From: (Cdn-Firearms Digest) To: Subject: Cdn-Firearms Digest V5 #266 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: normal Cdn-Firearms Digest Thursday, November 14 2002 Volume 05 : Number 266 In this issue: Letter: DOGS CAN BE USED TO CHASE AWAY GEESE Firearms arsenal has recreational shooter wooried Lobby group targets Anne McLellan with billboard: GUN REGISTRY "MEASURES OF SUCCESS"? Man gunned down in parking lot Hunters Beware Man wounds pal, kills himself Drive-by hunter kills rare 'ghost' deer: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2002 11:07:43 -0600 (CST) From: "Breitkreuz, Garry - Assistant 1" Subject: Letter: DOGS CAN BE USED TO CHASE AWAY GEESE PUBLICATION: The London Free Press DATE: 2002.11.14 EDITION: Final SECTION: Opinion Pages PAGE: A10 SOURCE: BY MICHELLE CAPLAN LONDON COLUMN: Letters to the Editor - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---- DOGS CAN BE USED TO CHASE AWAY GEESE - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---- Regarding Marissa Nelson's article, Hunt to target geese near London airport (Nov. 6) After Sept. 11 and the recent sniper shootings, it seems ironic that to control a geese problem, hunters with rifles will be placed around London airport. Perhaps a good alternative would be let a dog loose at the nearby golf course (the source of the problem) to chase the geese away. This tactic has been used by other golf courses in Ontario that I have beento and it has been successful in keeping the pesky birds away permanently. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2002 11:07:45 -0600 (CST) From: "Barry Glasgow" Subject: Firearms arsenal has recreational shooter wooried To: Rob Lamberti (Toronto Sun) Your recent report on some seized firearms and ammunition has me worried. It reads; "A North York man who claimed he found a cache of firearms and ammunition in a ravine has been charged with possessing an arsenal. Toronto Det. Kevin Guest of 33 Division said a woman called police after finding weapons in a man's room Saturday. Guest said the list includes a .22-calibre rifle, a .40-calibre Glock handgun, a .25-calibre Baretta, a 9-mm pistol, a replica air pistol and more than 3,000 rounds of ammunition." As a firearms collector and target shooter, I own far more than what appears in your report - though I had thought that this was legal until reading reading your report.. I try to be as law-abiding as I can be so I looked it up in my copies of the Criminal Code and the Firearms Act and, for the life of me, I can't seem to find an offense dealing with "possessing an arsenal". Is it a new regulation? The new Firearms Act allows them to pass these without going through Parliament. Can you point me to it? Can you tell me me what constitutes an arsenal? This is what has me worried. In your article, the "arsenal" consists of four firearms and one "replica air pistol". I'm not sure why anyone would want a replica of an air pistol but, anyway, my inventory far surpasses five firearms. Is it the 3000 rounds of ammunition? Looks like I'm in trouble there, too, because a $12 brick of .22 target ammunition the size of a pound of butter contains 500 rounds and I keep a lot of different types in stock. Can you verify with Detective Guess what would cause them to lay "possessing an arsenal" charges? Myself and my fellow shooting club members are anxious to find out. Barry Glasgow Woodlawn, Ontario ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2002 11:09:30 -0600 (CST) From: "Breitkreuz, Garry - Assistant 1" Subject: Lobby group targets Anne McLellan with billboard: PUBLICATION: Edmonton Journal DATE: 2002.11.14 EDITION: Final SECTION: News PAGE: A1 / Front BYLINE: Tom Olsen, Journal Legislature Bureau Chief SOURCE: The Edmonton Journal DATELINE: Edmonton ILLUSTRATION: Photo: Bruce Edwards, The Journal / The billboard onYellowhead Trail near 156th Street. - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---- Pressure builds to split Liberals: Lobby group targets Anne McLellan with billboard: KYOTO ACCORD - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---- A national lobby group credited for bringing down one Edmonton Liberal MP has its sights on federal Health Minister Anne McLellan. The National Citizens Coalition has erected a billboard on Yellowhead Trail in McLellan's riding demanding the MP for Edmonton-West come clean on her position to ratify the Kyoto accord. The coalition has also sponsored radio spots with the same message, beginning today on 630 CHED. "We want to put Anne McLellan on the spot -- does she stand for Alberta and Alberta's interests, or does she stand for Jean Chretien and the Kyoto accord? "We'd like to see her get up in the House of Commons to say she won't support Kyoto because it will hurt her province," said Gerry Nicholls, NCC vice-president. He said the $25,000 campaign will likely spread to Calgary, the oilpatch centre of the West. Farah Mohamed, a spokeswoman for McLellan, said the minister has made her position