Wednesday, July 22, 1998
For release at 8:30 a.m.



Crime statistics


The crime rate fell for the sixth consecutive year in 1997. The 5% drop resulted in the lowest police-reported crime rate since 1980. Most crimes declined in 1997, including homicide, attempted murder, robbery, break-ins, motor vehicle theft, and impaired driving.

Since peaking in 1991, the national crime rate has declined 19%. However, the crime rate is still more than double what it was three decades ago.

Most provinces followed the national trend, with decreases ranging from 2% in Nova Scotia to 10% in Prince Edward Island. Only Saskatchewan (+4%) and Alberta (+2%) reported increases in their crime rate.

Chart: Crime rate, 1962 to 1997

Violent crime: five straight years of decline

The rate for violent crimes (the most serious offences) was down 1.1% in 1997 - the fifth consecutive yearly decline. Police reported almost 300,000 incidents of violent crime in 1997. However, not all regions of Canada registered lower violent crime rates, with the Prairie provinces of Saskatchewan (+15%), Alberta (+6%) and Manitoba (+2%) reporting increases.

The homicide rate, which includes first- and second-degree murder, manslaughter and infanticide, dropped 9% in 1997 - its lowest point since 1969. The homicide rate has generally been declining since the mid-1970s. The 581 homicides reported in 1997 were 54 fewer than the year before.

Note to readers

Revisions to 1995 and 1996 data: Winnipeg and Toronto

After 1996 crime statistics were released last year, errors were identified in the 1995 and 1996 data for Winnipeg police, and 1996 data from Metro Toronto Police. These errors resulted in an undercounting of crime for these municipalities during those years. The errors have been corrected and the analysis is based on the revised numbers. Consult Juristat for more details.

Interpreting police-reported crime data

The Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics (CCJS) collects Criminal Code statistics from police according to a nationally-approved set of rules and definitions. However, many factors could influence official crime statistics. These include reporting by the public to the police; reporting by police to the CCJS; and the impact of new initiatives such as changes in legislation, policies or enforcement practices.

It can be argued that official crime statistics merely reflect the willingness of Canadians to report criminal activity to police. However, there is other evidence of declining crime rates. Results from the 1995 International Criminal Victimization Survey mirror trends in police-reported data. The Canadian component showed that victimization rates fell 11% between 1991 and 1995, similar to the 14% decline in the crime rate reported by police during the same period.

Further, recent declines in crime have applied as equally to more serious crimes (those which are less prone to non-reporting by the public) as to less serious crimes.

Other countries have also experienced recent declines in their crime rate. For example, the Federal Bureau of Investigation reported that the U.S. indexed crime rate declined 4% in 1997. Violent crime fell 5% and property crime 4%. Crime rates have also declined steadily in England and Wales.

As in previous years, the large majority of homicide victims knew their killers. Strangers were responsible for only 13% of homicides. In 1997, there were 75 spousal homicides, down from 80 the year before. Eight in ten victims of spousal homicide were women who were killed by a current or ex-husband.

Chart: Homicide rate, 1961 to 1997

Despite an 8% decline last year, the robbery rate has generally been increasing during the past decade. Compared with other forms of violent crime, robbery is more likely to involve young people. In 1997, almost 40% of persons charged with robbery were youths, compared with 15% for all other violent crimes.

The rate of sexual assaults declined for the fourth straight year, down 0.9% from 1996. Of the 27,063 incidents of sexual assault reported by police in 1997, the majority (97%) were classified as level 1, the category of least physical injury to the victim.

Fewer incidents involve firearms

There were 193 homicides with firearms in 1997, 19 fewer than in 1996. Despite this drop, firearms continue to be used in about one-third of all homicides.

The rate of firearm robberies has generally been falling since 1991 - including a 20% drop in 1997. Robberies with other weapons, such as knives, have been increasing during this period. More than 4 in 10 robberies did not involve weapons.

Other firearm-related offences have also been falling in recent years. The rate of restricted weapons offences, including handguns, declined 34% over the last five years. The offence of discharging a firearm with intent also fell during this period (-46%).

