Presented in the Firearms and Society section of the Law and Society meetings, University of Calgary, 14 June 1994.
H. Taylor Buckner (2)
In the experimental group, 85.1% of the students who had signed
the petition asking for a ban on handguns except for the police
and army, were favourable to letting other authorized persons, as
well as the police and army, have handguns (which is the current
situation, not what was asked for by the petition).
The difference between 85.1% and 85.7% is not significant (Chi
Square = .854). The students were just as likely to favour both
positions. Thus it can be said with certainty that the students
who signed the Concordia petition were not calling for a total
civilian handgun prohibition, as asserted by the sponsors of the
petition, but are saying "something" should be done.
2 Simplified
flow-chart of steps required to obtain a firearm in Quebec,
The students at Concordia seem to be almost completely ignorant
of the system of gun control contained in Canada's Criminal Code.
It is an extremely complex law, taking up 42 pages in Snow's
Criminal code (1992, Rel.4). As Figure 2 shows, the process of obtaining a
firearm in Canada is long and complex. A person who wants a
handgun will have to submit 12 letters of reference (in Quebec)
and undergo three separate police investigations. Probably few
Canadians are aware of these complex rules, so I tried to assess
the students' knowledge by asking a simple question:
"Do you happen to know what the maximum penalty is in Canada for having a handgun that is not registered with the police?" |
There is no penalty A $200 fine A $500 fine 6 months in prison 1 year in prison 2 years in prison 3 years in prison 4 years in prison 5 years in prison I don't know for sure Number of cases: |
1% 5% 11% 4% 2% 2% 8% 0% 1% 75% [775] |
Among the petition signers 76.5% said they did not know the
penalty, almost all the rest were obviously guessing. Only 0.7%
correctly guessed that the maximum penalty was five years in
prison, the most frequent guess was a $500 fine. Those students
who signed the petition and those who did not sign had the same
level of ignorance.
From the point of view of analysis, this is an unfortunate
result, in that it can not be used to differentiate between
students who had any knowledge and those who had no knowledge. In
retrospect, given this response, I probably should have asked,
"Does Canada have any gun control laws?" Though many
students would have guessed "yes," those who said
"no," or "don't know for sure," could have
been considered profoundly uninformed.
Since the Concordia Petition, in response to murders, asked for a
handgun prohibition, I wanted to see if the students were aware
of the handgun murder rate in Canada:
"What percentage of the murders in Canada do you think are committed with handguns?" |
0 to 9% 10% to 19% 20% to 29% 30% to 39% 40% to 49% 50% to 59% 60% to 69% 70% to 79% 80% to 100% I don't know for sure Number of cases: |
2% 4% 7% 9% 8% 13% 12% 13% 5% 27% [779] |
The actual handgun murder rate, historically, has been around
10%, though it jumped to 17% in 1991 (Wright:1992). I considered any answer up to
19% as being correct. Only 5.4% of those who signed the petition
knew that the handgun murder rate was under 20%, compared with 7%
among those who did not sign the petition. What may be more
important than lack of knowledge, is the widespread erroneous
belief that handguns are implicated in the majority of murders in
Canada. Forty-three percent of the students believe that 50% or
more of the murders in Canada are committed with handguns. This
is probably a result of continual reporting of the situation in
the United States combined with a lack of reporting on the
different situation in Canada.