clear: Kyoto can't be ratified until an implementation plan, which details costs to industry and consumers, is in place. Mohamed said McLellan hopes there will be a firm enough strategy in place to support Prime Minister Jean Chretien's intent to hold a Kyoto ratification vote in the Commons by Christmas. "She feels optimistic we will have the detail we need to find a workable solution for all parties," said Mohamed. "The minister believes the plan is becoming more specific with every meeting and every version." That optimism wasn't echoed by federal and provincial bureaucrats, however, who came away from a meeting with federal officials last week, saying the federal plan had not evolved from a strategy presented to the provinces last month in Halifax. The plans unveiled in Halifax were unanimously slammed by all provinces and territories as lacking substance. Founded in 1967, the NCC describes itself as a non-profit corporation independent of all political parties. It's funded through donations from members. The NCC is well-known for running campaigns against politicians it believes are off-side on issues. The coalition targeted McLellan and former Edmonton Liberal MP Judy Bethel in "Operation Pork Chop," during the 1997 federal election. The $200,000 campaign used newspaper and TV ads to target 21 MPs who did not opt out of the federal pension plan, and was credited for helping oust Bethel. "It was very ugly and very unfair," McLellan said at the time. In the last election, McLellan was also targeted by groups opposed to the national gun registry. The NCC spent $700,000 battling the National Energy Program in 1984, and four years later funded an $840,000 campaign describing then-NDP leader Ed Broadbent as "very, very scary." Attack ads worth more than $50,000 were bought to defeat Calgary West Tory MP Jim Hawkes in 1993. The riding was won for the Reform party by Stephen Harper, who left politics to serve as NCC vice-president, before returning to politics to defeat Stockwell Day for the Canadian Alliance leadership. The Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers support McLellan, saying she has been in regular contact with their industry, and is doing her best to sway opinion in the nation's capital. "There is no question Anne McLellan understands this file certainly better than any other cabinet minister I've met with," said Pierre Alvarez, CAPP president. "She has met with us repeatedly and delivered our concerns to Ottawa in a forthright manner." Alvarez said all western MPs, including Herb Dhaliwal, the federal minister of natural resources, have a responsibility to clearly enunciate concerns about the accord to the federal cabinet. Faron Ellis, a political scientist at Lethbridge Community College, said negative ad campaigns can be effective, swinging hundreds or even thousands of votes away from the targeted candidate. Ellis said that's particularly bad news for McLellan, who won her riding by just 12 votes in 1993; 1200 ballots four years later; and 770 votes two years ago. "Those are the images that stick in peoples' minds when it comes time to cast a ballot," said Ellis. "It's tough enough to get elected as a Liberal, even in Edmonton, and she just squeaked by." Alliance Leader Harper, who was in Edmonton on Wednesday, said McLellan has to vote against ratification in the Commons. "It's the responsibility of anybody who's serious about running the country or seeking re-election next time ... to oppose ratification of this agreement," he said. The NCC says it has no plans to go after David Kilgour, Alberta's other Liberal MP, because he doesn't have the same profile or influence as McLellan. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2002 11:10:56 -0600 (CST) From: "Breitkreuz, Garry - Assistant 1" Subject: GUN REGISTRY "MEASURES OF SUCCESS"? Department of Justice 2002-2003 Estimates, Part III - Report on Plans and Priorities with respect to the Firearms Control Program (Page 11) tabled in Parliament on March 21, 2002. Under Long-Term Benefits the department lists the following "Measures of success": - - number of suspended/refused licences; - - % of firearms owners complying with registration; - - - ease of registration process; # of registered firearms; - - % of public support for program; - - documented reduction in the number of firearm accidents (long-term result). MEASURES OF SUCCESS ACCORDING TO JUSTICE MINISTER ALLAN ROCK Justice Minister, Allan Rock, provided the following list of "the advantages of universal registration" when he tabled in Parliament The Government's Action Plan on Firearms Control on November 30, 1994: - - Deter and control theft, diversion and smuggling of firearms; - - Ensure individual and business compliance with transfer and safe storage requirements; - - Assistance in police investigations; - - Enable police in domestic violence situations to better prepare themselves where they know a firearm is present in the home; - - Enable police to enforce court prohibition