From: on behalf of Cdn-Firearms Digest [] Sent: Wednesday, 16 January, 2002 13:58 To: Subject: Cdn-Firearms Digest V4 #455 Cdn-Firearms Digest Wednesday, January 16 2002 Volume 04 : Number 455 In this issue: contacting Chrysler CFC - Special Bulletin for Prosecutors No. 25 Canadian Alliance - Decision 2002 GARRY BREITKREUZ AU POSTE DE WHIP POLICE FORCES FEEL STRAIN TRYING TO PROTECT PUBLIC McLellan moves from Justice to Health Re: Tobin steps down Switchblade Licence? Re: how many SIN's? [none] AB gov't response to inquiry re Checkstops SHOOTING RANGES: WHAT THE JUSTICE DEPT. DOESN'T KNOW Question Re: McLellan moves from Justice to Health RE: Tobin steps down =?iso-8859-1?Q?Finie_la_gratuit=E9_pour_enregistrer_des_armes?= ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2002 10:51:01 -0600 From: Gordon.Hitchen Subject: contacting Chrysler DaimlerChrysler at the following on-line address:; or Click on the "HELP" button on the top Navigation Bar. Then select the "Contact Chrysler, Dodge or Jeep 4X4" button on the left menu bar. A window will open providing information regarding methods of contact. Select the desired link and fill out the web form and submit it. You can also reach our web form through the following method: Access one of the Chrysler Group Brand Web Sites above, and type the word "contact" in the "Ask" field on the top navigation bar. A window will open providing information regarding methods of contact. Select the desired link and fill out the web form and submit it. Please send future requests to the above address as well, so that we can respond as quickly as possible. Thank you for your patience and understanding. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2002 10:51:45 -0600 From: "Breitkreuz, Garry - Assistant 1" Subject: CFC - Special Bulletin for Prosecutors No. 25 n25.asp FOR DISTRIBUTION TO ALL PROSECUTORS DEALING WITH PART III OF THE CRIMINAL CODE AND/OR THE FIREARMS ACT Special Bulletin for Prosecutors No. 25 Amnesty Extension Snapshot The amnesty in place for prohibited handguns and unregistered restricted firearms is being extended to December 31, 2002. In Special Bulletins for Prosecutors Nos. 4 and 13, we informed you of an amnesty for individuals and businesses in possession of s. 12(6) handguns, prohibited short handgun barrels, and unregistered restricted firearms that they cannot lawfully have. This amnesty is being extended to December 31, 2002. The government recognizes the difficult situation of businesses that were caught with large inventories of s. 12(6) handguns in 1995 and has addressed this by proposing to grandfather these inventories up to December 1, 1998 in Bill C-15B, which is currently being considered by Parliament. Bill C-15B also proposes to change the grandfathering date for these handguns to December 1, 1998 in order to grandfather individuals who acquired them prior to that date. Given the government's resolve to address these issues through Bill C-15B, the current amnesty has been extended to continue to protect both dealer inventories and individuals in possession of prohibited handguns while Parliament considers these amendments. The amnesty also provides an additional year for individuals in possession of unregistered restricted firearms to have them registered without fear of repercussion. The same applies to businesses newly regulated under the Firearms Act. As indicated in these previous bulletins, businesses and individuals have several different options for disposing of firearms under the terms of the amnesty. Among these is the option of turning such items in to the police for destruction or disposal. If you require information on other options, please refer to the previous bulletins or to the information sources indicated below. More Information for Prosecutors Prosecutors who wish to order available training materials can contact the Legislative Training section at (613) 946-1557. You can also visit the portal for prosecutors on our Web site at: To ensure that you are on our mailing list, or that your contact information is current, please refer to the process in Special Bulletins for Prosecutors Nos. 3 and 14. Members of the public can be referred to: 1 800 731-4000 (toll free) e-mail: This bulletin is intended to point to current and timely issues and provide references to information found elsewhere, and may be copied and distributed within your office. December 27, 2001 ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2002 10:55:00 -0600 From: Gordon Hitchen Subject: Canadian Alliance - Decision 2002 A link to the Alliance Race. The outcome is very important to Firearms Interested Persons, of course, and even more important to members and supporters of the Canadian Alliance and the future of Canada. The Leader we chose this time must be capable of winning a National Election. Should the Liberals win the next Election , I believe Canada will become another socialist third world country. Gordon Hitchen ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2002 10:56:16 -0600 From: "Breitkreuz, Garry - Assistant 1" Subject: GARRY BREITKREUZ AU POSTE DE WHIP Cabinet duChef de l'oppositionCOMMUNIQUÉ POUR DIFFUSION IMMÉDIATE 14 janvier 