Disclaimer: No part of this FAQ or any of it's sub-sections should be viewed as legal advice or a definitive source for any information. The authors bear no responsibility whatsoever for incorrect information. This entire FAQ and all sub-sections are a compendium of information gathered from postings to the CFD and from other knowlegeable sources. Permission is explicitly given to distribute this FAQ in its entirety only if no changes are made and if this disclaimer is included.
Note: Some items have changed since this FAQ was published, and will be indicated as *changed* below. A new FAQ that incorporates all of the changes will be made available in the future at: this location.
Comments/Suggestions:   Howard
The administration section lists background information that may be of interest to users of the Canadian Firearms Discussion List and this FAQ.
Note: This list has grown and changed some, since this FAQ was created. The information in this FAQ will not be changed, to keep the historical information intact. Broken Links will be updated, if there is current information, or disabled if the web page no longer exists. A new FAQ and other support pages will be located at www.canfirearms.ca.
This is the FAQ list for The Canadian Firearms Discussion or CFD Mailing List. FAQ stands for Frequently Asked Questions and is the general name for a list of questions that tend to be asked over and over in a Usenet news group or on a Mailing List such as this. See the Revisions section for information on the changes made to this FAQ since it's inception.
This FAQ does not seek to take sides in the Gun Control Debate but instead seeks to inform readers of background information as pertaining to the debate (even though we know we're right).
From the very first posting to the CFD mailing list:
The purpose of the list is to propagate information about laws, regulations, and other issues affecting Canadian owners. The list is moderated and discussions will be allowed; even encouraged, but flame wars and anti-gun rhetoric will not be forwarded to the subscribers. The aim is two-fold: 1) to have a higher signal-to-noise ratio than would be seen on a Usenet newsgroup, and 2) to provide a source of information of particular interest to Canadians.
It is not a forum for the discussion of actual firearms and shooting although there is some necessary overlap. In addition the moderator will usually allow the odd short post from someone asking a question about just about anything related to firearms. It would be preferable for the person posting to include their personal email address and ask for a direct reply so as to ease the load on the list.
If you are looking for actual firearms discussion mailing lists check the Further Reading section at the end of this FAQ.
The mailing list was started by Skeeter Abell-Smith in 1994. The first post was by Skeeter on April 22, 1994. That post is still online in the CFD Archives at:
Skeeter handed the list over to Howard R. Hamilton on April 29, of 2002, who has been running the list ever since. The handover was documented in Issue 718 of Volume 04.
The software is basically a remailer to a list of subscribers. The software is called Majordomo and more information can be found at:
The list is run by the moderator. See question 1.5. The moderator collects the posts and screens or edits them before remailing them to the subscribers. To lighten the load on the digest care should be taken in formulating your post. Please ensure that you do not send HTML or any other type of encoding - straight text, nicely formatted is prefered. Proof reading would be nice.
The main feed from the mail list consists of individual postings as they are fed to the moderator and then remailed out to the subscribers. You will receive them in the same manner, as individual postings. The digest is created by the moderator from these postings. He or She collects the postings into one email that is sent out to the subscribers of the digest. Generally the digests consists of 10 to 20 individual postings collected together.
Chat is intended for discussions between individuals (Chatting) which would normally not be appropriate on the digest. Chat is an unmoderated list and is not archived. It has a high volume due to the varied nature of questions and discussions. Although unmoderated, the rules of etiquette and civility still apply.
Alert is for time sensitive or very important information that needs to be broadcast immediately. The frequency of alert postings is low.
Note: The alert list has been discontinued due to inactivity.
CTG stands for can.talk.guns and is a Usenet/News discussion forum for discussing guns in Canada. It's FAQ can be found at:
ctg.htmlThe CTG FAQ is oriented at people that are perhaps new to the discussion of Gun Control in Canada. This FAQ services the CFD mailing list discussion group which is a different animal then the CTG. Most of the people on the CFD already have an understanding of Gun Control and want to discuss it in detail. This FAQ services that need and pertains to Frequently Asked Questions from that mailing list.
Information on subscribing and unsubscribing can be found at the CFD web site at:
To subscribe to the Digest send an email to:
with only one line in the body of the email "subscribe cdn-firearms-digest". That same line shortened to "subscribe cdn-firearms" will subscribe you to the main feed. The return address on that email is the address that will be subscribed to the service requested. You probably do not want to subscribe to the main "cdn-firearms" feed and the "cdn-firearms-digest" since they contain the same postings.