orders by ensuring all firearms owned by the individuals have been turned in; - - Licence access to ammunition (further deterring illegal acquisition and smuggling); - - Monitor firearm traffic through Canada, assisting international small-arms controls; and - - Gather accurate statistical information about firearm numbers and ownership patterns. Justice Minister, Allan Rock, promised Parliament the following list of benefits of the universal gun registry (Hansard pages 9707-9709 - February 16, 1995): - - "Surely, we must reduce the number of firearms smuggled into the country. Surely, we must cut down on the number of firearms stolen and traded in the underground. How do we achieve that? Through registration." - - "Registration will enable us to record what arrives and track it to the point of sale into the hands of a lawful owner. Registration will enable us to stop the kind of leakage that now occurs, to reduce the incidence of people illegally selling that which is legally imported." - - "With compliance with those safe storage requirements the incidence of firearms being stolen...will diminish." - - "Mandatory registration will provide a basis upon which the police can enforce that kind of order [prohibition order..." - - "I have said in the House and in the past and rely heavily upon the fact that preponderantly the police are in favour of universal registration." - - "Registration will assist us to deal with the scourge of domestic violence. Statistics demonstrate that every six days a woman is shot to death in Canada." - - "When firearms are registered, if it is necessary for a person to register and show proof of registration to buy ammunition, as it will be, the police will know what firearms are there. The police will be able to enforce those orders [prohibition orders] and lives will be saved." - - "However, too many of those suicides were by young people acting in a moment of anguish, acting impulsively because of a failed relationship, difficulty in the home, or problems at school. If a firearm is not readily available, lives can be saved." - - "In the years since 1970, some 470 children have died in Canada as a result of accidents with firearms. If we can achieve safer storage through registration...children's lives could be saved." - - "We have provided our estimate of the cost of implementing universal registration over the next five years. We say that it will cost $85 million. We have also said that we will put before the parliamentary committee, on which all parties sit, details of those calculations showing our assumptions and how we arrived at those figures. We encourage the members opposite to examine our estimates. We are confident we will demonstrate that the figuresare realistic and accurate." ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2002 11:11:53 -0600 (CST) From: "Breitkreuz, Garry - Assistant 1" Subject: Man gunned down in parking lot PUBLICATION: The Toronto Star DATE: 2002.11.14 SECTION: NEWS PAGE: C02 BYLINE: Cal Millar and Philip Mascoll - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---- Man gunned down in parking lot - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---- The 10th Toronto man gunned down in the last five weeks died early yesterday after being shot just steps from a North York apartment building. The 21-year-old victim, who has not yet been identified by police, was attempting to flee from his killer who shot at him repeatedly. Homicide detectives have issued an appeal for a young woman who was sitting in a car next to the killer to come forward. Since the recent spate of killings began Oct. 10, nine of the 10 victims have been black men younger than 30. The latest shooting occurred shortly before midnight Tuesday when the victim and a friend were having a cigarette and drinking alcohol in the north parking lot outside the Brahms Rd. apartment building, in the Finch Ave.-Don Mills Rd. area. Police said a car pulled into the parking lot behind the 14-storey building. The victim recognized the driver and went over to talk with the man. The victim's friend said the conversation became heated, but he couldn't hear what they were talking about. Seconds later, the driver reached down between the front seats and pulled out a handgun and fired at the victim, who was standing beside the driver's door. Police said the victim and his friend ran to the north door of the apartment building as the driver continued firing shots. The friend helped the victim up a stairwell to the second floor where he collapsed. The victim was taken to Sunnybrook hospital where he was pronounced dead around 12: 30 a.m. He had been shot in the chest and also received a slight arm wound. An autopsy will be held today to determine the cause of death. The friend said the pair had gone outside after watching a Raptors game on TV because they weren't allowed to smoke in the apartment where the friend was living. The victim, who will be identified today when police release his photograph at a news conference, lived in another apartment complex on Brahms Rd. Police are requesting anyone else with information to call Toronto's homicide squad at 416-808-7400 or the Crime Stoppers line at 416-222-TIPS.Police described the gunman as being in his mid-20s. