A Mackenzie Institute Occasional Paper
Canadian Attitudes Toward Gun
Control: The Real Story
A. Mauser, Ph.D., Simon Fraser
University, &
Taylor Buckner, Ph.D., Concordia
University (ret'd)
January, 1997
The Mackenzie Institute, P.O. Box 338, Adelaide Station, Toronto, Ontario, M5C
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Canadian Attitudes Toward Gun Control: The Real
- Gary A. Mauser, Ph.D., Simon Fraser University &
Taylor Buckner, Ph.D., Concordia University (ret'd)
Chapter 2. Methodology of the Survey and Analysis
Chapter 3. Canadians and Firearms - Basic Values
Chapter 4. Knowledge and Salience of the Current Gun Control Laws
Chapter 5. Canadians' Perceptions of Problems and Violent Crime
Chapter 6. Opinions on the Utility of Gun Control
Chapter 7. Questions on the Registration of Firearms
Chapter 8. The Confiscation of Handguns
Chapter 10. Issues of Self-Defence
Chapter 11. Issues of Politics
References. Books, Articles and Other Sources 71
Annex B. Cross Tabulations of the Questions by Background and Analytical Variables Because of the length of this annex (exceeding the length of the paper itself), and its limited utility to many general readers, it is published separately. Copies are available from the publisher and have been provided automatically to academic and institutional readers of the paper.