Property crime: general decline since 1991

The property crime rate fell 8% in 1997, continuing the general decline since 1991. All provinces reported a drop in property crime rates, ranging from 1% in Alberta to 11% in Ontario. There were about 1.5 million criminal incidents involving property in 1997.

Police reported 373,355 break-ins, which represented about one-quarter of all property crimes. Six out of every ten break-ins occurred at a private residence. After two years of growth, residential break-ins dropped 5% in 1997. Business break-ins fell 10%.

After growing steadily for more than a decade, the rate of motor vehicle theft declined 3% in 1997. However, the rate remains almost 80% higher than a decade earlier. Police reported 177,286 incidents of motor vehicle theft in 1997, an average of about 485 each day.

Youth crime: increasing violence among female youth

The overall rate of youths charged with Criminal Code offences dropped 7% in 1997. In total, 111,736 people aged 12 to 17 years were charged in 1997. More than half of these youths were charged with property crimes, while 20% were charged with violent crimes.

The rate of youths charged with violent crime fell 2% - the second consecutive yearly decline. Despite these declines, the rate is still more than double that of a decade ago.

In recent years, concern has grown about increasing violence by young women. Over the past decade, the rate of female youths charged with violent crimes has increased twice as fast as for male youths. In 1997, the rate of violent crime dropped 4% among male youths while it increased 5% among female youths. However, the rate for female youths was still only one-third the rate for their male counterparts.

A total of 54 youths aged 12 to 17 were charged with homicide in 1997, five more than the previous year. Over the last decade, an average of 49 youths were charged with homicide each year.

With respect to property crime, the rate of youths charged declined 12% from 1996 - the sixth consecutive yearly decline.

Violent crime rates down in 16 of 25 census metropolitan areas

Rates of violent crime declined in 16 of 25 census metropolitan areas (CMAs) in 1997. Rates were lowest in Sherbrooke and Trois-Rivières, and highest in Thunder Bay and Regina. Regina also reported the largest increase in violent crime at 29%.

Homicide rates fell in 14 CMAs. Rates were highest in Saskatoon, Halifax and Edmonton, and lowest in Chicoutimi-Jonquière, Kitchener and London.

Only three CMAs reported increases in property crime: Chicoutimi-Jonquière, Halifax and Trois-Rivières. Property crime rates were highest in Regina and Vancouver and lowest in Saint John and Québec.

Available on CANSIM: 2198-2200 and tables 001401103 and 00150202.

Juristat: Canadian crime statistics, 1997, Vol. 18, no. 11 (85-002-XPE, $10/93; Internet version: 85-002-XIE, $8/$70) is now available. See How to order publications.

For further information on this release, contact Information and Client Services (613-951-9023 or 1 800 387-2231) or Shelly Crego (951-6750), Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics.

Table: Police-reported incidents by most serious offence
                                        1997                  1996 to 1997    

                                  Number             Rate(1)   % change in    
Violent crime                    296,737              980             -1.1    
Homicide                             581                2             -9.5    
Attempted murder                     861                3             -3.0    
Assaults (levels 1, 2, 
  3)                             222,210              734               --    
Other assaults                    11,778               39             -4.3    
Sexual assaults        
  (levels 1, 2, 3)                27,063               89             -0.9    
Other sexual offences              3,672               12              8.7    
Robbery                           29,590               98             -7.9    
Abduction                            982                3             -0.6    
Property crime                 1,458,930            4,817             -7.6    
Break and enter                  373,355            1,233             -7.0    
Motor vehicle theft              177,286              585             -2.6    
Theft over $5,000                 24,026               79            -12.2    
Theft $5,000 and under           758,025            2,503             -9.0    
Possession of stolen   
  goods                           29,544               98             -8.0    
Fraud                             96,694              319             -6.3    
Other Criminal Code              774,687            2,558             -2.5    
Arson                             12,799               42             -1.3    
Offensive weapons                 16,079               53             -3.0    
Prostitution                       5,812               19            -10.1    
Mischief                         341,687            1,128             -7.6    
Bail violation                    68,920              228             -1.1    
Disturbing the peace              57,594              190              4.4    
Other                            271,796              897              2.9    
Crime rate (Total      
  Criminal Code,       
  excluding traffic    
  offences)                    2,530,354            8,355             -5.4    


(--)  Amount too small to be expressed.
(1)  Rates are calculated based on 100,000 population.