Since the sponsors of the petition assert that the signers are
asking for a very specific change in the gun control laws, I
thought it would be interesting to see just how much the students
knew about guns in general. Two questions were asked:
Do you happen to know the main difference between a rifle and a shotgun? |
A shotgun has grooves inside its barrel, a rifle is smooth inside......................................... A rifle has grooves inside its barrel, a shotgun is smooth inside......................................... A rifle shoots many bullets, a shotgun only one.................................................... I don't know for sure.................................. Knowledge of difference: Knows (A rifle has groves, shotgun smooth).......... Does not know (all other answers and non-response) Number of cases: |
9% 11% 9% 71% 11% 89% [774] |
Does the magazine of a gun have a trigger? (9) |
Yes........................ No......................... I don't know for sure...... Knowledge of difference: Knows Magazine doesn't have trigger.................... Does not know.............. Number of cases: |
7% 32% 61% 32% 68% [769] |
Students who signed the petition were slightly less likely to
know the answers to either question than students who did not
sign the petition. Among petition signers 89.3% did not know the
difference between a rifle and a shotgun, among non-signers it
was 87%. Among petition signers 71.4% did not know that the
magazine of a gun does not have a trigger, among non-signers it
was 63.1% (this difference is significant, Chi Square = .017)
Figure 3 Summary of students knowledge of the current law, the handgun murder rate, the difference between rifles and shotguns, and whether a magazine has a trigger.
It would be fair to say, overall, that the students in the sample
do not know much about guns, gun control laws, or handgun
homicide rates, and that they signed the petition just because it
was there.
The only background characteristic that was significantly related
to signing the petition was the student's gender. Women were much
more likely to sign the petition, 64.8% did, than men, 53.2%.
Other background characteristics: age group, ethnic background,
faculty of study, grade point average, race, religion, rural or
urban background, self reported socioeconomic status, and sexual
orientation were not related to signing the petition.
One of the effects of a handgun prohibition, which, at the least,
would eliminate handguns among the law abiding, would be to make
self defense more difficult (Young). As Gary Mauser (1994) has
pointed out there are around 60,000 defensive uses of guns per
year in Canada, half against animals and half against humans.
Logically, a student who signed the petition should think that
armed self-defense was not justified.
Overall, students feel that armed self-defense by store owners is
at least sometimes justified.
"Recently, there have been a number of incidents involving firearms used by retail store owners. How often do you feel that incidents like these defending oneself with a firearm are justified?" |
SAMPLES: Stud93 same as Stud94; Mauser & Margolis, representative national, RDD. |
1994 Concordia Student Survey |
93 Concordia Student Survey |
Mauser & Margolis 1990 |
Canada |
U.S. |
8% 24% 47% 13% 3% 5% [879] |
justified Usually justified Sometimes justified Rarely justified Never justified No opinion Number of cases: |
7% 16% 43% 20% 11% 3% [386] |
11% 25% 43% 13% 5% 3% [339] |
Students who signed the petition are significantly less likely to
think that store owners are justified in defending themselves
with firearms than are students who did not sign the petition
(Chi Square = .003). Still, 80% of the students who signed the
petition thought that self-defense was at least sometimes
justified, compared with 85.7% of the students who did not sign
the petition.
"Recently, there have been a number of incidents involving firearms used by retail store owners. How often do you feel that incidents like these defending oneself with a firearm are justified?" BY "Did you happen to sign the Concordia "gun control" petition?" |
Self-Defense Justified? |
Sign Petition? |
No |
Yes |
Always justified Usually justified Sometimes justified Rarely justified Never justified Number of cases: |
9.4% 32.6% 47.3% 8.1% 2.7% [298] |
6.0% 25.3% 48.7% 16.2% 3.7% [431] |
4 Petition
signers are almost as likely as non-signers to feel self defense
is justified.
When it comes to personal self-defense the same pattern holds.
Students who signed the petition were significantly (Chi Square =
.041) less likely to say they would defend themselves with a gun,
though a majority, 75.4% said they probably or certainly would,
compared to 81.1% of the students who did not sign the petition.
"If you, or your family, were threatened with death or serious injury by an aggressor and you had access to a firearm, would you use it to defend yourself, or not?" (10) BY "Did you happen to sign the Concordia "gun control" petition?" |
Use Firearm to defend self or family? |
Sign Petition? |
No |
Yes |
Definitely Yes Probably Yes Not Sure Probably Not Definitely Not Number of cases: |
46.5% 34.6% 13.6% 3.3% 2.0% [301] |
36.0% 39.4% 17.9% 5.3% 1.4% [436] |
5 Students who
signed the petition are almost as likely to say they would defend
themselves with a gun as non-signers.
