WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT FROM NEW LEGISLATION Over the past few years, the NFA has been running test cases. If Bill C-68 passes, the complex and difficult system of registration, carrying permits, etc. will apply to all hunting and target rifles and shotguns. Court cases as complicated and difficult as these to directly affect all of your firearms ownership and use. YOU are going to be nailed by bad laws. This first test case dates from September, 1992. For three years, the government has done its best to prevent this case from even being heard, let alone decided, while the NFA has fought it forward. CASE 1: The 1992 changes to the Criminal Code altered the registration procedure for certain collector's firearms. The government issued instructions that all registration certificates for all firearms in that class had been revoked, and they would have to be re-registered before 01 Oct 92. That was not what the new law actually said, but it is how police have been enforcing it. The government's interpretation of the new law [Criminal Code paragraphs 109(4.1) to (4.3) inclusive] is highly questionable--but that's a different test case. David A. Tomlinson applied to re-register one of those firearms. The new rules included a requirement that every "genuine gun collector" submit to "periodic inspections." He submitted a letter refusing to submit to "periodic inspections" as a way of setting up an NFA test case. His grounds for refusing the "periodic inspections" arise from his position as National President of the NFA and his work as an expert witness for the courts. Because he often appears as an expert witness for the defence, and because he is involved in NFA test cases, many police officers view him unfavorably. He fears, on reasonable grounds, that "periodic inspections" of his home by hostile police will become fishing expeditions seeking any and every possibility of filing criminal charges against him. That fear is also fueled by the fact that the firearms control laws and regulations are so badly written that no one knows exactly what they mean. Here are the conclusions of Mr. Justice Gibbs of the Supreme Court of BC, in Hurley v. Dawson [1986] (Dawson had refused Hurley a permit which would have cost Hurley his job, for a non-violent marijuana offence.): This is a difficult case. Not the least of the difficulties is due to the tortuous language of the gun control provisions of the Criminal Code. In Regina versus Neil, Judge Gordon was moved, with some justification, to refer to those provisions as "one of the most horrifying examples of bad draftsmanship that I have had the misfortune to consider", as "so convoluted that even those responsible for enforcing the provisions are apparently unable to understand them", and as "a challenge to one"s sense of logic." Interpretation of those laws varies from province to province, from city to city, and even police officer to police officer in the same detachment. That makes it difficult to obey the laws. That situation has become far worse as a result of Kim Campbell's and Allan Rock's recent modifications to firearms law. As an example of what Mr. Justice Gibbs meant, we offer Campbell's Bill C-17 new Criminal Code paragraph 91 (4.1): 91.(4.1) Subsection (2) does not apply to a person to whom a permit to possess a particular restricted weapon has been issued under subsection 110 (1) where the person is not the person mentioned in the registration certificate issued in respect of the restricted weapon, when the person to whom the permit has been issued possesses the restricted weapon at the place authorized by the permit. and Allan Rock's Firearms Act section 32: 32. A person may transfer a firearm by mail only if (a) the verifications, notifications, issuances and authorizations referred to in sections 21 to 28, 30, 31, 40 to 43, and 46 to 52 take place within a reasonable period before the transfer in the prescribed manner; (b) the firearm is delivered by a person designated by the chief firearms officer and the person ensures that the transferee holds a license authorizing the transferee to acquire that kind of firearm; and (c) the prescribed conditions are complied with. "Prescribed" means ordered by an Order in Council (OIC)--which you may never have heard of. And what does "reasonable" mean? A "periodic inspection" is simply a search in the home of a "genuine gun collector" by a police officer looking for evidence to file criminal charges, and the NFA wanted to test whether or not that is or is not a violation of the right guaranteed by Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms section 8, "to be secure against unreasonable search or seizure." Under Rock's new rules, many hunters