2002 GARRY BREITKREUZ AU POSTE DE WHIP Le député de Yorkton-Melville remplace Dick Harris Ottawa- Le chef suppléant de l'opposition officielle, Rahim Jaffer, a le plaisir d'annoncer la nomination de Garry Breitkreuz au poste de whip de l'opposition officielle. « Garry a démontré ses compétences dans ce domaine. Il a la réputation d'être juste et de travailler fort. Les autres députés lui font confiance parce qu'il fait passer les principes avant les personnalités », a dit M. Jaffer. Le député de Yorkton-Melville, en Saskatchewan, occupait récemment les fonctions de whip adjoint et de porte-parole sur l'agriculture. Il occupe également les fonctions spéciales de porte-parole sur le contrôle des armes à feu. Il est député fédéral depuis 1993. M. Jaffer a également annoncé que Gerry Ritz, député de Battlefords-Lloydminster, en Saskatchewan, assumera les fonctions de whip adjoint, en plus de son rôle de coordonnateur de la Période de questions. « Gerry a démontré qu'il sait organiser les gens et atteindre ses objectifs. Il est tout naturel que le poste de whip adjoint de l'opposition officielle lui revienne », a poursuivi M. Jaffer. M. Jaffer a également félicité Dick Harris, le député de Prince George-Bulkley Valley, en Colombie-Britannique, qui a quitté ses fonctions, comme l'exige le protocole du caucus de l'Alliance canadienne, pour travailler à la campagne au leadership de Stockwell Day. « Dick a occupé un poste exigeant en une période où notre parti éprouvait d'énormes difficultés. Il mérite d'être chaudement remercié pour l'excellent travail réalisé au nom de nous tous », a dit M. Jaffer. M. Jaffer agissait aujourd'hui au nom du chef intérimaire de l'opposition officielle, John Reynolds, qui est en vacances à l'étranger cette semaine. - -30- Pour de plus amples renseignements : Deborah Gyapong (613) 947-2400 ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2002 10:57:37 -0600 From: "Breitkreuz, Garry - Assistant 1" Subject: POLICE FORCES FEEL STRAIN TRYING TO PROTECT PUBLIC THE HILL TIMES Monday, January 14, 2002 Page 2 POLICE FORCES FEEL STRAIN TRYING TO PROTECT PUBLIC Shop talk...If the federal government wants municipal police forces to continue getting more and more involved in the RCMP's anti-terrorism work -- as many have been doing since Sept. 11 -- it will have to loosen its purse strings, says Ottawa's Chief of Police. Finding themselves being called upon more and more to help the Mounties, some forces, such as Ottawa's, have asked the government to release funds to ease the financial burden of the extra work. "Since Sept. 11 and the sudden demand on the RCMP, we've been working very closely with (the RCMP). We have worked with them on quite a number of things that had normally been seen as being their exclusive purview. We have been engaged much more than in the past," Ottawa Police Chief Vince Bevan told The Hill Times, adding that he has been in close contact with the federal government for months discussing establishing a "guaranteed" flow of funding. Police Chief Bevan said his force has been more active with VIP protection duties, anti-terrorism and asset protection investigations, and securing "high-risk" embassies, all duties that his officers normally don't do very much. He said his department is not unique in this, and that he knows of at least one other municipal department in Canada which has also felt the crunch of the extra work and made an "application" to Ottawa for funding help. As for whether the new anti-terrorism legislation has changed the way he runs his department, Chief Bevan said that it's still too early to tell but that big changes are coming. He said many of his officers will require "very specialized" training so that they can make use of the new investigative tools found in Bill C-36. The issue of better training will get a lot of air time this week at a national seminar organized by the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police held at the Chateau Laurier, Jan. 17-18. Featuring U.S. Ambassador Paul Cellucci as the keynote speaker, the seminar will address how Bill C-36 has impacted local police forces. "What we wanted to establish with this seminar was to make sure policing across the country has in place the training and base knowledge to get the job done. We need a good, sound training foundation so that everyone is prepared to deal with the intricacies of the legislation," said Police Chief Bevan. -- by Paco Francoli ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2002 10:59:27 -0600 From: Jim Powlesland Subject: McLellan moves from Justice to Health CBC NEWS Liberal government gets major facelift Last Updated Tue Jan 15 11:31:06 2002 OTTAWA - In a major shakeup, Prime Minister Jean Chrtien shuffled his cabinet ministers Tuesday, promoting several MPs who have performed well in recent months and demoting some who have been dogged by controversy. Chretien called it the most substantial change to cabinet he's made as prime minister. Among the moves: - - John Manley moves from foreign affairs to deputy prime minister and minister of infrastructure and Crown corporations - - Allan Rock moves from health to industry - - Anne McLellan moves from justice