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2002 11:11:53 -0600 (CST) From: Jim Hill Subject: Hunters Beware > The officer, upon seeing our firearms between the front seats of > the truck, asked us to demonstrate that the guns were not loaded > which we did. He then asked us to produce our POL's/PAL's, Place firearms out of sight in your vehicle either behind the seats and covered up with other items. Do not wear hunting orange or recognisable hunting gear. If asked where you are going only give a location not a purpose. If they see no firearms they have no right in searching your vehicle for any unless you give them permission. Do not give permission at any time. If they proceed with a search remind them that they do not have permission. Oh, and by the way make sure you have all your proper papers for your firearms and your vehicle. This enables you to deny permission and if they proceed with the search anyway they cannot take your firearm. You also at this point have a legitimate claim for unwarranted search. Jim Hill ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2002 11:14:49 -0600 (CST) From: "Breitkreuz, Garry - Assistant 1" Subject: Man wounds pal, kills himself PUBLICATION: The Chronicle-Herald DATE: 2002.11.14 SECTION: NovaScotia PAGE: A1 BYLINE: Mark Roberts PHOTO: Mark Roberts ILLUSTRATION: One man is dead and another man is in hospital after ashooting at this Mill Village, Queens County, home Tuesday evening. - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---- Man wounds pal, kills himself - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---- Mill Village - An argument between two "best friends" ended in tragedy Tuesday evening when one man shot the other, then shot himself dead. Dead is Tony Hatt, 37, of Brooklyn, Queens County. The tragedy, which Queens RCMP are investigating, occurred at about 7 p.m. at the home of Leo D'Entremont at 179 Mill Village East Rd. Friends and neighbours said Mr. D'Entremont, in his late 30s, was shot in the foot. The Queens County man was in fair condition at Halifax's Queen Elizabeth II Health Sciences Centre, hospital spokesman Jeff Wilson said Wednesday. Sonny Nauss, who lives almost directly across from Mr. D'Entremont, saw the fatal shooting when he went outside after hearing what he thought was a "domestic disturbance." "When I came out here, I saw a figure standing over there," Mr. Nauss said, pointing to the door to Mr. D'Entremont's home, where the outdoor overhead light was still on. "I didn't know whether they were shooting at me or what happened," he said. Because of the fog and rain, Mr. Nauss wasn't sure exactly what he was seeing. "I saw the man fall but I didn't know at the time if it was a deer or a man. "I came back later and saw him lying down face up. Then I headed out so fast." His wife called 911, Mr. Nauss said. "I went into the house," he said, "got my rifle, turned out the lights and locked the doors. "The police were there about 10 minutes later." On Wednesday, Mr. D'Entremont's Jeep sat in the driveway of the forested property, which is dotted with two horseshoe pits, a fireplace, a barbecue and a picnic table. Mr. Hatt's vehicle, also a Jeep, sat in the woods behind the house. According to relatives, friends and neighbours, Mr. Hatt and Mr. D'Entremont had been close friends for seven or eight years. Speculation is rampant in the community that the friends fought over a woman, but the rumour could not be confirmed. Mr. Nauss said the rumour is widespread. "You can create a bad situation just by saying stuff. Whether there's any truth in it or not, it (apparently) drove this man to do this." Mr. Hatt's first cousin, Chris Hatt, said he hadn't heard the rumour himself until after the shooting. Police "won't know until they actually talk to the other fellow." Chris Hatt spent the previous weekend with his cousin and other friends at a hunting camp. He said his cousin didn't act any differently than usual, which makes Tuesday's events even more shocking. Members of the close family are saddened by the loss, he said. "He was a good fellow who loved the outdoors, loved to hunt and fish and would do anything for you." Queens RCMP said in a news release Wednesday that a man called 911 Tuesday evening and said he had been shot. The caller said another man was lying dead outside from "what appeared to be a self-inflicted gunshot." Const. Grant Webber didn't release any other information about the case. A welder by trade, the late Mr. Hatt lived in Queens County all his life. He attended Liverpool Regional High School, then worked for Bowater Mersey Paper Co. He is survived by his ex-wife and two children. Mr. Nauss still can't believe such a tragedy happened in Mill Village. "It's terrible because it happened in our own backyard. I've never even had to worry about taking the key out of my Jeep." Ernie Selig, who lives on the same road, said the incident hit home. "I figure I lived in the safest spot in the world but it's getting bad everywhere." He, like everyone else along the road, said Mr. D'Entremont was a model neighbour. Albert Knock said he didn't want to discuss the issue, except to say, "I feel bad because I knew the two guys. They were nice boys as far as I'm concerned." ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2002 11:14:49 -0600 (CST) From: "Breitkreuz, Garry - Assistant 1" Subject: Drive-by hunter kills rare 'ghost' deer: PUBLICATION: The Ottawa Citizen DATE: 2002.11.14 EDITION: Final SECTION: City PAGE: B1 / Front BYLINE: Lee Greenberg, with files from Kelly Egan SOURCE: The Ottawa Citizen ILLUSTRATION: Colour Photo: Leland Brun / The first white deer was spottednear Seneca, New York, in 1954 and the rare animals were soon protected from hunters. - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---- Drive-by hunter kills rare 'ghost' deer: Dead fawn found in Low-area field - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---- A rare ghost deer that had ingratiated itself into the West Quebec community of Low was the victim of a "senseless" drive-by shooting over the weekend. Low Mayor Michael Francis said the deer, nicknamed "Casper" for its white colour, was discovered by his neighbour's son Sunday morning in a field off Martindale Road. He believes the fawn was killed and left for dead by "lazy" hunters operating from their car. Biologists estimate that only one in 10,000 deer is all or mostly white, resulting in the nickname "ghost deer." This year, Mr. Francis and his children had got several glimpses of the snowy white-tailed deer. She was skinny, he says, less than 25 kilograms, and hadn't yet become fully co-ordinated. "It was a totally senseless killing," says Mr. Francis. "A random act of violence." "There wasn't even enough meat on its bones to eat." Mr. Francis said every year several "irresponsible" hunters comb the rural roads in his municipality, looking to shoot deer from the road. It's a predatory practice that violates unwritten laws of hunting, he said. It is also illegal. "The big problem is that there are lazy opportunists out there who cruise the roads with guns," said Mr. Francis. "It's the worst example of so-called 'sport' that you can imagine." Every year, Mr. Francis allows a group of old-timers to hunt his 280-hectare property. They do it responsibly, he said, hunting from the woods and reporting, then tagging their "harvested" deer. The few bad seeds who hunt from the road leave rural residents besieged and scrutinized, says Mr. Francis. "Can you imagine, in the city, having cars drive slowly by your house, peering into your windows?" Legend has it that a curse is visited upon any hunter who shoots a white deer. That will be small relief to a community taken, so to speak, by the ghost. In recent months, Casper had become the subject of local conversation. Everyone in Low wanted to know who had seen the ghost-white deer with black markings on its head. Several residents brought their children to Mr. Francis's property to catch a glimpse. In the days before she was killed, Casper briefly became Bambi, orphaned when its regularly coloured mother was killed. The last time the fawn was seen alive, it was scampering through a field on Mr. Francis's property with its sibling. The first white deer, a 12-point buck, was spotted near Seneca, New York, about 150 kilometres east of Buffalo, in 1954. The rare animals were soon protected from hunters. By 1967, inbreeding had boosted the white herd to more than 150 bucks, does and fawns, and the population is now well in excess of 200. After game wardens inspected the carcass Monday, Andre Dubois, Mr. Francis's neighbour two farms down, buried Casper on his property. "It was a sad event," said Mr. Francis. "I can't understand why anyone would do that." Mr. Francis plans to make a memorial to the deer. He'll build it near his childrens' tree fort, where they had often seen Casper together, and he'llbuild it using white stone. ------------------------------ End of Cdn-Firearms Digest V5 #266 ********************************** Submissions: Mailing List Commands: Moderator's e-mail address: List owner: FAQ list: and Web Site: FTP Site: CFDigest Archives: or put the next command in an e-mail message and get cdn-firearms-digest v04.n192 end (192 is the digest issue number and 04 is the volume) To unsubscribe from _all_ the lists, put the next five lines in a message and unsubscribe cdn-firearms-digest unsubscribe cdn-firearms-alert unsubscribe cdn-firearms-chat unsubscribe cdn-firearms end (To subscribe, use "subscribe" instead of "unsubscribe".) If you find this service valuable, please consider making a tax-deductible donation to the freenet we use: Saskatoon Free-Net Assoc., P.O. 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