Subscribing and unsubscribing information is also posted to the end of every digest:
To unsubscribe from _all_ the lists, put the next five lines in a message and mailto:majordomo@sfn.saskatoon.sk.ca unsubscribe cdn-firearms-digest unsubscribe cdn-firearms-alert unsubscribe cdn-firearms-chat unsubscribe cdn-firearms end (To subscribe, use "subscribe" instead of "unsubscribe".)
Note: The cdn-firearms-alert lists has been discontinued.
This information is included at the end of every digest look for the line starting with "Moderator's e-mail address:". If you are not subscribed to the digest, go to one of the latest posted digests, which can be found in the next question, to find the the string mentioned in the first sentence.
Note:When the new website www.canfirearms.ca was set up, a permanent address for all moderators was created. That address is: cfdmod@bogend.ca.
The archives of all previous digests can be found on the CFD web site at:
The archives are broken up into volumes. Currently there are volumes one and two with three soon to follow. Basically a volume encompasses about 1000 digests. Volume one archives are of the form v01n001-099 which encompasses the very first post to the 99th. Volume one, section two would be v01n100-199 and so on through v01n200-299. Volume number two changes the prefix to v02nXXX-YYY. Thus the volume two sections would be v02n001-099, v02n100-199, v02n200-299 and so on.
All browsers have the ability to save the pages you are viewing. Generally it is something like FILE > SAVE AS. There are only two sections to this FAQ at this time, the one you are presently viewing and section 6 which is the "true" Frequently Asked Questions. Access either of those pages, wait until the page is fully downloaded into your browser, and then save the pages as "Source" or HTML code. No images are used in these pages so once you have saved those pages you have it all. The links in the saved pages will still work.
You could also save the pages as text. The links in the pages will not work but the pages will print out on less paper.
This section of the FAQ provides an alphabetical list of some of the different organizations involved in the Gun Control Battle.
The AFGA is, as their name suggests, an Alberta association devoted to Fishing and Hunting. Their mission statement, from their web page, is:
"to promote through education, lobbying and programs, the conservation and utilization of fish and wildlife and to protect and enhance the habitat they depend on."
The Coalition For Gun Control. Info to follow.
Note: The CfGC is an organization that advocates more gun laws. Their site can be found at:
The Canadian Institute for Legislative Action is a Canada wide coalition of pro-firearms and shooting organizations devoted to preserving, promoting and protecting firearms and related activities. CILA has a full time representative in Ottawa and maintains offices in Ottawa, Toronto and Vancouver.
The National Firearms Association is a Canadian organization devoted to lawful ownership of firearms. The NFA is totally funded by membership and private donations. The aims of the NFA are to promote, support, and protect all safe recreational firearms activities and all educational firearms activities. To promote natural justice for all firearms activities, and to serve and inform responsible owners and users of recreational firearms.
The OHA is a Handgun Association formed in 1957 as a non-profit membership corporation that represents Ontario handgun shooters. It has 9,000 members and 200+ member clubs. It is recognized by the Province of Ontario as the official governing body for handgun competition in Ontario.
Note:The OHA has evolved. Historical info on the OHA can be found here:
And current information on the new organization (the Canadian Shooting Sports Association or CSSA) that replaced the OHA can be found here:
The OFAH was formed in the 1920's and has 79,000 members with 580 member clubs. It is devoted to outdoor heritage and conservation efforts in Ontario. It also has a staff of biologists and other experts to assist in it's efforts.
This section of the FAQ gives information about some of the people involved in Gun Control. Alphabetical listing by last name.
Skeeter Abell-Smith | owner and first moderator of the CFD Mailing List |
Tony Bernardo | President of Canadian Institute for Legislative Action (CILA) |
Al Dorans | Chairman of the FED-UP II rally, now Director of Operations for CILA |
Donna Ferlolie | Liason Coordinator for the NFA in Ottawa |
Jim Hinter | Communications Director?? of the National Firearms Association, runs ShopNFA |
Peter Kearns | NFA Communications |
Dave A. Tomlinson | President of the National Firearms Association |
Larry Whitmore | President of the Ontario Handgun Association (OHA) |
Kim Campbell |
Former Minister of Justice when Bill C-17 was introduced. Prime Minister from June to Nov 1993 |
Wendy Cukier | Spokesperson (president?) of the Coalition for Gun Control (CFGC). Teaches at Ryerson |
Allan Rock, MP | Minister of Justice under Jean Cretien when Bill C-68 was introduced, went on to be Minster of Health and Anne McLellan replaced him. Home riding is Etobicoke, Ontario |
Anne McLellan, MP | Current Minister of Justice. Home riding is Edmonton West |
Kathleen Roussel | Lawyer and communications person for the Canadian Firearms Centre |
Jean Valin | ??? of the Canadian Firearms Centre |
Henry Van Wyk | Former CPFO of Ontario, now responsible for communications at the Canadian Firearms Centre |
This section of the FAQ provides information on Acronyms and Definitions that a reader may encounter while reading postings to the CFD or in discussions on Gun Control.