and target shooters will be subjected to "periodic inspections." The NFA's intent was to force the Commissioner of the RCMP to refuse the registration because a "genuine gun collector" had refused to agree to "periodic inspections," creating grounds for the test case. The Commissioner refused by letter, stating that an appeal could be made to a provincial court judge under Criminal Code section 112(8). That proved to be false, and therefore an example of "official misdirection." It is not known whether the official misdirection was deliberate or simply a result of the Commissioner not understanding the law he was applying in the case. As Mr. Justice Gibbs so ably pointed out, ignorance of the law is a strong possibility. When Mr. Tomlinson appealed, the Crown's lawyer claimed that CC s. 112(8) could not be used for such an appeal. The judge agreed. Mr. Tomlinson then appealed that decision to the Court of Queen's Bench, where the same ruling was given. Throughout, the Crown stalled, delaying the case as much as it could. The government stalled the case so long that the period allowed for taking the case to the Federal Court ran out. Ted Simmermon then began an identical and parallel case, starting from scratch. That case was then put to the Federal Court. The Tomlinson and Simmermon cases were linked, with a request that the two identical cases be heard at the same time. Through that maneuver, there was no point in refusing the Tomlinson case, so it went forward with the Simmermon NFA test case. On 28 Sep 95, the combined case goes to Federal Court, where Mr. Tomlinson and Mr. Simmermon are seeking court orders to force the Commissioner to issue their registration certificates and void the "periodic inspections" requirement as a violation of section 8 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. It will probably take months to get the final decision. ***************************************************************** CASE 2: Mr. Simmermon is also the NFA's lead man in another NFA test case. In that case, the government issued an OIC classing an unrestricted rifle owned by Mr. Simmermon as a "prohibited weapon." He was asked to turn it in for destruction--without payment of any compensation for his loss. "There is a rule of statutory interpretation in Anglo-Canadian law that a statute which takes private property is to be read as implicitly requiring that compensation be paid to the private owner." [Peter W. Hogg, Constitutional Law of Canada] The NFA set up this test case by having Mr. Simmermon write to the police refusing to give up his rifle, and requesting that they seize it so a test case could begin. The police refused to act, leaving the "prohibited weapon" in his possession--for months. The NFA then arranged for the rifle to be exhibited at a gun show, a letter notifying the police and again requesting that they seize it, and letters to the media explaining the situation. The police were forced to seize it, and the test case began. The provincial court judge apparently recognized it as a hot potato. He ruled against Mr. Simmermon, but gave no reasons for his decision. That threw the case upward to the Court of Queen's Bench with all of Mr. Simmermon's arguments still valid for use. (If the court had ruled on any particular grounds, only those narrow grounds could have been considered in the appeal.) The Court of Queen's Bench (QB) ruled the OIC that outlawed Mr. Simmermon's rifle invalid for improper enactment and ordered his property returned. We expected that would be the most likely verdict. The Crown appealed, and its appeal will be heard in the Alberta Court of Appeal on 27 Nov 95. The QB decision is based on the 1983 Manitoba Court of Appeal precedent set in Repa v. Manitoba. The Repa case said that issuing OICs of the type that outlaws sport firearms came under CC s. 116. Since 1991, CC s. 116 has required the Minister to put his "outlawing" OICs before each House of parliament for 30 sitting days. Campbell and Rock didn't do that, so 11 of their "outlawing" OICs are apparently invalid. Interestingly, Bill C-68 allows the Minister to outlaw any or every firearm, cartridge and firearm accessory in Canada--without putting it before either House of Parliament and in language which prevents any court of law from overturning any such OIC he issues. He can wreck the entire Canadian firearms community. He can order the confiscation--without compensation--of every hunting and target rifle or shotgun in Canada if C-68 passes. If you want to help with the fight to protect your rights, join the NFA: Send $30 (Regular), $40 (Family), or $20 (65+). Add $4.75 per person covered for $2,000,000 liability insurance. Send to: NFA, Box 4384 Stn C, CALGARY AB T2T 5N2