The willingness to defend oneself, and the recognition of its
justification for others, is very strong in both groups. The
contradiction - prohibiting handguns would make self-defense much
more difficult for store owners, and for the students themselves
- probably did not occur to the students when they signed the
petition. (11)
Student who signed the petition were significantly more likely
(Chi Square = .001) than non-signers to think that more firearms
laws would make the crime rate decrease. Considering that the
great majority have no idea of the extent of the present laws
this has to be taken as an expression of faith in the law.
"If there were more firearms laws, do you think the crime rate would decrease, increase, or stay the same as it is now?" BY "Did you happen to sign the Concordia "gun control" petition?" |
Crime rate would...with more firearms laws |
Sign Petition? |
No |
Yes |
Large increase Increase Stay the same Decrease large decrease Number of cases: |
2.3% 7.4% 39.1% 46.5% 4.7% [299] |
1.8% 5.3% 27.4% 55.9% 9.7% [435] |
Figure 6 Petition signers are somewhat more likely to think that more firearms laws would lower the crime rate.
It is noteworthy that over a third of the petition signers
thought more laws would make no difference, or would actually
cause an increase in the crime rate.
Finally, petition signers were significantly (Chi Square = .009)
more likely than non-signers to think that gun control laws will
affect criminals.
"Some people say 'Gun control laws affect only law-abiding citizens, criminals will always be able to find firearms.' Do you agree or disagree?" BY "Did you happen to sign the Concordia 'gun control' petition?" |
Laws affect only law-abiding |
Sign Petition? |
No |
Yes |
Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree Number of cases: |
2.3% 13.1% 10.7% 49.3% 24.5% [298] |
3.9% 22.1% 11.3% 44.5% 18.2% [434] |
Figure 7 Some petition signers think laws will affect criminals, but most do not.
Fully 62.7% of those who signed the petition think that gun
control laws only affect the law-abiding. Thus the majority of
the students who signed the petition do not believe that the law
they asked for would reduce the criminal use of guns.
The fact that students who signed the Concordia petition would
have been just as supportive of the present law brings the
meaning of the petition into question. While the sponsors claim
the signers are demanding a prohibition of handguns for
civilians, in fact they have simply exploited the students'
emotional response to the Concordia murders and ignorance of the
law to make this claim.
University students are not always the most informed or
experienced members of society, they are subject to fads and
fashions, and are likely to go along with authority figures who
seem to be asking for popular, "politically correct,"
and "common sense" actions. The fact that 85% of both
the experimental and control groups react favourably to the term,
"handgun prohibition," whether for civilians or not, is
a demonstration of willingness to go along with a
"politically correct" idea.
At a more fundamental level this experiment cast doubt on the
public opinion polls that show a high level of support for
"gun control." Given the lack of salience to most
people, and their ignorance of present law, their opinions are
not held with much force. Some Canadians fear guns, anything
called "gun control" will attract their attention for a
while. No matter what controls are passed the perception of crime
will continue (whether the crime rate is rising or falling) and
they will always be in favour of more "control." When
it comes to an election these Canadians will vote for jobs and
safety, and a politician who supported a gun control measure that
did not reduce the crimes reported in the media will win no
For this large number of concerned citizens an advertising
campaign that emphasized how strict the laws are, and the
government's commitment to enforcing them, would be much more
reassuring than adding yet another law that is so
"tough" it is unenforceable.
For the small group of persons who have a continuing and
passionate commitment to "gun control," given that all
the guns in the world cannot be made to disappear, no law will
ever be "enough." Any politician who makes a compromise
that reflects the reality of the vast expenditures, and the
limited utility, of sweeping regulations and prohibitions, will
be characterized as having caved-in to the "gun lobby"
and will become the enemy. All one has to do is to read the
editorials that appeared after some of the strictest gun laws in
the world were enacted two years ago, or reflect on the support
the Coalition for Gun Control provided for the Conservatives in
the last election, to see that this is so.