AK | Automatik Kalashnakov (as in AK-47, AK-74) |
AKA | Also Known As |
AMA | Atlantic Marksmen Association |
AP | Armour Piercing |
APC | Armoured Personnel Carrier |
ARRA | Arnprior Rifle and Revolver Association |
ATT | Authorization to Transport |
BAR | Browning Automatic Rifle |
BATF | Bureau of Alcohol, Firearms and Tobacco (Part of US Treasury Dept.) |
CA | Converted Automatic |
CFC | Canadian Firearms Center |
CFO | Chief Firearms Officer |
CFGC | Coalition for Gun Control |
CFR | Canadian Firearms Registry |
CFSC | Canadian Firearms Safety Course |
CILA | Canadian Institute for Legislative Action |
CPFO | Chief Provincial Firearms Officer |
CSAAA | Canadian Sporting Arms and Ammunition Association |
CWF | Canadian Wildlife Federation |
DAT | David A Tomlinson |
DCRA | Dominion of Canada Rifle Association (also provincial affiliates) |
DOJ | Department of Justice |
FAC | Firearms Acquisition Certificate (considered a PAL under new regulations) |
FIP | Firearms Interest Police, Ontario database of people that may be flagged for firearms ownership |
FN | Fabrique National |
FART | see FRT |
FRAS | Firearm Registration Administration Service, changed to CFR under C-68 (RCMP) |
FRT | Firearms Reference Table (aka FART) |
HP | Hollow Point |
IPSC | International Practical Shooting Confederation |
IROA | International Range Officers Association (IPSC range officers) |
JPFO | Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership |
LUFA | Law-Abiding Unregistered Firearms Association < /td> |
MNR | Ministry of Natural Resources (Ontario) |
NCBCS | National Communication British Columbia Service |
NFA | National Firearms Association |
NRA | National Rifle Association (US equivalent to the NFA) |
NROI | National Range Officers Institution |
NSRA | Nova Scotia Rifle Association |
OFAH | Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters |
OIC | Order in Council |
OHA | Ontario Handgun Association |
PAL | Possession and Acquisition License |
PETA | People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals |
POL | Possession Only License |
RFC | Recreational Firearms Community |
RKBA | Right to Keep and Bear Arms |
SBA | Saskatchewan Bowhunters Association |
SBH | Short/Small Barreled Handgun |
SFC | Shooting Federation of Canada |
SRFO | Saskatchewan Responsible Firearm Owners |
SSAC | Sporting Shooters Association of Canada |
SSAA | Sporting Shooters Association of Australia |
SWF | Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation |
USPSA | United States Practical Shooting Association |
Green Slip | Common Name for Restricted Registration certificate (Pre C-68) |
This section of the FAQ provides information on some the Canadian Legislative bills that affect firearms in Canada.
(With permission from the ctg.faq, see further reading for location)
Bill C-68 (now "Chapter 39 of the 1995 Statutes of Canada" or "S.C. 1995, c. 39") was the latest legislative installment in Canada's "gun control" saga.
Bill C-68 was tabled in the Commons on 14 Feb 1995, received third reading and was passed by the Commons on 13 Jun 1995, was passed by the Senate on 22 Nov 1995, and received Royal Assent on 6 Dec 1995.
Much of Bill C-68 (now "Chapter 39 of the Annual Statutes of Canada, 1995" or "S.C. 1995, c. 39") came into force on 01 December 1998, after being postponed five times.
(With permission from the ctg.faq, see further reading for location)
Bill C-17 was introduced and passed in 1991 by the Kim Campbell Conservatives. It created expanded powers for the minister of justice to restrict any firearm and prohibit those not "commonly used in Canada for hunting or sporting purposes". Other sections included new powers for police to search the homes of certain types of "gun collectors", and placed limits on magazine sizes (10 rounds for semi-auto pistols and 5 for centre-fire semi-auto rifles and shotguns, but there are a few exceptions).
Some of C-17 is illegal, much is unnecessary, and some of the OICs (Orders in Council) have been thrown out.
Bill C-17 was preceded by Bill C-80 which died on the Order Paper.
(With permission from the ctg.faq, see further reading for location)
C-51 came after C-83 which was withdrawn by the Liberals and then justice minister Ron Basford. Among other things, Bill C-51 created the FAC (Firearms Acquisition Certificate) and prohibited fully automatic firearms (unless registered before January 1, 1978).