Table: Crime rates for Census Metropolitan Areas(1)
                                   Violent crime                  Property    
_______________________    ______________________________    _____________                               
                                    1997      1996 to1997             1997    

                                    rate      % change in             rate    
Regina                             1,638             29.1            9,129    
Vancouver                          1,258             -4.7            9,080    
Saskatoon                          1,397              6.6            6,940    
Victoria                           1,385              1.7            6,213    
Thunder Bay                        1,810             -6.0            5,493    
Winnipeg(2)                        1,456             -1.6            5,972    
Halifax                            1,126             -3.7            5,597    
Edmonton                             960              4.0            5,198    
London                               809             -9.3            5,408    
Windsor                              812             -7.0            4,575    
Ottawa-Hull (Ontario   
  part)                              861             -5.9            5,030    
Calgary                              833              8.0            5,221    
Hamilton                           1,122             -1.8            4,406    
St. Catharines-Niagara               663              0.6            4,551    
Montréal                             782             -7.0            5,126    
Sudbury                              890             -4.4            4,595    
Ottawa-Hull (Québec    
  part)                              728              1.4            4,348    
St. John's                         1,018             -1.2            4,063    
Saint John                         1,092             10.1            3,619    
Trois-Rivières                       488             -4.4            4,338    
Toronto(2)                           852             -1.4            3,932    
Kitchener                            730              1.0            4,076    
Chicoutimi-Jonquière                 570            -13.9            4,304    
Sherbrooke                           410             -1.3            3,949    
Québec                               504             -6.1            3,765    


                                Property         Total Criminal Code          
_______________________    _____________    ______________________________                               
                             1996 to1997             1997      1996 to1997    

                             % change in             rate      % change in    
                                    rate                              rate    
Regina                              -9.5           14,500             -3.9    
Vancouver                          -13.1           13,029            -12.0    
Saskatoon                           -0.1           12,126              3.5    
Victoria                           -10.0           11,434             -5.4    
Thunder Bay                         -4.0           11,259             -6.0    
Winnipeg(2)                         -9.0           10,281             -5.9    
Halifax                              1.6            9,388             -1.5    
Edmonton                            -0.5            8,836              2.3    
London                              -9.8            8,652            -10.3    
Windsor                            -11.2            8,116             -7.5    
Ottawa-Hull (Ontario       
  part)                            -15.8            8,023            -15.1    
Calgary                             -3.3            7,796             -0.9    
Hamilton                            -8.6            7,608             -6.2    
St. Catharines-Niagara              -9.7            7,559             -4.7    
Montréal                            -4.3            7,531             -5.8    
Sudbury                            -11.2            7,505             -9.6    
Ottawa-Hull (Québec        
  part)                             -8.7            7,216             -8.2    
St. John's                          -1.9            7,077             -4.6    
Saint John                         -17.5            6,980            -12.6    
Trois-Rivières                       1.2            6,662              1.7    
Toronto(2)                          -9.1            6,549             -7.6    
Kitchener                           -9.6            6,458             -7.6    
Chicoutimi-Jonquière                 9.8            6,323              5.3    
Sherbrooke                          -8.8            5,853             -7.4    
Québec                             -14.2            5,664            -11.5    


(1)  Rates are calculated per 100,000 population. The Oshawa Census
     Metropolitain Area (CMA) is excluded from this table due to
     methodological concerns with the matching of the police agency
     jurisdictional boundaries and the CMA boundaries.
(2)  Toronto and Winnipeg data for 1996 have been revised.