to health - - Martin Cauchon moves from revenue to justice [snip] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2002 21:27:39 -0600 From: Don Webb Subject: Re: Tobin steps down - --- Bruce Mills wrote: > > I guess Paul Martin f*cked Tobin and the Internet > horse he hope to > ride to leadership glory... > > Tobin thought he was under Chretiens wing instead Manley got the job and in repugnance he walked. As I watched his departing speech there was no remorse or sadness but seething bitterness for being snubbed by Chretien by positioning Manley into the co-pilots chair which Tobin coveted so badly. Using his excuse to be with his kids is a lame brainer. Tobin likes to get his way and when he fails he loses his temper just like he continually did in the front row in the house of commons. He has the little guy syndrom of shooting off his mouth and yelling at people to domineer. The position of deputy prime minister requires a cool head to maintain composure which Tobin lacked and Manley so capably demonstrated over the years. I can imagine the yelling match at Sussex drive. In Chretiens interview today he said he asked Tobin to stay but he refused so, "good luck", basically the same thing he told Nunsiata when he left. Chretien didn't show any remorse either and I don't blame him. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Send FREE video emails in Yahoo! Mail! ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2002 21:28:53 -0600 From: Bruce Mills Subject: Switchblade Licence? Under the Firearms Act: "prohibited weapon" means (a) a knife that has a blade that opens automatically by gravity or centrifugal force or by hand pressure applied to a button, spring or other device in or attached to the handle of the knife, or (b) any weapon, other than a firearm, that is prescribed to be a prohibited weapon; And Section 91(2) says: (2) Subject to subsection (4) and section 98, every person commits an offence who possesses a prohibited weapon, a restricted weapon, a prohibited device, other than a replica firearm, or any prohibited ammunition, unless the person is the holder of a licence under which the person may possess it. Does this mean that there is such a thing as a "switchblade licence"? Where can I get an application form for one of these? Bruce Hamilton Ontario ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2002 13:19:12 -0600 From: B Farion Subject: Re: how many SIN's? > From: "Richard A. Fritze" > Subject: Database Flaws > > Database Flaws Could Hamper Any National ID System, Experts Warn > By MARGIE WYLIE > c.2001 Newhouse News Service > \ > Experts are warning that the real technological challenge behind a national > identification system isn't the flashy iris scanning, face recognizing or > fingerprinting on the front end. It's the database, stupid. Hi; Well, you do not have to go that far away. The Auditor General reported a couple of years ago that there were about 3million more SIN's than there were Canadians. Did not see Elinor C. running out to round up these wayward crimnals running about picking up cash from the Feds and any other gulible organization. Cheers Bill (;-) ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2002 13:22:14 -0600 From: Bruce Mills Subject: [none] Subject: Man shot to death Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Tuesday, January 15, 2002 Man shot to death Quiet Brampton neighbourhood By JONATHAN KINGSTONE BRAMPTON -- Two people are in custody after a tenant of a home was shot to death last night in Peel Region's first murder of the year. The victim, 40, was shot in the chest in his basement apartment in a house on Dartnell Pl., a quiet residential street near Bramalea Rd. and Steeles Ave. He was rushed to William Osler hospital, but died on arrival from what police described as a "massive injury." Two people were arrested nearby after police were alerted to a green Acura speeding away from the scene. They were being questioned early today. A weapon and some clothing were also recovered a few blocks away. Neighbours said the victim shared the home with three generations of a family -- a teenager, his parents and grandparents. "They were very nice people," said a nearby neighbour. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2002 13:29:15 -0600 From: "Richard A. Fritze" Subject: AB gov't response to inquiry re Checkstops Below is the response to an Albertan's inquiry to his MLA about the checkstop conducted near Valleyview, AB in the fall of 2001 [received by me from Mr. Hornby,the person who inquired, and reproduced as received by me with permission of Mr. Hornby]. RAF xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ALBERTA BARRY McFARLAND, M.L.A. Little Bow Constituency Chairman, Standing Policy Committee on Agriculture and Municipal Affairs Mr. Walter Hornby Box 509 VAUXHALL, Alberta TOK 2K0 CARMANGAY, Alberta January 8, 2002 Dear Walter: Further to my letter to you of December 6, 2001, I received information from Honourable Health Forsyth, Albeerta Solicitor General. 