fell in with bad company. Fraser said Stony Plain RCMP are working with Edmonton police to solve Gamboa's killing. The two police forces joined together Sunday to capture at least one suspect outside a restaurant near 111th Avenue and 149th Street. Linda Shamburger and her husband, Michael Mozdzenski, were driving home shortly before 3 p.m. when they saw a police cruiser blocking a McDonald's drive-through exit. A moment later, heavily armed police officers forced a man face down to the snow-covered ground. "You don't see police running around with guns like that," Shamburger said afterwards. "I was not afraid. Everything was handled quickly and quietly." The names of the three men being questioned Sunday were not released. Fraser did not know whether they had gang ties. rd' ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2003 08:09:32 -0600 (CST) From: "Breitkreuz, Garry - Assistant 1" Subject: Heston quits as NRA head, with shotgun in his hands PUBLICATION GLOBE AND MAIL DATE: MON APR.28,2003 PAGE: A3 (ILLUS) BYLINE: PATRICK BRETHOUR CLASS: International News S EDITION: Metro DATELINE: WORDS: 926 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heston quits as NRA head, with shotgun in his hands Weak from Alzheimer's, the actor turned gun-rights activist still shows off the defiance that won him allies, enemies - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- PATRICK BRETHOUR With a report from Reuters Charlton Heston, the baritone voice of the U.S. gun-rights lobby for half a decade, has stepped down as head of the National Rifle Association, as the ravages of Alzheimer's disease force him from public life. Mr. Heston, whose storied film career includes the role of Moses in The Ten Commandments , spoke only a few words at an NRA convention this weekend in Florida -- his trademark line of defiance, in the trademark manner. "From my cold, dead hands," he said, brandishing a 1866 Winchester shotgun given to him as a farewell present. That line is an abbreviated version of a bumper-sticker slogan: "You can have my gun when you pry it from my cold, dead hands." The outgoing NRA president spoke three more sentences to the convention before shuffling off stage. "Thank you for everything, not only now but for all the years," he said. "It has been a wonderful run. I'm going to miss you." Mr. Heston, 78, was diagnosed last year with symptoms of Alzheimer's, a degenerative brain ailment that can lead to dementia. The actor-turned-lobbyist is a familiar face, but he did not let his celebrity soften his hard-line stand against any form of gun control. Opponents and supporters of the NRA credit him with reinvigorating the organization and pushing its agenda to the forefront of U.S. politics, starting with the 1994 congressional election and continuing through to the 2000 presidential campaign, in which NRA intervention in several swing states is credited with having helped George W. Bush win the White House. Mr. Heston's involvement was not limited to the United States, however. Three years ago, he visited British Columbia to berate Canadians for failing to oppose the creation of a national gun registry. "Can this be the Canada of old, carved out of the wilderness by independent men and women of uncommon valour? " he asked during a speech to the B.C. Wildlife Federation in Prince George. The NRA president sought to transform the debate over gun-control laws into a civil-rights issue, often mentioning that he had marched on Washington in 1963 with Martin Luther King. In Prince George, he repeated his argument that gun ownership is the foundation of liberty. "Like millions of Americans, you stand by and watch while the most basic freedom is crushed under the boot heel of an indifferent bureaucracy," he said then. Gun-control advocates said he had little impact on the Canadian debate, except perhaps to prompt a nationalist backlash against lectures from Americans. "For most Canadians, the United States is an example of exactly what we don't want to do," argued Wendy Cukier, a professor of justice studies at Ryerson University and head of the Toronto-based Coalition for Gun Control. But she acknowledged that Mr. Heston was a powerful rallying force within the NRA. "People who oppose gun control would say, 'You tell 'em, Moses,' " she said. A prominent NRA opponent in the United States said Mr. Heston's acting background served him well. "He had appeal; he talked about freedom. Because of him, most people have a very different impression of the NRA than I do," said Mary Leigh Blek, director of the Million Mom March, a gun-control group that rallied against the NRA during the convention. Opponents of gun control and registration in Canada said that Mr. Heston's visit was a galvanizing moment for their cause. Jim Hinter, president of the National Firearms Association, said the Prince George speech helped his organization boost its membership roster, which he said has risen by 19,000 to 120,000 in the past three years. Certainly, Mr. Heston rarely shied away from controversial tactics -- the best-known example being his refusal to cancel or move the NRA's annual meeting from Denver after two high-school students had massacred 12 teenagers and a teacher in nearby Littleton two weeks earlier. Instead, the NRA held its meeting and Mr. Heston stood in front of the assembled members to again deliver his line while he again brandished a weapon. When a six-year-old student shot a schoolmate in Michigan, the NRA and Mr. Heston again showed up shortly thereafter to publicly insist on the right to own guns. Despite such tactics, Mr. Heston helped to bring the NRA back to the political mainstream, ending years of plummeting membership and financial woes brought on by infighting and public-relations blunders. In May of 1995, former U.S. president George H. W. Bush, turned in his membership card, protesting against an NRA fundraising letter that