Left out of this discussion of public opinion are the minority
who will be affected. When a person suddenly finds himself paying
new fees, facing new regulations, or having his property seized,
for reasons entirely unrelated to his own actions, a strong
reaction is normal.
Gun control thus presents the paradoxical problem of baseless
public opinion to the politician. If he votes on the basis of
public opinion it will make no difference in the publics'
perception of crime, it will alienate those who asked for a new
law, and it will create enemies who will never forget. The motto
of aggrieved gun owners when it comes to elections is "Je
me souviens."
Kleck, Gary.
1991. Point Blank: Guns and Violence in America.
New York: Aldine de Gruyter.
Kopel, David B.
1989. "Media Bias in Coverage of Gun Control: The Press
Evaluates the Popular Culture." Pp. 165-184 in The
Gun Culture and Its Enemies, edited by William R.
Tonso. Bellevue, WA: Merril.
Kukla, Robert J.
1973. Gun Control. Harrisburg, Pa.:
Mauser, Gary A. and M. Margolis.
1992. "The Politics of Gun Control: Comparing Canadian and
American Patterns," Environment and Planning C:
Government and Policy, 10:189-209.
Mauser, Gary A., David B. Kopel
1992. "'Sorry, Wrong Number': Why Media Polls on Gun Control
Are Often Unreliable." Political Communication,
Mauser, Gary A.
1994. "Is There a Need for Armed Self Defense in
Canada?" Paper presented to the Firearms and Society session
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Sudman, Seymour and Norman M. Blackburn.
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Questionnaire Design. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Wright, James D., Peter H. Rossi and Kathleen Daly.
1983. Under the Gun: Weapons, Crime, and Violence in
America. New York: Aldine.
Wright, Christine.
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Young, David W.
1991. Reasonable and Necessary: Defensive Firearms
Ownership and Use in Canada. RN, P.O. Box 312,
Roxboro, Quebec H8Y 3K4.
(1) Presented in the Firearms and Society section of the Law and Society meetings, University of Calgary, 14 June 1994.
(2) H. Taylor Buckner, (Adjunct) Associate Professor of Sociology, Concordia University, 1455 de Maisonneuve W., Montreal, P.Q., H3G 1M8.
(3) According to the Coalition for Gun Control Survey carried out by Angus Reid in September 1993, 86% support registering all guns, 84% want to ban "assault rifles," and 71% want to ban handguns. The questions developed by the Coalition are incredibly loaded and biased, but more importantly were asked in an information vacuum. No attempt was made to inform the respondents of the present law, no mention was made of the costs of the proposals. The responses have as much value as replies to, "Do you think the government should eliminate poverty?"
(4) None with large capacity magazines, one of which he had spent 23 months obtaining, and two of which were registered to his wife. Montreal Gazette. 27 Aug 1992:A1, A7.
(5) Montreal Gazette. 23 September 1992:A3; Globe & Mail. 23 September 1992:A4. When I spoke to the Rector just before he launched the petition he had not done any research on the matter, and was unaware of the small numbers of Canadians killed with legal handguns. There are those in the university who feel the petition was an effort to distract attention from academic mismanagement. If so, it was unsuccessful, the Rector and the Assistant to the Rector who coordinated the petition have both been fired.
(6) How many people signed the petition for these other reasons is unknown. Although there is a strong correlation between favouring some sort of prohibition of handguns and signing the petition which asks for the prohibition of handguns, many people probably signed it to express their outrage at the shootings. One staff member, who was personally involved in bringing the shooting to an end, said to me that he did not agree with the petition, but signed it in order to "do something."
(7) This experiment was suggested by Professor Gary Mauser, of the Faculty of Business Administration, Simon Fraser University.
(8) The same question was asked in 1993, and 51% had signed.
(9) This question was suggested by Professor Gary Mauser.
(10) This question was suggested by David W. Young.
(11) Personally, I would not want to be anywhere in the neighbourhood when most of these students tried to defend themselves with a firearm.