1 hope this information is of assistance. The Inspector in RCMP "K" Division advises that the Check stop that took place in Valleyview on the Thanksgiving weekend was conducted jointly between Fish & Wildlife officers and the RCMP. This Cheek stop has been conducted for the past 20 years for the purpose of fulfilling the Sustainable Resource Development's recourse conservation management mandate. Fish & Wildlife Officers checked for hunting and fishing licences, poachers, etc. The RCMP checked for Highway Traffic Act, Motor Vehicle Administration Act, and liquor offences. The Checkstop was held for about nine hours, during which approximately 1,000 vehicles were checked. Only five vehicles were found to have federal firearms violations, for which tickets were issued. These violations were found by the RCMP during the course of carrying out other investigative activity. The enforcement of firearms legislation was not the sole purpose of the Checkstop. The Inspector did not mention any firearms being seized. However, any citizen who has a concern with the actions of an RCMP member may make a complaint to the Assistant Commissioner of the RCMP "K" Division. It is important to note that the Federal Govemment pays for 30% of the Provincial Police Service; therefore, they may carry out enforcement duties as part of that federal mandate. This may include offences relating to firearms under either the Criminal Code or the Firearms Act. Alberta no longer has any involvement in the administration of firearms, as this function was transferred from Alberta Justice to the Federal Government in July of 1998. 1 hope this information has been of assistance to you. If you require anything further please call. Yours truly Barry McFarland, M.L.A. Little Bow cc: Honourable Heather Forsyth Alberta Solicitor General LEGISLATUP.E OFFICE: 130 LEGISLATURE BUILDING EDMONTON, ALBERTA T5K 2B6 TELEPHONE (780) 427-0879 FAX (780) 422-5385 CONSTITUENCY OFFICE: BOX 231 CARMANGAY, ALBERTA TOL ONO TELEPHONE 1~800-563-0917 FAX (403) 643-2024 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Richard A. Fritze (780) 449-3808 - Phone (780) 464-6707 - Fax Moderator: Another very good reason why Alberta needs it's very own Provincial Police force! This one is Federally controlled! ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2002 13:31:12 -0600 From: "Breitkreuz, Garry - Assistant 1" Subject: SHOOTING RANGES: WHAT THE JUSTICE DEPT. DOESN'T KNOW WHAT THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE DOESN'T KNOW ABOUT SHOOTING RANGES By Garry Breitkreuz, MP - Updated: January 15, 2002 1. On June 8, 2000, Garry Breitkreuz, MP filed the following Access to Information Request with the Department of Justice (DoJ File: A-2000-0056/ff) "Please provide copies of records, reports, and studies with evidence justifying the need for the stringent regulations and expensive controls being imposed on shooting clubs and ranges. Records, reports, and studies should include risk assessments, cost-benefit analysis and evidence such as: (a) the number of firearm deaths and injuries at shooting clubs and ranges, (b) the number of firearm accidents at shooting clubs and ranges, (c) the number of incidents where bullets have left shooting clubs or ranges, (d) the description and the number of other incidents affecting safety of club members and/or the safety of the general public, and (e) analysis of insurance practices and premiums for members of shooting clubs and ranges." 2. On August 30, 2000 the Department of Justice provided 108 pages of "releasable documents" none of which answered the questions posed in Breitkreuz's original ATI Request. Included in the documents was a 5-page Research Briefing Note dated October 6, 1994 titled "Survey on Shooting Clubs and Ranges," that summed up the 108 pages of information provided by the Department of Justice. "Further recommendations concerning the operation of shooting ranges at this time would be premature. The construction and operation of a shooting range is based on the premise that safety and common sense prevail. Even though there are no jurisdictional laws or statutes in place, it appears that for the most part shooting ranges are operated with standards and guidelines that attempt to eliminate any potential danger to membership and the surrounding population." 3. On December 6, 2000, Garry Breitkreuz, MP filed the following complaint with the Information Commissioner of Canada. "Please find enclosed a copy of my original request dated June 8, 2000 and the response I received from the Department of Justice dated August 30, 2000. I have not provided you with copies of the 108 pages the department released because they do not contain any of the statistical evidence I asked for in my original request. Further, the department states in their letter that they have only enclosed the "releasable documents" which implies that more documents exist but they won't release them. It is absolutely unbelievable that the government would proceed to implement such a prohibitively expensive, bureaucratic monstrosity without having any documented evidence that a public safety problem exists on the thousands of shooting clubs and ranges in Canada." 4. On December 19, 2001, in response to the complaint to the Information Commissioner, the Department of Justice provided an additional 13 pages of documents to MP Breitkreuz none of which answered the questions he posedmore than a year and a half earlier. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2002 13:37:35 -0600 From: "jim davies" Subject: Question > If anyone out there is 12(4) grandfathered ... Is that the same as coverted automatic? ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2002 13:42:42 -0600 From: Bruce Mills Subject: Re: McLellan moves from Justice to Health Jim Powlesland wrote: > > From the same story: Prominent departures from cabinet include: Junior minister for multicultural and women's issues Hedy Fry, who made controversial comments about cross burning in Prince George Maria Minna, junior minister for international aid, accused of improper voting in municipal elections Public Works Minister Alfonso Gagliano, dogged by allegations that he used his influence to get jobs for his friends, becomes ambassador to Denmark I guess the Cretin wanted to sweep all his dirty laundry under the carpet... Sender: Precedence: normal Reply-To: ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2002 13:43:17 -0600 From: "freddo" Subject: RE: Tobin steps down Heheheh I think this is all GREAT! The longer the cretin decides he's the be-all and end-all and the saviour of the country, the BETTER for our cause. I believe even "paint-a-pig-red-and-call-it-a-Liberal-and-I'll-vote-for-it" true believers of the Liberal Party of Canada are getting sick of Chretien. Just MHO, of course. Fred in Eastern Ontario (the Liberals won our riding from the Alliance by 2K votes...) :-( Subject: Tobin steps down I guess Paul Martin f*cked Tobin and the Internet horse he hope to ride to leadership glory... ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2002 13:57:27 -0600 From: "Breitkreuz, Garry - Assistant 1" Subject: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Finie_la_gratuit=E9_pour_enregistrer_des_armes?= PUBLICATION: Le Soleil DATE: 2002.01.16 SECTION: Le Québec et le Canada PAGE: A8 BYLINE: Lestage, Marc - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---- Finie la gratuité pour enregistrer des armes - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---- C'est hier que prenait fin la période de grâce au cours de laquelle les détenteurs d'armes à feu pouvaient obtenir l'enregistrement de leurs armes gratuitement. A compter d'aujourd'hui, chaque propriétaire devra débourser 18 $ pour régulariser sa situation, peu importe le nombre d'armes qu'il possède. Une mesure spéciale permettra toutefois aux contribuables qui ont accès à Internet d'enregistrer leurs armes sans frais, de préciser hier Chantale Breton, du bureau d'Ottawa du Service canadien d'enregistrement. Il est trop tôt pour savoir aussi bien à Ottawa qu'à Miramichi, où sont centralisés les services d'enregistrement, ou du côté de la Sûreté du Québec, si une nouvelle prolongation sera offerte à ceux qui utilisent les formulaires distribués par le fédéral. Au Québec, le gouvernement fédéral s'en remet à la SQ, pour la supervision de l'enregistrement. Aucune nouvelle directive n'étant émise, le bureau de Parthenais à Montréal reférait donc les journalistes à la direction de l'enregistrement des armes à feu, à Ottawa, hier. On a confirmé également hier que le gouvernement fédéral a prolongé, pour une cinquième fois, la période d'amnistie permettant aux propriétaires d'armes de poing non encore enregistrées et d'armes à feu à usage limité pour régulariser leur situation sans encourir de sanction. La dernière amnistie concernant les armes de poing ou à utilisation restreinte avait pris fin en décembre. Dispute Entre-temps, aux Communes, le débat se poursuit sur la pertinence de le service enregistrement des armes à feu. Le député de l'Alliance, Gary , de la Saskatchewan, en a fait son principal cheval de bataille. Ses altercations verbales avec la ministre McLellan ont permis d'apprendre que le fédéral s'apprête à confier l'enregistrement des armes à l'entreprise privée. Ces révélations ont été faites après que le député de l'Alliance eut mis la main sur le cahier de charge grâce à la Loi d'accès à l'information. Les points de vue sont également très partagés sur l'efficacité du programme. Du côté du service d'enregistrement des armes à Ottawa on nous assure que 90 % des 2,3 millions de propriétaires ont obtenu un permis avant la date limite du 31 décembre 2001. Le député conteste ce pourcentage puisque selon les chiffres de l'Alliance il y aurait près de 4 millions de propriétaires d'armes au pays. ------------------------------ End of Cdn-Firearms Digest V4 #455 ********************************** Submissions: Mailing List Commands: Moderator's e-mail address: List owner: FAQ list: and Web Site: FTP Site: CFDigest Archives: or put the next command in an e-mail message and get cdn-firearms-digest v04.n192 end (192 is the digest issue number and 04 is the volume) To unsubscribe from _all_ the lists, put the next five lines in a message and unsubscribe cdn-firearms-digest unsubscribe cdn-firearms-alert unsubscribe cdn-firearms-chat unsubscribe cdn-firearms end (To subscribe, use "subscribe" instead of "unsubscribe".) 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