referred to federal law-enforcement agents as "jackbooted thugs." That year, about 10 per cent of the NRA's membership resigned. Mr. Heston succeeded in reasserting the organization's influence, in part by rejecting far-right politics in favour of a stance based on civil-rights rhetoric. The celebrity that Mr. Heston put to such effective use was earned through decades of major film roles, including the classic science-fiction film The Planet of the Apes , in which he starred as an astronaut marooned on a simian-ruled world. He also appeared in the less-than-classic remake, in which he played an elderly ape leader who warns his son of the perils of introducing a gun into a firearms-free world. His most recent cinematic appearance was in the Oscar-winning documentary Bowling for Columbine , in which filmmaker Michael Moore grilled him about the NRA's insistence on holding rallies in the aftermath of shooting tragedies. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2003 08:10:08 -0600 (CST) From: "Breitkreuz, Garry - Assistant 1" Subject: Editor (Nah, it's just the usual institutional stupidity) PUBLICATION: The Ottawa Sun DATE: 2003.04.27 EDITION: Final SECTION: Comment PAGE: C2 ILLUSTRATION: photo of PAT QUINN Whining BYLINE: OTTAWA SUN COLUMN: Letters to the Editor The answer to Walter Stewart's question ("Letters to the Editor," April 23), "Do we really have several thousand, or even hundreds of Mounties looking for something to do?" is "yes." There are about four hundred of them shuffling useless, error-ridden little bits of paper and useless, error-ridden computer entries in Jean Chretien's billion-dollar monument to Liberal waste and stupidity, commonly referred to as the firearms registry Any other employment would be an improvement, whether it be establishing a competent, civil, and corruption-free Iraqi police force or, as he suggests, tracking and catching the "36,000 illegal aliens running round out there waiting to be found" or native-born thugs. Why Chretien would expend so much effort and tax money to harass honest citizens rather than catch, convict, and incarcerate real criminals baffles me, unless it's out of professional courtesy. Mark L. Horstead Editor (Nah, it's just the usual institutional stupidity) ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2003 08:11:06 -0600 (CST) From: "Breitkreuz, Garry - Assistant 1" Subject: West wants more respect: PUBLICATION: The Leader-Post (Regina) DATE: 2003.04.28 EDITION: Final SECTION: Viewpoints PAGE: B7 SOURCE: The Leader-Post - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- West wants more respect: In Brief: Western Canadians overwhelmingly feel that their interests don't get enough attention from the federal government - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saskatchewan is the cranky uncle in a family of western country cousins who feel ignored and disrespected by the rest of Canada, according to a new poll. Fully 70 per cent of Saskatchewan residents think the province isn't treated with the respect it deserves by the rest of Canada. Even Alberta and B.C., the two provinces farthest from the power centres of Central and Eastern Canada, don't feel that insecure about their image. Likewise, Saskatchewan residents lead the West in believing other parts of Canada don't care about the region. That view is view held by 64 per cent of residents here compared to less than 54 per cent of residents in the other western provinces. The poll was conducted by the Calgary-based Canada West Foundation, a nonpartisan think-tank that seeks to advance Western perspectives into national policy debate. The West needs to be heard because the poll indicates 71 per cent of the area's residents feel their province's interests are poorly represented in Ottawa. Federal Intergovernmental Affairs Minister Stephane Dion diplomatically says Ottawa must do more to combat the "them-versus-us" mentality in the West, noting that "It's because we are not there enough, to talk and to listen." There's a good reason Dion's colleagues haven't been doing much talking or listening -- there are only 15 Liberal MPs from the four western provinces, or 10 per cent of the governing caucus. While the Liberals have tried to get more MPs elected in the West, they have dented their chances by irking western voters on a wide range of issues, including: - - The impact of the Kyoto Protocol on the energy reliant Western Canadian economy; - - The $1 billion gun registry fiasco, which is seen as not only an unnecessary waste of money, but an assault on individual freedom; and - - An unwillingness to fight international agriculture subsidies, leaving western farmers at the mercy of their U.S. and European competitors. Although the Reform Party of the mid-1980s -- which grew into the Canadian Alliance -- had its roots in Alberta's sense of alienation from Ottawa, it really was a symptom of decades of western alienation and a sense that Quebec's aspirations always mattered more than those of the West. This resentment reached its zenith more than 30 years ago with the detested National Energy Program (NEP), introduced by then-prime minister Pierre Trudeau. In reaction to soaring oil prices, the Liberals moved to siphon off provincial resource revenues through the NEP. Trudeau also told Joe Clark, the current Tory leader, in 1980: "I came into politics to keep Quebec in Confederation. Somebody else will have to save the West." Western anger with Trudeau helped Brian Mulroney's Progressive Conservatives win a landslide victory in 1984. However, despite concessions like the elimination of the NEP and millions in aid for Prairie farmers, Mulroney also fell from favour over his pro-Quebec focus on the Meech Lake and Charlottetown accords and the awarding of a CF-18 military jet maintenance contract to Canadair in Montreal despite a lower bid in Winnipeg. The Canadian Alliance has been unable to repeat