The "Meat and Potatoes" Frequently Asked Questions are contained in a separate page devoted to those questions and their answers.
This section of the FAQ outlines where you might find further information on Gun Control but also has a brief section on where you might go to find further information on Firearms.
An excellent place to start looking if you searching for more information on Gun Control in Canada are the Canadian Firearms, National Firearms Association and Canadian Institute for Legislative Action Web sites.
The CFD Web Site can be found at:
The NFA Web Site can be found at:
The CILA Web Site can be found at:
If you are looking for more information on Gun Control in Canada, try The Canadian Firearms Research Link at:
and the Canadian Research Section at:
For a good paper on Gun Control try:
Observations on a One-way Street: The Canadian Firearms Control Debate
-- Presented by The Shooting Organizations of Canada
A version can be found online at:
Observations on a One Way Street
Department of Justice Canada (English)
Department of Justice Canada (French)
Criminal Code of Canada (English)
Criminal Code of Canada (French)
Parliment on the Internet (French and English links), alot of good links under "Reference Material". Also links to the senate.
Firearms Act
Firearms Act Regulations
Note: There was a single set of regulations when this document was first written. Currently, (August of 2009) there are 8 different sets of regulations found at the following sites:
Firearms Fees Regulations:
Firearms Fees Remmission Order:
Firearms Fees Remmission Order (Licenses):
Firearms Fees Remmission Order (Registration Certificates):
Firearms License Regulations:
Firearms Marking Regulations:
Firearms Records Regulations:
Firearms Registration Certificates Regulations:
Justice for Shooters (JFS)
This link was not working when this page was updated.
Shooters' Rights Association (SRA)
Sportsman's Association of Great Britain & Northern Ireland (SAGBNI)
Sporting Shooters Association of Australia
Sporting Shooters Association Of New Zealand (SSANZ)
Gun Owners of America (GOA)
Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership
NRA (National Rifle Association)
NRA ILA (National Rifle Association Insitute for Legislative Action)
Right to Keep and Bear Arms (RKBA)
If you are looking for discussions on Firearms and Shooting there are many many locations where you might start looking. We won't list every type of firearms home page as there are many, covering everything from Glocks to M1 Garands and more, instead we will list some good areas at which to start:
The Amateur Trapshooting Association
International Practical Shooting Confederation (IPSC) Home Page:
IPSC Canada Home Page:
Usenet rec.guns FAQ web site:
The actual FAQ for rec.guns can be found at:
They now call it their "Charter"
And finally a very good link to search for mailing lists, info on firearms or what have you, DejaNews is a engine for searching postings to news groups ie. Usenet. Click on the following link and enter the string you are searching for (ljungman, glock, gun control etc.) at the top of the page. Enter the Usenet forum that you want to search in the "Forum" box and then press "Find":
Note:Google bought out DejaNews, and the service was continued under Google Groups:
This section of the FAQ provides information about changes made to the FAQ - when it was started, when it was updated and what was changed in each revision.
v3.0 August 16, 2009 Cleaned up broken links Added historical notes to the main section v2.1 October 4, 1999 minor edits and spelling corrections v2.0 October 1, 1999 Added FIP Database as Q 6.30 Added C-68 and Ammuntion purchases as Q 6.31 Added Magazine limits as Q 6.32 Added Rights at the Border as Q 6.33 Added Flintlocks and Registering as Q 6.34 Added Moving to the US and Firearms as Q 6.35 v1.1 July 29, 1999 Added info from Dave Tomlinson on OICs to 6.15. Added an intro to the 6.20 disprove 1935 Hitler quote. Switched FAQ to FAC in question headers for 6.15, 6.22 and 6.23. v1.0 First Release, July 20,1999 - Added a fair number of questions to the actual "Meat and Potatoes" section, will number every single edit to anything after this point. v0.5 Beta Post, March 19, 1999 - administrative sections of FAQ completed and posted for testing, basic admin FAQ completed work started on the actual Frequently Asked Questions section.
These are the people that have worked on the FAQ.
The following link should always point to the email address of the FAQ owner:
The original creator and maintainer of the FAQ was:
Don Shesnicky, Ottawa, Canada
Many thanks to the following people for their efforts in working on the FAQ:
Marc Mousseau, Ottawa Keith DeSolla, NFA Field Officer, Ottawa
And of course:
Skeeter Abell-Smith, Owner and Originator of the CFD Mailing List Dave A. Tomlinson, President of the National Firearms Association
And finally:
Everyone on the CFD Mailing List working toward our cause...---