its western success in Eastern Canada. The party is stalled at the Manitoba/Ontario border and is regarded by Ontario voters as little more than a regional protest party. Western Canadians can be forgiven for believing their votes don't seem to matter because it is a fact federal governments are elected in Ontario and Quebec. It's all over by the time western voters turn on their TV sets on election night. It may lack political clout, but the West has at its heart Alberta's soaring economy, which towers like a skyscraper over the rest of Canada. Just this week the TD Financial Group reported that the Calgary-Edmonton corridor has led the nation -- even the U.S. -- in recent years in economic growth, higher wages and standard of living. Alberta's example is forcing its western neighbours to copy its main formula for success: Lower taxes. Saskatchewan, which has lost thousands of residents to Alberta, has fought back with a combination of personal and business tax cuts and its lower oil and gas royalties are credited with a surge in drilling activity this year. Manitoba and B.C. are also cutting taxes, increasing the attraction of the whole region to investors. A sense of alienation will always be part of the western psyche, but even with few western politicians in Ottawa, growing economic clout will give the region a little more of the political influence and respect it deserves. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2003 08:13:15 -0600 (CST) From: "Breitkreuz, Garry - Assistant 1" Subject: Editorial: POT POLITICS: LET'S GET PAST THE SMOKESCREEN PUBLICATION: The Toronto Sun DATE: 2003.04.27 EDITION: Final SECTION: Comment PAGE: C1 COLUMN: Editorial - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- POT POLITICS: LET'S GET PAST THE SMOKESCREEN - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- For decades now, a haze has hung over marijuana use in this country. Millions smoke it unabashedly, yet police still bust 30,000 Canadians a year for simple possession. A long list of government reports and court cases have called, to varying degrees, for the laws to change - but they haven't. Until now. Canada's Justice Minister, Martin Cauchon, is poised to bring in legislation relaxing the law against simple possession this year - perhaps as early as this June. But is Canada ready? In a special week-long series beginning today, Sun Media reporters will explore that question, examining our pot laws and what changing them would mean to most Canadians. The series' findings may surprise you. For instance, our exclusive Leger Marketing poll, conducted April 1-6, showed that, although only a minority of Canadians (35%) still believe that pot leads to harder drugs, a majority (56%) have never used it. Only 12% say they've smoked in the past year (though among 18-24-year-olds, that figure jumped to 36%). Canadians are also deeply divided on what should be done about the laws. Most favour change, but there's great debate about how far it should go - whether to full legalization, decriminalization, or simply allowing the medical use of marijuana. (The poll results on that will be in tomorrow's paper.) Perhaps that's why Cauchon isn't proposing dramatic change right now. As he tells the Sun's Bill Rodgers today, his new law will simply mean someone caught with a small amount of pot (likely around 10 grams, though that's yet to be decided) will get a ticket, instead of a criminal record. That's it. Hardly the legal revolution pot advocates have clamoured for. You won't be buying pot at your local drug or liquor store anytime soon. Yet even this small step toward decriminalization raises serious issues, some of which the feds have yet to tackle: How do we deal with drivers who are stoned behind the wheel? (Cauchon admits there's no reliable sobriety test). Should pot only be legal for adults? How will we deter children from using it? And if it's legal to buy it but not not sell it, won't that still leave recreational and medical users vulnerable to the organized-crime-controlled drug trade? Proponents point out that decriminalizing simple possession will save taxpayers $300- 500 million a year - welcome news, although it pales in comparison to, say, the $1 billion the feds are blowing on their gun registry. Opponents, including many cops, say the laws are already flexible enough. And while it may not be as dangerous as tobacco or alcohol, medical experts have serious concerns about the health effects of pot use, especially on young people and the seriously ill. We share these concerns, which is why we have long been wary of changing the pot laws. For too long, the debate has been hijacked by hysteria and extreme claims on both sides. If new pot laws are coming, we must demand they be based on facts, and representative of the views and concerns of all Canadians, not just a few loud voices and special interests. So bring on the debate. It's time to clear the air. ------------------------------ End of Cdn-Firearms Digest V6 #12 ********************************* Submissions: Mailing List Commands: Moderator's e-mail address: List owner: FAQ list: and Web Site: FTP Site: CFDigest Archives: or put the next command in an e-mail message and get cdn-firearms-digest v04.n192 end (192 is the digest issue number and 04 is the volume) To unsubscribe from _all_ the lists, put the next five lines in a message and unsubscribe cdn-firearms-digest unsubscribe cdn-firearms-alert unsubscribe cdn-firearms-chat unsubscribe cdn-firearms end (To subscribe, use "subscribe" instead of "unsubscribe".) If you find this service valuable, please consider making a tax-deductible donation to the freenet we use: Saskatoon Free-Net Assoc., P.O. Box 1342, Saskatoon SK S7K 3N9 Phone: (306) 382-7070 Home page: These e-mail digests are free to everyone, and are made possible by the efforts of countless volunteers. 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